SC Heerenveen is interested in Yuki Kobayashi from club Jubilo Iwata. They want to use the result of the trial about work permits for Japanese nationals under the "most favourite nations treaty to avoid having to pay the over the top minimum wage for non EU residents. Comment of a supporter: "Een Japanner in Heerenveen, die hadden we nog niet. Als hij net zo goed is als Shinii Ono destijds, dan van harte welkom! Meestal staan Japanners bekend als harde werkers, dus als hij een stukje mentaliteit meebrengt, is hij een welkome versterking." " A Japanese in Heerenveen, which we did not have before. If he is as good as Shinii Ono at the time, then welcome! Commonly Japanese are known as hard workers , so if he brings a bit of attitude/mentality , he will be a welcome enhancement . "
The latest rumors suggest that Kobayashi is gonna on trial on the 27th I find it slightly humiliating personally but a bit less if it was his agent who proposed him to the club and not vice-versa