...but do you remember how utterly shocked the Republicans were that Bill Clinton would dare sully the White House by allowing big-time contributors to sleep over? Turns out they were just kidding. Here's a list of big personal contributors to the Bush Campaign. And here's the White House overnight guest list!
I'm sorry, but doesn't this practice go back even further than Clinton? I mean, no offense to the man, but he wasn't the first one to think of it.
If that's the case, how do you explain the mass freakout when Clinton did it? I mean, handing out goodies to people who backed the winning candidate is an American political tradition dating back at least as far as Marbury v. Madison. It's not the most attractive element in politics, but it's the way things work, and I'm basically OK with it. What's unconscionable to me is when one side makes political hay out of the other guys doing it and then turn around and do it themselves. To put it more bluntly: when Republicans claimed they were offended by Clinton renting out the Lincoln Bedroom, they were lying. Shouldn't that bother me?
Sure, if politicians lying actually gets to you anymore. Sort of like the Democrats making political hay out of corporate donations to the GOP? That's politics.
Uhh, hello? The Clintons were SELLING overnight stays in exchange for cash. You know, $50,000 gets you a night in the White House guest quarters, $100,000 and you get a night in the Lincoln bedroom. They were whoring out the White House in exchange for money. The people staying at the Bush White House are long-time friends and relatives. Sure, of course some of them have helped with fundraising in the past. That's quite a difference than letting Markie Post and Linda Bloodworth Thomasson JUMP on Lincoln's bed like little schoolgirls...which they did (I've seen the pictures) when Clinton was head chief, no pun intended.
Re: Re: You're never ever going to believe this... Aww, isn't that so adorably naive? He thinks the Bush administration would be above such sullying of our nation's heritage. Gosh, how innocent. Are you sure you're old enough to post, Ian? I think Rush Limbaugh is about, oh, three weeks away, tops, from coming right out and saying "When a Republican does it, it's okay."
Dan, Your politics and the misguided like you might be the one thing that actually makes me want to leave LA.
I was really concerned about Bush selling favors, but dawgpound2's excelent and fully documented thesis really changed my mind. Bush the Younger truely is a man of integrity.
Dear Mr. Bush: I am concerned about your use of overnight stays at the White House as a perquisite given to major campaign donors. Please try harder to uphold the integrity of the White House and the responsibility that the President position brings. Best regards, Warren G. Harding
Dear Mr Harding, Perhaps you have me confused with some other former President who sullied the office in numerous ways, including selling nights in the Lincoln Bedroom. Besides, what does "prequisite" mean, anyway? Don't they have spellcheck down there (six feet under)? Kiss my rich, living @ss, GWB
Dear Dubya, Where the fork do you of all people get off running SpellingSmack? What's next, your dad running two-term president smack? Sincerely, William Jefferson "Big Bubba" Scoreboard
Dear Dub, Considering the common usage of the "open letter" format of BigSoccer, methinks you need to learn about the concept of "irony". You know, like, someone who complains about the integrity of the White House when he sold the entire country down the river for a few extra bucks? It's a hell of a concept, that irony.... Best regards, obie P.S.: If the best you can really do is bitch about spellchecking when there is no spellchecking error, even in your quoted version of the post, I'd say the substance of your argument sucks.
Dear Mr. Bush: I am concerned about your use of overnight stays at the White House as a perquisite given to major campaign donors. Please try harder to uphold the integrity of the White House and the responsibility that the President position brings. Best regards, Richard M. Nixon
Dear Bubba, What's got your panties all in a bunch? Impeach this. The Prez P.S. Bring on the little Miss Rodham in 2004. I'll show her what Smack I've got, since you certainly ain't giving it to her.
Dear Dubya, Stop pretending you're president. Go back to your "vacation". And stop using my stationery. Sincerely, Dick Cheney from an undisclosed secret potty