OK...enough dwelling on the economics and politics and whatever BS is out there on the demise of our beloved WUSA...let's take the time to jog the memory and remember all the great memories that will stay with us from the past three seasons...both on the field and off.... * My first ever WUSA match at Spartan Stadium back in 2001. I saw the Beat beat the Cheetorays 1-0 I think. I got to sit with some of the Rayistas and met folks like ggayle, Noah Elliot, Nap, clavs, MidfielderMom. I made a "Go Beat!" sign and Nikki Serlenga smiled and waved at me! As I was hanging out at the tailgate before the match...lo and behold here come the Cheetorays walking around and mingling with folks. HOLY CRAP I thought! I finally got up the nerve to pose with B-Chaz and Vench for a pic...Vench was hella tan. Overall what a great experience...the vibe in Spartan was tremendous and I knew right then and there that I would be making more trips down to San Jose. * Finally blowing chunder on Mia Hamm when I finally met her (thank you Cynthia!!!) at RFK in 2001. * The All-Star Gala in Portland. What a wonderful night! Got to sit with caddisfly and sat right next to the very beutiful Jen Tietjen. I also got Mia to sign a birthday card for LoTheLurker. * Meeting Frenchie in 2001 at Summers in Arlington, VA. She saw our "Whalen Sucks!" sign on our table. LOL * Meeting Beene several weeks ago at the Western Idaho Fair. * Finally seeing my Beat and Freedom play at RFK in 2001 and then getting hit with a crapload of rain. Only bad part of that day was Mia was serving a one game suspension cuz of too many damn yellows. She earned her fourth the previous week fouling Mac from behind at Torero. SOB! * Watching the Inaugural Game on TV. I was beaming with pride that I finally had a league I could more or less dedicate my heart and soul into. More later...
going to the inagural beat game at bobby dodd, not knowing who briana scurry or cindy parlow was. falling in love w/ player of the game munchkin cp's game winning golden goal against the charge in the 2001 playoffs.
Moments come in all sizes.. some of the most routine ones are some of the most magical ones. *Walking on just-warm-enough FieldTurf (the down side- picking those annoying black rubber pellets out of the toe cracks ..) *Tribute to a Champion Game- 14 September 2002. Michelle Akers in a WUSA uni! The ENTIRE night was incredible- the tribute video was 7 minutes and change of magic. *Watching Maren Meinert notch her 30th assist on a brilliant goal by Dagny Mellgren- 23 July 2003; and watching Dagny score her first WUSA hatrick- 13 July 2003 vs Philly. *Standing, watching, anticipating- doing a job to perfection and be gratefully told so afterwards. *The sound of trucks honking their horns as they passed Nickerson during a game... their respect, appreciation was great *Watching the magic of the league unfold time after time again.. and knowing the extreme work of which it was a result. *Sharing moments and memories of a lifetime with my greatest friends.. on and off the pitch.. bringing people to unexpected laughter- just for the sake of a laugh, a smile.. *Watching Pia coach- there is no other comparable experience. *Being a part of the greatest thing ever- witih the greatest people. Wonderful Unique Supreme Association not the best acronym..but.. it's been a long few days.
My favorite WUSA memory was the last game that I saw live. The Beat / SD semifinal was incredible. The fans went absolutely nuts! I will always remember that game. Thanks to my Beatniks and thanks to all of the WUSA players for putting on a great show!
My favorite moments...hmmm...I'll probably have to add to this over the next few days when new favorite moments come to me... * Going to FC2 and getting plenty of autographs from Brandi, Tisha, Lilly, Sobrero, Pearce. Freak out moment of the pre-match festivities was Tiffeny Milbrett walking by me. It's easy to get me to stare when a NT player walks by. * Watching Mia swing in a gorgeous goal during FC2. The Freedom didn't win, but I feel priviledged to have been in the stands when that ball went in. * Acquiring a new favorite. I never thought I'd see another player to rival Mia for my affections, but Abby does a great job. She grew into herself and had the best striker on the planet to show her what to do well and how to do it better. * FC3. I haven't been that happy at the end of a soccer game since 1999.
