Oswaldo,Osorio,Marquez,Salcido,Pineda,Ramonsito,Perez,Zinha,Pardo Cuah,Borguetti Subs Medina Kikin Cabrito
Corona, Osorio, Marquez, Salcido, Lozano, Pardo, Sinha, Ramonsito, Kikin, Borgetti, uhh... maybe Cuah.. but he's not really one of my favorite people OR players. Subs Medina Chiquis Altamirano
Oswaldo, Marquez, Osorio, Salcido, Pineda, Torrado, Pardo,Ramoncito,Zinha,Kikin, Borghetti Subs: Memo Ochoa,Corona,Gringo Castro,Hugo Sanchez,Pity,Gerardo Galindo,Jaime Lozano,L.E. Perez,Cuah,Medina, Marquez Lugo,Loco Garcia But it could change depending on how well these players play in the coming year. Aaron Galindo and Carmona Fvcked up or else I would have put them in there.
PORTEROS: 1) Oswaldo Sanchez 2) Jesus Corona 3) Memo Ochoa DEFENSA: 4) Rafa Marquez 5) Carlos Salcido 6) Ricardo Osorio 7) Mario Mendez 8) Gringo Castro 9) Joaquin Beltran MEDIOS: 10) Pavel Pardo 11) Ramon Morales 12) Jaime Lozano 13) Gerardo Torrado 14) Luis Perez 15) Gonzalo Pineda 16) Gerardo Galindo 17) Juan Pablo Garcia 18) Rafa Medina DELANTEROS: 19) Cuauhtemoc Blanco 20) Jared Borgetti 21) Kikin Fonseca 22) Omar Bravo 23) Alberto Medina
Here's my squad: Oswaldo, Marquez, Salcido, Osorio, Pineda, Pardo, Ramoncito, Cuah, Torrado(he needs to work on his conditioning though), Borgetti and Kikin
U know i've always wondered why Lavolpe doesn't give Rafael Medina a chance. Come on if u he can give israel lopez a shot why not rafa? i'm not saying he should necesarily be on the WC roster, but how come he hasn't gotten a chance. b4 the gold cup started i read somewhere the Rafa Medina was gonna get a call up, so what happened to that?
I kind of agree with Antonio Moreno... we should already have our squad and we dont. Fco J. Gonzales and Antonio Moreno were debating about the team and about not having a replacement for Borgetti. Moreno hit the nail right on the head. I got the sensation that Gonzales was trying to defend Lavolpe by saying he should no be blamed for Mexico not producing. The blame should be on the clubs. Moreno agreed but said something that was key.... he said... there is a difference between blame and responsibility. La Volpe has been in Mexico 25 years, campaigned for the job, knew what he had, and should assume complete responsibility. Thats how I have always felt. The NT coach is not a youth coach and is not a developmental coach. No one pointed a gun at Lavolpe, no one forced him. He should take responsibility
I agree too that Rafa Medina deserves another call up. He did good in the friendly vs. Poland (his only call up) I would say that Lavolpe already has his mind made up about the squad he is going to take to the WC. My guess is he has 80-85% of the team already. To me the only positions undecided are back up goalie and another forward and midfielder. To answer the question about who to replace Borgetti, I think Santiago Fernandez or Aldo DeNigris
Aldo De Nigris should definately get a call to the NT. it wouldn't hurt to try out other forwards like Sergio Santana, Ismael Iniguez (who was suppose to go the Copa Oro), Aaron Padilla (he has to play for more than 20 min a game), and Oribe Peralta.
Ok, so then he must be really freaken bad if Israel Lopez can get a shot and he can't. Come on how can u just say that someone sucks, all i said was for him to get a shot, in fact i even said he didn't need to be on the WC roster, just for him to get a shot. and if he sux then please present some other viable candidates
Oswaldo Sanchez Jose de Jesus Corona Memo Ochoa Rafael Marquez Carlos Salcido Ricardo Osorio Hugo Sanchez Gringo Castro Diego Martinez Jaime Lozano Ramoncito Morales Gonzalo Pineda Pavel pardo Gerardo Torrado Luis Ernesto Perez Jerry Galindo Cuauhtemoc Blanco Jared Borgetti Omar Bravo Francisco Fonseca Rafael Marquez Lugo Juan pablo garcia Alberto Medina of course, this is my ideal team... that is, if all the players were "en su momento"........ oh yea, NO EXTRANJEROS! -------------------------OSWALDO----------------------- --------OSORIO----------MARQUEZ---------SALCIDO------ -GRINGO----------PARDO---------TORRADO--------LOZANO -----------------------CUAUHTEMOC---------------------- -------------FONSECA----------------BORGETTI-----------
I like yoru line-up. Maybe skip Torrado, but you have it noted if they were in there moment. Wait,Ramon Morales for Lozano. That's it, perfect.
Yeah I know could'nt think of anyone else and he hasn't been doing to well maybe he can find his rhythm in the coming year, another candidate would be Omar Bravo,but haven't seen him do much with the Sele but who knows maybe just needs a little more time?
Forgot about these two definitely Beltran not as fast but I think he is a very good defender, as for Rafa Medina didn't watch many chivas games this past season but I think he was doing good the previous one when they made it to the final except of course for the penalties which mexico has been known to choke in for the past few matches i've seen not all players but there's always one that does.
-------------------------OCHOA----------------------- ------------------------MARQUEZ ----------------------- --------OSORIO------------------------------SALCIDO------ -GRINGO----------PARDO---------TORRADO--------LOZANO -----------------------CUAUHTEMOC---------------------- -------------R.Morales----------------BORGETTI-----------
Dude, i'm a fan of ochoa and everything, he is a good keeper and will definately be a national keeper someday, but i seriously doubt he would start in the world cup. something like the wc requires a keepr w/experience and leadership (i.e. oswaldo) and i'm not just saying this cuz i'm a chivas fan. i'm saying this cuz i trully believe ochoa is not ready to start at the wc level, in 2010 he will probably be the NT keeper, but not right now
the thread is called " Your "Ideal" Squad for the W/C " thats just My opnion... Oswaldo is good dont get me wrong.. but this past couple of years his game level dropped... IMO hes not Mexicos best golie anymore.... mabye not even Second... Probally Third.. Yeah i aggre that u need a keeper with experiance.. but experiance is not always everything.. look at conejo.. i hope u dont think he would do a better job then Ochoa Or Corona ?? and hes got tons of experiance... Im pretty sure if Ochoa woulda got a chance at GK in Copa De Oro mabye they would of still been in it.. casue he wouldnt do the same mistakes as munoz big fat ass.
As much as I didn't like Lavolpe's tactics in the Confed Cup I still have to give kudos to Oswaldo for playing a killer tournament. Best performance I've seen in a while from the guy and hopefully he can keep it up.