Diaoyutai Islands or Senkaku Islands?

Discussion in 'Politics & Current Events' started by Ludahai, Oct 23, 2002.

  1. Ludahai

    Ludahai New Member

    Jun 22, 2001
    Taichung, Taiwan

    You make a statement like this and you expect me to take the rest of the comments you make of history seriously? The Guomingdang didn't take control of the country until after the Northern Expedition in the mid 1920s. Following the fall of the Qing Dynasty you had Yuan Shikai try to take power like another emperor. When he died, China fell into warlordism for about a decade.


    Part of Mongolia is a part of China, and the ROC government in Taiwan actually claims that Mongolia is in fact a part of China. The reasoning for this is that these territories broke away from Chinese control and China recognizes their independence.

    Yes, and the Chinese also kicked them out.

    Officially however, they hold Taiwan to be a province of CHina and Nanjing is the official capital of the country, and that Beijing is still called Beiping. They also hold Outer Mongolia to be a part of China as well as northerm Myanmar.

    I still haven't seen you answer this question. To you retract your statement about Taiwan only being a part of CHina officially from 1887-1895?
  2. Ludahai

    Ludahai New Member

    Jun 22, 2001
    Taichung, Taiwan
    Lawful succession? Did the ROC lawfully succeed the Qing Dynasty or was it overthrown too? You are really grasping for straws here.

    As for successor regime. Ummm. The PRC government controls 99% of the territory of China and 98% of the population. I think in most books that qualifies as being the successor regime over China.
  3. jamisont

    jamisont Member

    Jan 30, 2002
    Qing was Manchurian dynasty, Chinese can deny Manchurian's occupation, its their right.
    Most countries didnt acknowledge Taliban as Afghanistan's legitimate government, cuz they took over government with violence.
    Thats what happened in China, most western countries didnt acknowledge PRC as legitimate government till mid 70s.
  4. jamisont

    jamisont Member

    Jan 30, 2002
    Yes. Taiwan was 'officially' been part of China for 8 years.
    If Taiwan was already part of China, why Qing declared Taiwan as their territory in 1887?

    btw it will be my last post for this week, Ill be gone for a week.
  5. Chachi King

    Chachi King New Member

    Mar 14, 2002
    Anyone who supports a regime that

    - forces families to kill their infant daughters
    - forces girls to bind their feet
    - kills people practicing falun gong
    - kills people for going to church
    - sends refugees back to certain torture and death in their former land
    - considers the Dalai freakin Lama a war criminal
    - controls the media (133rd out of 134 countries polled by the RSF mediawatch group)
    - kills its own people in failed scientific experiments (remember the wayward space shuttle that destroyed an entire village in Sichuan) and then covers it up
    - oppresses people who are living in their own homeland (e.g. Uighurs) to control a pseudo-empire and then calls them "terrorists"
    - threatens a sovereign nation in Taiwan and threatens other nations with economic and military coercion to keep Taiwan from being able to exist
    - kills democratic protesters in Tiananmen Square AND never apologizes for it, nor do its people censure the government
    - who shoots high school girls up with steroids so that it can win pointless athletic competitions, since its men are inadequate at everything except badminton and ping pong
    - who shoots its national soccer team up with drugs only to have them lose humiliatingly in international play

    is on CRACK.

    FREEDOM for the Chinese people, SUPPORT the Chinese people in their fight against their demonic government. Let's have a real "People's Republic" of China.
  6. shenhua

    shenhua New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
    You've taken idiocy to a new level. Every one of those points is BS but i won't counter any of them because there's no point explaining to fcukheads.
    But the feet binding was just too much, blame the communists for feet binding, very educated. You are just jealous of our great country and wanna talk some smack. Fine i like comedy as much as the next person.
  7. kc123

    kc123 Member

    Jun 29, 2002
    Shenhua is right, this is the highest comedy. If you guys want to be as funny as Chachi, then eat more kimchi.
  8. Chachi King

    Chachi King New Member

    Mar 14, 2002
    sure try to laugh it off, but it's a serious problem. The Chinese people have been oppressed by their government long enough. The Chinese people have been told that capitalism and the West have been the oppressors, but when they find out the truth, the Politburo will have their heads on pikes.

