Yes, Let's get rid of the families!!!

Discussion in 'Colorado Rapids' started by He's In Fashion, Jul 29, 2002.

  1. He's In Fashion

    Jan 7, 2000
    Littlefun, CO, US
    West Ham United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    No! Let's do get rid of the fleas... families... and shite little bastards that run around and stand in front of me during the run of play when they should be sitting by their parents who don't control them. Of course that wouldn't be a problem if we all stood. But, yeah, let's get rid of the families, so I could bring 5 or 6 of my friends who would get into it if it wasn't a Highlands Ranch nursery. LittleMy Go F * * K yourself and get a little passion for the game, what you're saying is that you'd rather whore yourself to people who would do something else and probably enjoy it more if it wasn't there. Me, I'd probably have to get a fix from Fox Sports World, and I'd rather do that, than continually show up, and have my club disgraced by it's poor, lackluster, undeserving, wishy-washy, I'm only there to be seen or take the kids out so they can smear nacho cheese on themselves, and piss everyone off around them except the people who should be watching them "Fans". DON'T YOU GET IT!!!!???? THE SOCCER COMES FIRST!!!!! I'd rather have 8 thousand a match, have them be cheering and making a positive statement about soccer fans, than suburban women, and their kids hanging out on a Saturday night. I'm tired of being swamped by Christian groups that are there for the good clean family environment. That's a joke, it's sports, it's competition, there's an element of bloodlust and violence. It's not a tea party!!! But all these Highlands Ranch/Superburb Nazi's that wanna have a library, should go to one! I'm there to be a 12th man, actively participate, encourage my team, show SUPPORT!!! support isn't measured in numbers or money twit!!! I'd rather have it fold (which it won't because Phil won't let it...) Why don't you harness the energy you put into your post, and mobilize more people, than waste your time showing us all how little you care/feel free to whore yourself.

    I'm sick of Conservative/Passive/Losers that bother to show up, I spend my whole day promoting soccer, these people don't and I'm supposed to care because they attend an odd game... F * * K YOU!!!!
  2. Daksims

    Daksims New Member

    Jun 27, 2001
    Dude, did your parents beat you as a child? If they didn't, maybe they should have.
  3. Northcal19

    Northcal19 New Member

    Feb 18, 2000
    Celtic Tavern LODO (
    I don't think you are gonna get much support for this point of view. A little over te top.

    Also, some of those Highland Ranch moms are kind of hot. Just my 2 cents.
  4. JodenRapidsFan

    JodenRapidsFan New Member

    Jul 26, 2002
    i understand where he's coming from. i feel the same way, and i think it's built up tension from going to games and seeing these people over and over again. they do get annoying, and not to mention quite judgemental whenever they see working class individuals like my brother and i. not everyone from suburbia are bad people, the bad people are the ones that come to the games and treat me like i shouldn't be there because i'm loud. i won't apologize for loving my team and supporting them, no fan should apologize.

    i say we put all the major fans in one place, the River Ratz, the ones up in section 126 (the Mile High Club? i dont think they have a name) and my brother and i up in the front row, and any individuals spread out in the stadium that are true die-hard fans. just find one spot on the east end and have all the hardcore fans there. get lots of flags and hang them over the railings, be very loud, and stand. push the soccer moms and the brats to the west end. that way everyone in some way is happy. they have a right to come, and sit where they don't bother us. just a thought though.

    i think those soccer moms are kinda ugly, they don't smile very often and when they talk it's about their kids and they're not very inteligent. i prefer the girls that play soccer that are like 17 or 18. but that's prolly cuase i am 18.
  5. GreatZar

    GreatZar Member

    Colorado Rapids
    United States
    Mar 29, 1999
    Denver, CO, USA
    Colorado Rapids
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    REAL BAD time to suggest you'd be happy w/only 8,000 "real" fans when we just lost two teams during the off-season.
  6. Daksims

    Daksims New Member

    Jun 27, 2001
    You're welcome to come sit in 129. The families in that area stand up and cheer with the rest of them.
  7. Northcal19

    Northcal19 New Member

    Feb 18, 2000
    Celtic Tavern LODO (
    Thank you Zar, voice of reason.

