Your New Favorite Mod

Discussion in 'Queens Park Rangers' started by Michael K., Aug 27, 2002.

  1. Michael K.

    Michael K. Member

    Mar 3, 1999
    There or Thereabouts
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Hi everyone,

    Just a short note to let everyone know that I'll be taking over the mod-ship of this forum.

    We're all adults here, we're all R's supporters (pretty much), and this has been a nice civil forum through its short existence (we'll see what happens when a cup tie involving Chel**** comes around), so only a few things remain to be said.

    As your new mod, here's 'My Pledge To You'

    I will be ruling this place with an iron fist couched in a steel wool glove. Dissent can not and will not be tolerated. Toleration will barely be tolerated in my little Bigsoccer fiefdom.

    With my newfound clout, I plan to go on a ego-drunk, revenge-fuelled power trip the likes of which would have caused to Robespierre to cower in a corner soiling himself. Step out of line in here, and you'll get it. Got it?


    Just kidding, of course. I'm here and I plan to make myself and my 'modding' (as it were) as invisible as possible. Shoot me a PM if anything comes up, otherwise we'll all just enjoy a season of automatic promotion and (God willing for once) a decent R's cup run.

  2. Peakite

    Peakite Member

    Mar 27, 2000
    Halifax Town
    Didn't you have your quota in '82?

  3. ross from st paul

    ross from st paul New Member

    Sep 13, 2001
    gold river, CA
    Queens Park Rangers FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    well, michael,
    consider me cowered a la robespierre (sans the soiling, of course)!!! :)

    let's go, r's...

    quakes and QPR
  4. jamison

    jamison Member

    Sep 25, 2000
    [enter something outrageous requiring mod decision for which I can attack him later here]

    Congratulations and welcome aboard. We're all looking forward

    You've long been a valued and respected member of the bigsoccer family. You will now see life from the other side of the coin, killing everyone you don't like because it makes you feel better (only kidding).

    Now might be a good time to mention I am utterly ignorant of everything QPR, aside from their basic existence (which is to say I support Arsenal) and the fact they rent their ground to Fulham. Thank you.
  5. QPR Kevin H

    QPR Kevin H BigSoccer Supporter

    May 23, 2001
    Silver Spring, MD
    Queens Park Rangers FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Ireland Republic
    Here's an interesting stat for you Jamison. Teams finishing "Top London club" since 1971...

    Arsenal 17
    QPR 6
    Spurs 6
    West Ham 1
    Chelsea 1
    Fulham 0

    Now you know a little more about us. And no matter what division the team lies in - we are numero uno in the moral superiority table.
  6. Michael K.

    Michael K. Member

    Mar 3, 1999
    There or Thereabouts
    Nat'l Team:
    United States

    When I get around to stumping up for membership, that'll be my quote.
  7. Alberto

    Alberto Member+

    Feb 28, 2000
    Northern, New Jersey
    New York Red Bulls
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I just want to say we're all counting on you.

    I just want to say we're all counting on you!

  8. Footix

    Footix Member

    Dec 11, 1998
    Left Of The Dial that what the kids are calling it these days?

  9. Frieslander

    Frieslander Member
    Staff Member

    Feb 14, 2000
    North Jersey
    <whisper>psst... Mike, you're a mod now. You can have a sig.</whisper>
  10. ross from st paul

    ross from st paul New Member

    Sep 13, 2001
    gold river, CA
    Queens Park Rangers FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    >>Teams finishing "Top London club" since 1971...

    Arsenal 17
    QPR 6
    Spurs 6
    West Ham 1
    Chelsea 1
    Fulham 0 <<

    interesting, no orient (that was a admittedly poor one). speaking of which, how seriously are r's taking the cup tie?
  11. QPR Kevin H

    QPR Kevin H BigSoccer Supporter

    May 23, 2001
    Silver Spring, MD
    Queens Park Rangers FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Ireland Republic
    They had better be serious. What, would we be resting our players for the LDV? :)
  12. Atouk

    Atouk BigSoccer Supporter

    DC United
    Apr 16, 2001
    Arlington, VA
    Queens Park Rangers FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I expect they'll take it seriously, but we likely can't send out a first-choice side. Five of the guys from the 4-0 triumph on the weekend aren't available: Royce and Thomas' teams don't want them cup-tied, Bircham and Bean are serving suspensions for a red, and Furlong has a slight hamstring problem. Then again, they may not have all started even if they were, as that's not really our Best XI.

    So, into the lineup goes Fraser Digby (who hasn't played all season, but who seemed a fairly good keeper in the second half of last season), and returning to the lineup will likely be at least Matthew Rose and Clarke Carlisle. Any word on Doudou?

    According to the club site, we may start Thomson and Pacquette up top, with Gallen in reserve, which may indicate Olly isn't throwing 100% of what he could at the game, but it looks like we'll be playing a pretty representative lineup.

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