  9. casualfan

    casualfan New Member

    Aug 13, 2002
    FREE THE SOUTH KOREAN PEOPLE. Make them stop trying to act like black people, and make them stop worshipping white man's religion. May your DEAR LEADER from the North liberate your pathetic lives.
  10. Ludahai

    Ludahai New Member

    Jun 22, 2001
    Taichung, Taiwan
    Most of the world, however, recognized the Qing Dynasty as the legitimate government of China until its overthrow in 1911/1912. The primary reason many Western countries (most Eastern European countries as well as third world countries recognized the PRC) didn't recognize the PRC was for geopolitical reasons.
  11. Ludahai

    Ludahai New Member

    Jun 22, 2001
    Taichung, Taiwan
    NOT TRUE. HAVE YOU READ ANY OF MY POSTS?!?!?!? Where do you get this "Qing declared Taiwan as their territory in 1887" BS. They incorporated it as a part of Fujian Province in 1683/1684 (depending upon the source you believe). I gave a whole bunch of historical evidence which you ignored.

    I love how the anti-China folks can come on here, ignore the truth and make stupid comments like this. Then again, it has worked for Chachi King.
  12. shenhua

    shenhua New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
    LOL. Post of the day!
  13. Ludahai

    Ludahai New Member

    Jun 22, 2001
    Taichung, Taiwan
    No need to repsond to Chachi King's idiocy with idiocy of your own. I would like this thread to survive a week of Jamisont being chicken and not posting. Then again, he has acted the chicken by responding to virtually nothing I have posted, merely regurgitating lines I have long ago proven to be falacious.
  14. shenhua

    shenhua New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
    Chachi the freedom fighter! "Heads on pikes" LOL. You mean like Kim Dae-jung's son?
  15. shenhua

    shenhua New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
    Ludahai, what CF wrote is not idiocy, it's the truth.
    South Koreans do (try to) act like black people.
  16. Chachi King

    Chachi King New Member

    Mar 14, 2002
    Taiwan will destroy "PR" C in a war. Why? Because it has American backing. Whose backing does "PR" C have? Nobody's! No one gives a shi# if Jiang Zemin got raped to death by a panda bear in the civilized world. Everyone is waiting for the day Taiwan re-establishes itself as the rightful face of China.

  17. shenhua

    shenhua New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
    Chachi king is definitely the funniest guy i've seen on the board! Everyone in the civilised world is waiting for the DPRK to nuke your sorry a$$ so that it re-establishes itself as the rightful face of Korea.
    Too bad i can't find kimchi in China, it sure makes you funny!
  18. Ludahai

    Ludahai New Member

    Jun 22, 2001
    Taichung, Taiwan
    Actually, you can find pretty good kimchi in Liaoning Province, Dandong City. It is right on the North Korean border on the Yalu River. There is a large Korean community there who will serve up some pretty darn good kim chi.
  19. shenhua

    shenhua New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
    Thanks for the info, but i doubt that i will go to liaoning to get kimchi. What the hell is it anyway, some kind of pickled vegetable? Should have guessed, another ripoff of Chinese food!
  20. shenhua

    shenhua New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
    You got that right! Zheng Chenggong is the man!
    But is that comment supposed to mean anything?
  21. Chachi King

    Chachi King New Member

    Mar 14, 2002
    Yeah Koxinga kicked the imperial Chinese's ass.

  22. Ludahai

    Ludahai New Member

    Jun 22, 2001
    Taichung, Taiwan
    Chachi King - Open your history book sometime. He kicked Dutch ass. His grandson got his butt whipped by the imperial Chinese.
  23. shenhua

    shenhua New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
    WTF! I knew you were stupid but i didn't know you were that stupid!
  24. Ludahai

    Ludahai New Member

    Jun 22, 2001
    Taichung, Taiwan
    I can't believe the mods let him get away with his trolls.
  25. casualfan

    casualfan New Member

    Aug 13, 2002
    this guy was probably a Han, which makes him Chinese.

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