*Boston finally succeeding into becoming one of the top teams lead by Pia and the amazing girls. *getting to know the new players each year as rookies. *the excitement I felt before watching the games (unfortunately not able to go to a match, was planning on next year, hopefully I will see a match sometime....when the league is revived) *seeing Carla come so far back and out on that field! *seeing the excellence of professional women's soccer *the little children in the stands covered in paint, supporting their teams and "looking into their heroes eyes"
Being a fan of the worst team in the league during the first half of the 2001 season.....watching that team grow.....(oh, Keysh, that was a beautiful run!)and climb in the standings, finally making it! Getting BC to sign my C-Rays hat at a USWNT game halfway through that season. Her grabbing that hat out of a crowd of people and showing it to her Nat teammates. "CyberRays.....YES!" Being down on all 4's in the middle of the living room during the PK's of Founder's Cup I, with one kid laughing, sitting on my back, another sleeping beside us. Murray's penalty kick going in........jumping around, screaming scaring the crap out of my kids. Coming to BS, finding more soccer freaks to share my passion with. But most of all the courage to DREAM BIG!
-Getting to see the players of all of the teams at that first spring training held at the ARCO US Olympic Training Center. Meeting some of the players, especially the international ones. Meeting some fellow BS fans, including Ace. Seeing Mac & Berly trying to do a PSA, as Berly keeps fluffing her lines... -The first home game, at night, to a capacity crowd. Seeing 'Hector the Spectre' there. -The first home win, also at night, as Mac scores both goals, beating the Freedom 2-0. -Fan Yunjie, collapsed to her knees after that 1-0 loss. -Going to Spartan to watch the only game that the Spirit would play there that first year, seeing Joy score in her first game back. And enjoying my interaction with the C-Ray fans, who were great! -The last game of the first season, with the comeback capped by Mac's spectacular goal (and seeing Kristin and Carla sitting on the ramp, watching the last of the game there because of the ejections ). Seeing Carla's boy and Joy's girls running around on the field afterwards. -Getting to talk to Joy, Mac, Fleets, Flo and Mercy at an event that had only a few of us season ticket holders there. -Attending a viewing of Bend It Like Beckham at a special showing attended by the Spirit. -Attending FC3 seeing players and coaches walking around, having the SJ & NY coaches sit right behind me.
I don't have any personal experiences, cause I'm poor and can't afford to travel. However, I never thought I could read a PBP and be just as excited or nervous as watching a game. Oh, and the foudy bitch slap will forever be in my heart.
In no particular order after #1- 1. The inagural match. WOW! Was I excited. That moment was a sort of homecoming for me as a life long sports fan. The build up to that game was intense and I can remember getting teary as the open graffics and the first shots of RFK flew across my new 42 inch... that I bought for the sole purpose of the WUSA... and my DirecTV... that I got for the sole purpose of getting SInews channel. *Going to FCII. A whirlwind day. Met every player that was there. I have a ball with about 30 sigs. Getting to sing happy birthday to Kate. Uh telling Akers the only thing missing in the WUSA was her and Carin. Gettin pic with both Mich and carin. * Having buterflies in my stomach the whole 90 mins of that match. *Seeing Mia come off the bench to add yet another page in the gospell of The Church of Seven Minutes. Bar none her goal in FCII is my all time favorite. *Getting to give Carla a hug, getting a pic with her in my full Freedom regalia. But that didn't matter. At that moment it was an interaction between soccer fan and soccer Goddess. *The DH at RFK in April. Brandi signed my SI cover. *FCIII my Freedom Homerism obligates me to say.... Hell freakin' yeah!!! The Freedom got to raise the cup.
