A quick scan reveals no discussion of Zarco's suspension from the SJ game last week for violation of team rules. Jeffries indicated to the DMNews that it was handled internally and he was ready to move on. The speaks volumes toward Jeffries' style...one could argue both positively and negatively. More importantly, however, the lack of details communicated to the masses (that I've read, anyway) is to be applauded.
Let's just hope that Zarco is out of the dog house and back into the lineup this Wed so we will NEVER have to watch Olivares again!
Zarco has been and will continue to be on the dog house until the season is over. The reason why the coach won't give any details,is because they were both at fault..... 15/30
Interesting. I was wondering why he didn't play Saturday night, granted I don't follow the Burn all that closely. Maybe I should pay more attention.
So what could he have done that was so horrible that Jeffries allowed the a$$kicking we got from SJ and the loss of 3 points against Colorado? Maybe we would have had the same end results in those games, but I doubt it. I am starting to think maybe it's Jeffries with the problems. What ever happened to putting the team before individuals? Or does that only apply to players and not the coach?
The Zarco situation of 2002 is all too similar to the Graziani issue of 2001. I will eat 3rd degree's proverbial hat if Zarco is here next year. It is a shame too. Zarco is one of the best 3 players in the history of the franchise. La locura rojinegra.
Watch a game tape from last Saturday. Even when all alone with the ball he looked like he didn't know how to dribble. No plan, NO defense. Standing around during the first Rapid goal. My dog plays better ball. Ship him out, use my FedEx account.
how dumb can mls be? how or why would they hire a player that got fired from his last club for being to slow and to useless?