YNT-Eligible MLS Players, 2024 In-Season Thread

Discussion in 'Youth National Teams' started by Sandon Mibut, Feb 24, 2024.

  1. MuchoTakeItEasy

    MuchoTakeItEasy Member+

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    Time to go back to the owners ranch?
  2. ussoccer97531

    ussoccer97531 Member+

    Oct 12, 2012
    Yeah, Columbus has been doing a good job too. Not as much recruiting out of territory as those clubs I named (they do some), but I think they are starting to blend all of it well (recruiting, developing, integrating).
  3. ussoccer97531

    ussoccer97531 Member+

    Oct 12, 2012
    Part of it is talent, not all. You are definitely right that they had an expanded territory with more talent in the past and didn't do too much better. Right now though, I'm pretty sure their territory is Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and a small part of Missouri (the Western-most part). Those are not really big soccer states. Also, I could be wrong, but would SKC have had access to the St. Louis area players or would it be Chicago Fire? It's not clear to me that these St. Louis area players (the majority of the better players you see produced by Missouri) were at SKC before STLC SC joined MLS. I believe they have had access to the Kansas City area players in Missouri as part of their territory, but it seems like that's not an area that produces as many players.

    I think Pierre had some pretty extensive hamstring injuries that cost him a lot of time on the sidelines, and then Davis kind of took his spot.
  4. thedukeofsoccer

    thedukeofsoccer Member+

    Jul 11, 2004
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    SKC had all of Mizzou before STLC came onto the scene.


    So if they weren't finding, developing, & integrating more St Louisans, it's indicative of a flaw in their process, that extends to the KC area too.
  5. Kombucha

    Kombucha Member+

    Jul 1, 2016
    The best players that SKC produced in Busio and Lindsey were from NC and now that territory in Charlotte.

    Honestly as MLS gets better and better and there are more and more teams in both MLS and USL sharing the talent there are not going to be heaps of players coming through most academies. Days of Wan Kuzain’s getting run are over.
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  6. deejay

    deejay Member+

    Feb 14, 2000
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    I noticed that NC connection also, however, the rules regarding poaching are more relaxed than before so it's only partially excusable.
  7. xbhaskarx

    xbhaskarx Member+

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    #307 xbhaskarx, May 29, 2024
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  8. xbhaskarx

    xbhaskarx Member+

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    Wiley assist

    If the Chicago Fire won't release players... perhaps that is for the best
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  9. bshredder

    bshredder BigSoccer Supporter

    Feb 23, 1999
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    Wiley is having a very good game
  10. Maximum Optimal

    Maximum Optimal Member+

    Jul 10, 2001
    He sure is. I've never thought it was particularly close between him and the other left back candidates.
  11. bshredder

    bshredder BigSoccer Supporter

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    To be fair, Tolkin is having a very good game too right now… I’m watching this one
  12. onefineesq

    onefineesq Member+

    Sep 16, 2003
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    I remember a number of people right here on BigSoccer debating me at the start of 2023 about Wiley vs freaking Andrew Gutman. No, seriously.
  13. gogorath

    gogorath Member+

    United States
    May 12, 2019
    And Valenzuela is playing over one of their DPs!

    Let's ignore that that has more to do with said DP than Valenzuela. He doesn't have a goal or an assist yet, and he might be replaced at mid-season, but he's holding his own and Cincy is winning.
    Pl@ymaker repped this.
  14. bshredder

    bshredder BigSoccer Supporter

    Feb 23, 1999
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    Not on Wednesday.

    And because he's a YNT player now.. Walker had a good game until he was taken off.

    On another note, Cincy's Kevin Kelsy is really good. Too bad he's not American. I really like how well he is able to use his big frame at just 19 years old. Sometimes these big guys need to be a bit older to be effective as they get used to a large frame. Kelsy moves really well for his size.
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  15. gogorath

    gogorath Member+

    United States
    May 12, 2019
    Cincy made a mistake on Boupendza from day one, though it's been until now for a Cincy fan to admit it. Even without any other issues, he's one of those guys that can only play how he plays, and he thinks he's better than he is. Leading to a lot of wasted chances.

    But they hit the jackpot on Kelsy. He plays a lot more like Vazquez, but he's better at the scoring parts and he's 19, right? Maybe we can get him to marry an American quickly?
  16. xbhaskarx

    xbhaskarx Member+

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    #316 xbhaskarx, Jun 1, 2024
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2024
  17. gogorath

    gogorath Member+

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    May 12, 2019
    Esmir from his right, which is impressive even if he probably put himself in a bit of a hole with hesitation.

    Gutierrez plays so much better with Shaqiri not playing. I don't think he's good enough yet to carry a good MLS team, so Chicago has to find a player that complements him and vice versa instead of a slow, ponderous, ball dominant non-defender.
    Pl@ymaker repped this.
  18. A healthy Maren Haile-Selassie helps Guti as well. He's a guy who does everything that Shaqiri doesn't. Depending on whether MLS allows a second buyout, Chicago has a chance to bring in 2 DPs in the summer transfer window. If they can cut more of their abundant dead wood away, the top of the roster may look very different come July. Squad players who start now will go back to being squad players.
  19. gogorath

    gogorath Member+

    United States
    May 12, 2019
    Unfortunately, the same guys are in charge. So I'm sure it'll be another washed up player Heitz knows and wants to give a fat contract to.
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  20. McKenniesWeah

    McKenniesWeah Member

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    Feb 12, 2024
    Although he didn’t make the stats reel, McGlynn is at another level now. Out of all of our young guys in MLS I believe he’s the most deserving of a transfer to Europe this August. More so than the Aaronson brothers.
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  21. glutton4Bolts

    glutton4Bolts Member+

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    He doesn't have the high level of athleticism you normally look for in a top prospect but the kid is near unconscious on the pitch right now. Pinging stunning balls all over the pitch. That left foot is magic... period. I really liked his play over the past two seasons but now he looks like the real deal. He is ready for Europe.
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  22. xbhaskarx

    xbhaskarx Member+

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    McKenniesWeah and Pl@ymaker repped this.
  23. ussoccer97531

    ussoccer97531 Member+

    Oct 12, 2012
    They've been giving Devin Padelford ('03) regular minutes all season. Caden Clark ('03) also is getting regular minutes.

    They aren't doing that bad on this front. The actual academy is another thing, and I also don't think their academy is as bad at this point as the reputation.
    Zinkoff repped this.
  24. McKenniesWeah

    McKenniesWeah Member

    New England
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    Feb 12, 2024
    Can’t get much worse than Portland.

    Hall got some minutes as well but didn’t do anything with it. Thought he was 18 but he’s only 16 so just getting some minutes is special as long as he doesn’t turn out like Clark.
    ussoccer97531 repped this.
  25. xbhaskarx

    xbhaskarx Member+

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    dual nat homegrown signing McIntosh
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