This thread made me tear up. --- For all the memories that I have of the WUSA, the best has to be the friends that I have made. There are people that I would never have met (and many that I still haven't met!) had it not been for this league. And some of my WUSA memories... Opening day for the Beat at Bobby Dodd. I don't know who was more excited to be there, me or my daughter. I thought my heart was gonna jump out of my chest the entire game and I was hooked from that moment. Nikki's goal. You Beat fans know which one. Roadtrips to Cary to "stalk" the players. Flying chicken and tequila shots. I still hate that town. Sitting close enough to the players bench to hear Tommy...not that you had to sit too close for that. The semi against SD. That has to be one of the most exciting games that I have ever seen. It's fitting that it may be the last that I ever see. Let's hope not.
I never got to see a WUSA game in person. I wish I would have, but, living in the midwest makes it difficult. But, I watched as much as I could, Tivo'd what I missed live. I'm really going to miss them. As far as memories. The first Founders Cup. Hell of a game. This years Founders Cup, even better. All these players that I've come to know and love from watching this league. No real vivid memory really stands out - just lots of good ones rolled into an amazing three years that are going to be hard to replace.
- Midway through the inaugural season, Bay Area at Boston. Future C'Ray Keri Sanchez (then Raygor) nails Chastain with a nasty tackle at midfield, right in front of the team benches, as she releases a pass. The referee yells, "Play on!" as the ball arrives to Sissi who knocks it into Venturini at the top of the penalty area. Tisha drives it home past Ducar from 20 yards. Incredible talent on the pitch and a great non-call by Peter Kokolski. - Pia singing at the Breakers' 2003 preseason press conference. - Three years watching Maren Meinert work her magic. The field is her fantasy land. - Three years watching Kristine Lilly, the energizer bunny of soccer. Or maybe she's a weeble, the way she gets back up after being knocked down. - Seeing the growth of Angela Hucles from season 1 to season 2. - Being on the field after FC I. - Knowing that this league will be back, but it will never be the same.
well guess it doesnt matter if whalen gets better now. guess ALL my money will be spent on concerts now. soccer what? but i guess to keep with the topic. the games i went to were fun. I met my favorite playing in the whole world. i met tons of other players i thought were awesome. met some cool people on the boards and will have lasting friendships with them. guess it wasnt a loss.
Why? There is the W-League. While they currently have no team in SC, maybe there will be one now. There is also college soccer. Until WUSA Mark II comes along (and it will come along) you can watch that. And the Nats are still around. Do not be so quick to surrender.
Favorite WUSA memories: July 8, 2001 at Spartan Stadium-watching the 'Rays beat the Power 1-0. Just actually being in the stands and knowing that I was seeing history in the making. August 25, 2001-Tisha's late game-tying goal and Muzza's championship-winning PK in the Inaugural Founder's Cup.
A couple of favorite moments: 1) Monica Gerardo's goal against Philadelphia in the 2002 playoffs 2) Abby Wambach's goal to win FC3 3) Meeting with the Freedom front office staff and letting them know how necessary and easy it is to have a Supporters' Club section at RFK 4) Every minute of every game I spent with the Crusaders. We worked so hard to fulfill our own personal dreams for women's soccer and received almost nothing in exchange for it. But that's life. We'll move on to other things and I don't regret a single moment or a single action from the last three seasons. https://www.bigsoccer.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=72544
Actually getting to be on the field at Herndon Stadium while the Courage were celebrating. It was a struggle to stay "professional" and not be a "fan".
"Dad there are women out there!" (1) "Dad there are women out there!" That is a direct quote of my daughter looking out at RFK watching warm-ups. This was not her first soccer game and I think she was still expecting to see DC United. (2) Watching Jen Grubb play defense with such heart (and finally getting a title). (3) Abby mature as a player--the first time she played for Washington you just knew she would be good. The dividends this league will pay for US soccer! (4) The rally at RFK after the FCII (and the promise). The rally at RFK after the FCIII (the promise kept). (5) The play of all the women finally getting their shot on the big stage.