A Solution to Losing the Youngsters?

Discussion in 'Argentina' started by locoxriver, Sep 9, 2006.

  1. locoxriver

    locoxriver Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 22, 2005
    Los Angeles
    CA River Plate
    Nat'l Team:
    An interesting article came out on Clarin today. Aguilar is, finally, doing something good.. And not only to help out River, but to try to benefit all the Argentine clubs.. Thank you! Hopefully they accept the proposal..

    Here's the article:

    La FIFA y el tema juveniles

    El presidente de River José María Aguilar viajará mañana a la noche (junto a su par de Lanús, Juan José Marón), hacia Zurich, Suiza, a un congreso de la FIFA para tratar un tema picante: el mercado de jugadores juveniles.

    En el congreso, Aguilar y Marón intentarán establecer la posición de la Argentina ante la utilización de la ley de la Patria Potestad por la cual varios juveniles argentinos han dejado sus clubes de origen para irse a jugar a Europa. La idea de Aguilar es la de fijar una ley FIFA para que no se puedan robar jugadores que están en formación.

    Esta semana Boca fue el que sufrió este problema ante la decisión de los padres de Emiliano Insúa, de 16 años, de irse al Liverpool de Inglaterra. Y River lo padeció el año pasado cuando Erick Lamela fue tentado por el Barcelona por lo que el club decidió, finalmente, darle al padre del jugador una parte del pase, más un dinero, y la educación paga de Erick y sus dos hermanos de por vida en el Instituto River Plate. Pero en esta temporada Juan Antonio y Maximiliano Oliva también fueron tentados por el Inter de Italia y River tuvo que negociar con sus representantes como si tuvieran edad de profesionales. "No podemos hacerle contrato a los 300 jugadores de fútbol amateur que tenemos", le dijo a Clarín Aguilar, intentando dejar clara la difícil posición de los clubes en este caso.

    For those who don't understand Spanish, here are the main points:

    • Aguilar, the President of River Plate, will fly to Zurich, Sweden tomorrow. The cause? To try to convince FIFA to make a new law that wouldn't allow European clubs to "steal" youngsters while they are currently playing in an Argentine club's lower divisions. Hopefully they accept this law.. It would be good news for every Argentine team, and would make our league a much better league.
    • Boca was the last team to get a player "stolen" from by a European club. Who was it? Emiliano Insua.. The 16 year old youngster left Boca this week to join Liverpool of England.
    • River also has their players in danger.. In the last few weeks, Juan Antonio and Maximiliano Oliva had offers from Inter of Italy and Chelsea of England, respectively. River had to negociate with their representatives to make sure they'd stay. Last year, ''los millonarios' almost lost Erick Lamela to Barcelona, who was barely 12 (or 13) years old at the time. River had to negociate with his family to keep him. They finally reached an agreement after offering a good amount of money, the percentage of a future transfer, and a life-long educational scholarship for Erick and his two brothers.
  2. Moishe

    Moishe Moderator
    Staff Member

    Boca Juniors
    Mar 6, 2005
    Here there and everywhere.
    CA Boca Juniors
    Nat'l Team:
    Zurich, Sweden?:eek: I've always wanted to go there.
  3. locoxriver

    locoxriver Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 22, 2005
    Los Angeles
    CA River Plate
    Nat'l Team:
    lol.. my bad.. meant Switzerland.. I was tired, ok? :p
  4. Illrod3

    Illrod3 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
    Louisville, KY
    CA River Plate
    Nat'l Team:
    Sounds like a good idea, any idea if this could actually be approved by FIFA?
  5. efernandez9

    efernandez9 Member

    Jun 6, 1999
    Joe Pool Lake
    no excuses!:mad:

    good piece of news, I hope a fair rule comes out that meeting
  6. locoxriver

    locoxriver Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 22, 2005
    Los Angeles
    CA River Plate
    Nat'l Team:
    Anybody know what happened to this "proposal"? :confused:
  7. BigSoccer Bot

    BigSoccer Bot I am not real.

    Feb 25, 2005
    [News] Ahora el gran negocio es quedarse con los pibes

    Los empresarios buscan hacer acuerdos con los padres. A veces, los seducen con un viático de 300 pesos por mes o con ropa deportiva.

    Link To Original Article
  8. BigSoccer Bot

    BigSoccer Bot I am not real.

    Feb 25, 2005
    [News] Se los llevan y ya los tientan otras selecciones

    Forestieri fue convocado por la Sub 17 de Italia. La AFA quiere enviar a la FIFA una lista de 150 preseleccionados para evitar que se los roben.

    Link To Original Article
  9. BigSoccer Bot

    BigSoccer Bot I am not real.

    Feb 25, 2005
    News: Los mejores cada vez sacan pasaje más rápido

    Los casos de Higuaín y Gago, con destino español, sumados al de Agüero y al de otros que se irán pronto, testimonian la realidad del fútbol argentino.

  10. BigSoccer Bot

    BigSoccer Bot I am not real.

