NASL still trying to separate itself from Traffic

Discussion in 'NASL' started by Knave, Jan 26, 2016.

  1. Zoidberg

    Zoidberg Member+

    Jun 23, 2006
    Which is why I think the two year time frame really tells us about what will happen to NASL as a whole.

    Let's face it, you can almost always tell if a lower league team is going to make it fairly quickly.
    These three entries all have real questions about them.

    We will see what else gets attempted with regards to expansion, but as Dan said, there seems to be an old NASL ring to what is going on right now.

    I just don't get the sense that NASL can afford to tread water or only add a couple of viable squads over the next couple of years.

    As I stated earlier, I don't think USL is up to being a D2 challenger just right now, but in five or six years their position will be a lot stronger overall due to MLS stability IMO. If NASL is still doing what they are today....pronlems.
    athletics68 and DanGerman repped this.
  2. mng146

    mng146 Member

    Jul 19, 2011
    Rochester, NY
    I'm starting to wonder if Puerto Rico will even start in the fall season. I haven't seen an announcement of ANYTHING from them. Their web site has one static page. They haven't even posted on their twitter page in over two weeks.

    Miami looks like they'll have a decent team on the pitch, but the business If they weren't in the same media market as an existing team, I'd like their chances better. Slightly.

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