Hey now, let's not be bustin on Billy Joel's musical abilities here, OK,l thems fightin words. However he drives like a red-stater. disclosure - I did grow up within spitting distance of the Nassau Mausoleum - hell I still go to the occassional Long Island Rough Rider game right across the street. And I will go see Moving Out under pain of death. I despise Twyla Tharp's work.
I have to agree on this one. The few times I had BBQ - vinegar did not do it for me. and My liking of "Rebels" will go as far as Eli Manning's arm takes it
-- the day after a presidential election in which the Republicans won, one house on your block is flying a Canadian flag and another is flying a United Nations flag... (...swear to God, within one block of Mountain View Ave. in Mountain View, CA, I saw this when walking my dog...both flags are still up...)
That's why we all get misty eyed thinking what might have been if he hadn't been shot by one of his own men....
No, the best thing to happen to the Union Army was that somebody figured out it might be a good idea to get some guys up on Little Round Top.
Like I said, they'll take them back. There's a box for disposal near the front entrance, but if you reuse at the checkout they'll give you 5 cents per bag. Almost makes up for the extra $40 per trip you spend for the organic, free-range, fair-trade feta. Which brings up a couple other blue-state truisms: -- You have willingly eaten blue cheese in non-salad dressing form. -- Your favorite "salty snack" is anchovy. -- You know the difference between "certified organic" and "transitional organic".
...when the federal government takes money from your state to give to the people in states that hate the federal government.
you go to work out at the gym and the only ones who check out your ass are the members of your own sex.
At an exclusive high society party you see old ladies so sensitive that they are crying about world poverty, and their tears fall into their crystal goublets and tragically dillute the taste of their Dom Perignon champagne.