    Feb 25, 2005
    News: Pichones en fuga

  11. GRBomber

    GRBomber Member

    Sep 12, 2005
    Brasília - Brazil
    Sao Paulo FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Someone has to do something.
    Brazil and Argentina should complain together, because it's a common problem.
    The europeans are going too far with this!
  12. El viejo Matias

    May 21, 2005
    CA Boca Juniors
    Nat'l Team:
    che Efernandez it is fair rule not fare, no excuses OK ?? LOL
  13. Leon12

    Leon12 Member+

    Jan 5, 2006
    Man of the world
    Nat'l Team:
    Nothing can be done about it though (well not for players who are 18 years old and upwards). The european clubs are cash rich, clubs in Brazil and Argentina need the money they can get from these transfers and most importantly the players themselves want to move because they become millionaires overnight.
  14. megamac20817

    megamac20817 Member+

    Jul 9, 2005
    Buenos Aires
    CA River Plate
    Nat'l Team:
    Once they hit 18, they are legally adults in Argentina, so let them decide for themselves. However, it should be illegal for U18 players to be transferred outside of the country, this has to stop.

    While I can understand the role that parents can have on this, it should be illegal for european clubs to approach these players.
  15. locoxriver

    locoxriver Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 22, 2005
    Los Angeles
    CA River Plate
    Nat'l Team:
    :mad: :mad: This is ridiculous!! The kid is barely 11 years old and Real Madrid and Barcelona, as well as other clubs, are already fighting for him. He does have a pretty impressive record, though, scoring 160 goals in 75 games - an average of over 2 goals per game.

    The sad part is that European scouts are all over the place.. Before there would be a rare case where they would take a youngster from River or Boca's lower divisons, but now they take them from anywhere.. This kid plays for Fundación Pozo del Molle.. Fundacion de que?!? I don't know about you guys, but I've never even been closed to hearing a word about this team. This just shows how the Europeans are looking in every segment of land in Argentina for future stars now.
  16. bosterosoy

    bosterosoy New Member

    Jan 22, 2007
    In a House
    It's ridiculous, but that's the price south america has to pay for having such superior footballing talent compared to the european teams:cool:
  17. Illrod3

    Illrod3 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
    Louisville, KY
    CA River Plate
    Nat'l Team:

    Really its more of an economic problem. If their parents didn't see it as a way to solve all of their financials then they wouldn't be under so much pressure to turn these kids into pros at such a young age. I can't imagine having so much expectative and pressure at 11 (I was still playing with my GI Joes and Hi-Mans probably) And as talented as they might be, they are still a huge gamble not to mention that these kids lose their childhood. As long as we keep being a 3 world nation (low second at best) this will continue.
  18. Paul_NL

    Paul_NL Red Card

    May 18, 2006
    Why ban somebody who is looking for a better future?
  19. BigSoccer Bot

    BigSoccer Bot I am not real.

    Feb 25, 2005
    News: El negocio con los pibes futbolistas: cada vez más chicos

    Los empresarios los buscan y ellos, precoces jugadores, se van a Europa con sus padres y con todas las ilusiones. Esta es la historia de Federico San Millán, quien llegó a España a los 13 años, y ya está practicando en Getafe. También se probará en Real y Atlético.

  20. BigSoccer Bot

    BigSoccer Bot I am not real.

    Feb 25, 2005
    News: La AFA pretende evitar el "robo" de los pibes

    El Comité Ejecutivo resolvió no autorizar partidos, giras y torneos amistosos a los equipos de divisiones inferiores de los clubes afiliados.

  21. Paul_NL

    Paul_NL Red Card

    May 18, 2006
    Re: News: La AFA pretende evitar el "robo" de los pibes

    I laughed my ass off when I red this

    Funny stuff
  22. Pecho Frio

    Pecho Frio New Member

    Feb 4, 2007
    Ali Sami Yen
    slightly off-topic but, Eric Lamela had come to Turkey 1-2 years ago, and did some tricks in the big Istanbul stadia, in front of crowds of 30.000. I even talked with the kid :) He seemed scared as hell. I wonder which financial organisation made a good money out of it. It's just wrong to use kids, I mean, bringing him to Istanbul, from BA ? That's just crazy.
  23. BigSoccer Bot

    BigSoccer Bot I am not real.

    Feb 25, 2005
    News: Pacheco, otro talento en fuga hacia España

    El padre, quien fuera técnico de las divisiones infantiles de Vélez, utilizó la patria potestad para llevárselo.

  24. BigSoccer Bot

    BigSoccer Bot I am not real.

    Feb 25, 2005
    News: Hay un boom de los chicos detrás del de los grandes

    Un fenómeno que tiene una inversión de 90 mil dólares y que moviliza a 10 mil pibes.

  25. locoxriver

    locoxriver Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 22, 2005
    Los Angeles
    CA River Plate
    Nat'l Team:
    Here is another interesting article in Spanish about the youngsters leaving to Europe.

    Damn, when is this shit going to end?! :(

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