Here is an article on the Revs radio play by play guy This ass wipe continually rips the sport on one of the most popular morning shows on radio and now has done it in print. And the Kraft's continue to pay this guy. If his last name looks familiar, it should. Andy
Great. A guy who doesn't like soccer doing soccer games. Maybe they should have me do NBA games. Do the Krafts really pay him though or does FSNE and / or WEEI? And this begs the question: Just who the hell is paying Ty Keough? Maybe if they just stop paying him, he'll go away.
As Quakes fans we've been saying this forever, the Krafts don't give a crap about soccer. Thank God we got rid of them before they totally destroyed soccer in San Jose.
All local radio and tv are time buys by the Kraft's. As such I believe the Kraft's are responsible for paying their announcers. Meterparel even mentions that he works for the Kraft's, so it must be their names on the checks. Andy
a lot of down time in soccer? I'd like to hear him do a pbp out of curiosity. As any fan knows, half time is the only time to run to the fridge and bathroom and do other errands.
Re: Re: Yet another reason the Krafts don't care During the Champions League final 2002, a study was done on water consumption in Madrid. It was way low, and dropping as the game went on. Then half-time hit. Water consumption (read: toilets flushing) soared. Game restarted, dropped off again. Game ended, water consumption way up for another 15 minutes, before slowly leveling off to normal levels.
Have you guys seen John Meterparel ? He has a widows peak style hair cut he looks like a Jewish vampire. He and those other 2 guys he works with on that morning radio show are 3 of the biggest assclowns in Boston sports radio. One of them even got suspended recently for making a racist comment on the air.
Yeah, Meterparel gets ripped pretty regularly over on the Revs forum. I say this without exaggeration, he has got to be the absolute worst sports p-b-p announcer for a pro or college team since the invention of radio. He called one game in KC from a studio, but was nattering on about airline connections and steak house/BBQ places, and talked about the weather. Look, no one has a problem if it's done in a studio--happens a lot in soccer, but don't lie about it. People might have given him a pass on that, but he blabbers on and on about--well, anything other than the game itself--while it's going on. Firing him is too good for him--he deserves to be taken out in the forest and disemboweled with a wooden kitchen spoon. Tom PS--John Dennis, his pal on the morning show was suspended for another 2 weeks. He likened a gorilla who had escaped from the local zoo to a "Metco student." Metco is a program that sends inner-city (mostly minority) students to largely white suburban high schools.
I think I've heard that guy when my wife and I were on Cape Ann. He's seriously deluded if he thinks he's a competent soccer announcer. I couldn't listen to him. Of course, I've been spoiled with the Pittsburgh Riverhounds. Still the point remains that if he's worse than guys doing A-League matches, Sean McDonough doesn't need to worry.