A rather Dour outlook on the future. Some points worth taking note of though. Scary to think where we may be in, say, three years time if we don't make the big time in European football and get our financial house in order.
I don't know that seems an overly pessimistic view of the situation. Cole and Forssell are dismissed completely, that shows how bonkers the writer is in my book. Yes we are short in midfield and right now is the time to buy some bargains. We don't have the money though so I don't see the point in ranting about it. If we win today we are 2nd in the table, why do some people always feel the need to look on the wrong side of everything? Yes Holland and Riggott (currently valued at 3 mil - good god thats a steal) would be great Englishmen to bring into Chelsea. But let's play with what we've got for now. Keenan will see some time this season (I'd rather see him in CM than Morris) and Cole has already. Whoever wrote this obviously does not have the patience and long term view that we discussed in that thread last week. I am extremely frustrated with those who believe the only solution is to buy, and who will not even give the benefit of the doubt to the current squad.