    This thread is unbelievably stupid. Earth to you guys: Phil Anshutz and MLS in general isn't interested in providing an atmosphere that 25 or 30 "real" fans approve of. There simply cannot be 8000 souls out there that would subscribe to this idea, otherwise 1000 or so would come to games and sit in a specific section.
  8. Daksims

    Daksims New Member

    Jun 27, 2001
    He's in Fashion states "I'd rather have it fold". He must be having a bad hair day.
  9. Tigerstyle

    Tigerstyle New Member

    Nov 2, 2001
    We are all dumber for having read this thread.
  10. Malaga CF fan

    Malaga CF fan Member

    Apr 19, 2000
    Fairfax, VA
    Colorado Rapids
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    If I had a dollar for every thread that has deserved such a designation, I'd be able to bankroll MLS for a season... Bufflo Soldier has it right, think before you post...
  11. The Legend

    The Legend New Member

    Sep 13, 2000
    Colorado, Where Lege

    Yeah, prolly.
  12. He's In Fashion

    Jan 7, 2000
    Littlefun, CO, US
    West Ham United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Yeah sure Tiger, we're all dumber, but everyone ponied up their thoughts, twit...

    I'm allowed to be judgemental of suburbanites... I am one myself...

    It would be nice to consolidate fan support, only problem is, is that the young ones are too worried about where their next beer is coming from, and the older ones don't want to step on toes.

    And spare me about f***king Anschutz, that crook isn't looking for attendence in the short term, he's gonna run his teams at a loss for a long time knowing that the investment will eventually pay off for his kids. F***king nearsighted pinheads.

    Daksims, I wonder if you've ever been hit before in your life, you sound like a puss :)

    The points are valid, harsh, but valid, I don't have time to kiss a$$ like a lot of you seem to enjoy. I certainly don't need a pat on the back from bigsoccer idiots either, I just breath the game day in and day out, and have no time for people who just don't care, or feel the need to whore it :)
  13. Tigerstyle

    Tigerstyle New Member

    Nov 2, 2001
    Meet me at Gate 9 at 6:45 on August 10th and we'll speak more about it then.
  14. wcgcapone

    wcgcapone Member

    Feb 6, 2001
    Denver, CO, USA
    Colorado Rapids
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    What, the big oak tree at 3:30 is booked?
  15. Daksims

    Daksims New Member

    Jun 27, 2001
    Was that 6:45 am or pm? Will you be wearing a red rose?
  16. Malaga CF fan

    Malaga CF fan Member

    Apr 19, 2000
    Fairfax, VA
    Colorado Rapids
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    wow! Catfight in the blink of an eye... Would the Rapids accept this as halftime entertainment?
  17. Tigerstyle

    Tigerstyle New Member

    Nov 2, 2001
    No, no.

    I'm suggesting I might be able to explain why we do what we do to enhance game atmosphere at the stadium a little better, that's all.

    No red nose, I'll be the one with the credential.
  18. smudgeyjoe

    smudgeyjoe Member

    Dec 15, 2001
    Westminster Colorado

    Be careful. If this is advertised too loudly, Anschutz may feature it as a doubleheader:
    The Rapids against the CyberRays
    Tiger Vs. Fashion
    Maybe we could have a triple header, and let the new announcer go up against 2 Highlands Ranch Moms.
    On the one hand, I agree that people who are not there to watch and cheer for soccer are a pain, but the reality is that unless we get those kind of people at the stadium, we probably will not retain a team. Every sport has it's share of fans who aren't fans, and soccer is no different.
  19. Tejas

    Tejas Member+

    Jun 3, 2000
    Re: Doubleheader

    If we have two Highlands Ranch moms mud wrestling at halftime the stands might fill up real quick.
  20. He's In Fashion

    Jan 7, 2000
    Littlefun, CO, US
    West Ham United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I'll be the one with the banners, and the one who drops major coin so you can have a job... by the way, what kind of skirt will you be wearing?
  21. Tigerstyle

    Tigerstyle New Member

    Nov 2, 2001
    I can see you're a little defensive, probably because you posted one of the most useless, brainless, and retarded threads I've ever seen on BigSoccer.

    "Let's get rid of the families"....uh-huh let's get rid of the ONLY reason we are averaging over 23,000 people per game.

    Yeah, let's get rid of them, then we'll average 7,000 if we're lucky and the league will fold.

    That's a great idea!
  22. He's In Fashion

    Jan 7, 2000
    Littlefun, CO, US
    West Ham United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I can tell you're more worried about biting the hand that feeds you, than you are generating a real soccer environment.
    Brainless, I don't think so, you just keep goosesteppin' there friend. Once again, you're missing the point, attendance is hardly the issue. Neither is the financing of the league...

    *LOL* yeah, average 7,000, you mean the actual amount of people that show up when you "sell" 18,000??

    You just go on patting yourself on the back for having great attendance and one of the most PATHETIC fan bases on the planet. You do nothing to "enhance" atmosphere at the stadium. Nothing.

    I usually like to thank the office people and the good job they do, I see a lot of them and enjoy their company, they take time to be personable and accomodating. As a season ticket holder and someone who has only missed a game or two for the past 4 or more years. You just keep towing that MLS line of alienating the core fans by running your mouth "Mr. Credential" and we'll see how long you have a job.

    The only thing brainless and useless about this thread is the fact I have to defend myself. From a Rapids desk jockey no less, whose status as an employee makes him extremely bias.

    The fact is, is that those fans we speak of, put a damper on any real "environment" that is so genuinly "enhanced" by our pals in the office. But they always seem to be the first to be defended. While when core supporters display their disgust at the extreme lack of organization and mobilization of the club, and it's fans, we get the slap on the wrist. Tell you what Chachi, you figure out a way to mobilize core support, put them in the same area of the stadium, and then you'll "enhance" the environment of the stadium, and before you run your mouth about why don't WE do it. Realize that not all of MLS can be so grassroots, and that's what you boys are there for. You have the tools, but you sit on your hands...
  23. LittleMy

    LittleMy Member

    Jul 16, 2001
    Just for the record, Genius, I am a season ticket holder, too, and I haven't missed more than a couple games in the last four years myself.

    Guess what? That makes me as much of a "core" fan as you are.

    Except that I don't piss everyone off with my foul mouth and crap, exclusionary attitude.

    What soccer needs is fewer obnoxious, selfish jerks like you and more people who are willing to open their minds to different kinds of fans.
  24. TeamUSA

    TeamUSA Member

    Nov 24, 1999
    Tianjin, China
    Borussia Mönchengladbach
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I don't want to get rid of the families, just the pandering to them at every match. All points are valid, yes some harsher than others but hell we all have to vent sometimes. For me it was Peanut Butter and Jelly. As a club we do want and need their money, just not their issues at the matches. If the match is presented to them in a format they will still bring their little rats to the matches because the price is right and their kids play. What needs to be done is to create the type of environment favorable to the team with songs, cheering, and a 12th man in the stands for the Rapids. This should be taking place in the front office. They do well with the giveaways to draw the fans in, the matches just need to be presented in a different format. I'll start: Get rid of Peanut Butter and Jelly, the Chicken Dance, and have some confetti from the top raining down. Let us bring in the horns with a small car battery to blast away at for good plays and goals. Ohh yeah and let us keep the caps for our water that we purchase. Make all the kids go to the bathroom before the match starts so they aren't walking back and forth every twenty minutes. Allow flag poles into the stadium and get the people involved waving the poles. Once they begin to see how it's done they will get into it big time. I'm not advocating throwing crap on the pitch either, that just sucks.

    Start by showing the fans more clips of European matches so they see what a decent atmosphere should be like. Get the coaches, before the players take the field, to address the crowd and explain what they would like to hear from the fans: yelling and cheering the team on, standing and singing and explain how it helps the team.

    What really boggles the mind is that these same soccer moms that sit on their hands at the matches are the very ones at their kids games screaming frantically and standing, jumping, and in general loving it. They should be able to repeat it for a Rapids match.

    As for the attendance issue, let's keep things in perspective when it comes to using statistics. A friendly match with Mexico, July 4th, and a couple decent sized matches. Lets think about how San Jose's attendance would have been had they had the USA vs Mexico friendly, or full international.

    What form of a credential are we reading about? I got one too.....(remember David Spade in Black Sheep?, that's my credential lol). Relax.

    And yes for Fashion, everyday is a bad hair day LMFAO!
  25. ax319

    ax319 New Member

    Jul 7, 2002
    If San Jose had a US-Mexico friendly there attendence still would have sucked just like it sucked on july 4th

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