Could this be Chad or Oscar's last game? Will the Burn go down with a fight and some passion or just fizzle out like the rest of the season? Is everyone staying for the "fan appreciation" party, aka "thanks for not totally forgetting about us, here's some autographs".
I can't make it to the game so please, oh Jesus, please will someone drop about 500 F bombs for me?!!! Here are some suggestions: F*** HSG! F*** Sucklake! F*** the Dragon Dump! F*** Field Turf! F*** football lines! F*** purple End Zones! F*** no beer! F*** the ticket prices! F*** no parking pass! F*** high school bands at pro soccer games! F*** middle school dance recitals! F*** general admission seating! F*** the porta potties! F*** Mike Jeffries! F*** John Wagner! F*** the Sucklake Po-Leece! F*** July 3rd! F*** the Burn rolling over and playing bitch more times than we can count at their "home field"! F*** 2004! F*** soccer moms and their HellSpawn! F*** Dema Kovalenko! F*** Dragon Stadium attendance! F*** the HammerHeads! F*** "wait until 2005"! and F*** that Goddam Decker Dog!!!!!!!!!!! I'm out-
Well, there's a big chance this may be my last chance at seeing ROB play in person and saying goodbye. I personally don't think he'll be back next year, along with a couple of other key veterans. Some wet weather may be in the area, so maybe it will hide the tears of the Dragon streaming down my face. I leave you now, to contemplate the Tree Of Woe. "... and there was wailing and gnashing of teeth"
Damn this is going to be interesting. I must say I will be pissed if a few players aren't kept. Sweeper, you aren't going to be there?
LOL!! Someone should make a sign similar to this saying, "The inferno would like to thank the following people and organizations....(the above)....thanks for making this such a suck ass season, *#*#*#*#*#*#*#s.
Family commitment that night. Besides I haven't even been video taping away games to watch later for the better part of this season. Can't stand the pain. For 2004 I'd better find some Soccer Viagra cause it's getting really difficult to 'get it up' for the Dallas Burn lately.
I never ever thought I'd be happy to see the last game of a season. On the bright side, for the first time in 7 seasons they could end with a win. In 97 they "finished" with the Open Cup win, even though it was not technically a league game. I don't give a crap who wins. I wish a single game could screw with KC and pids, but won't happen and it's forking over. Just one more season of total crap, and we can put the nightmare behind us.
Goodbye 2003. May we never see the likes of you again. Oh yeah - 2004 will look exactly like 2003. I predict we get smoked even though both teams have absolutely nothing to play for.
There's a certain kind of freedom - that can be had by never expecting your team to win. Talk about redefining the phrase pleasant surprise
The only things I am expecting are: the TRUE fan experience to suck. Not laughing at sweeper33 with his comments(they are great btw). Spencer to get alot of crap by the Inferno. You suck chants Giving Andy Swift an award-he deserves it. Avoiding to listen to my NY friends talk about the baseball game. the north side being silent. A possible pitch invasion(why not, last game of the yer, they can't do jack). Hoping next year is different. The lineup included in our preview was the lineup as of thursday. However Clarke was not happy with the showing in training thursday, and I can't blame him really. So he said he was going to "re-evaluate." Which means it might change some.
You forget. Colorado is playing for "homefield advantage during the first round of the playoffs." What a joke.
ah yes, it's that time of the week when everyone ponders "how will the Burn blow this one?" An interesting fact here...the one guy who I think is most in the know, said Clarke is still in the running for the job. Maybe, just maybe, the players have gotten wind of this, and will play to keep their jobs. Cause from here to the end there will be a 10 Burn players praying that the next phone call is not from the director of player relations with a "...where do you want me to send your last check?" Burn tied Metro, away. Lost to a KC team determined to win on one goal. They can win this one. Will they? Odds say no. But they can win this one and screw with the same team that...put them out of the playoffs last year. THAT'S RIGHT ARSEHOLES GO BURN FORK THE RAPIDS AND SEND THEM ON THE ROAD FOR THE PLAYOFFS SO THAT SOME OTHER USELESS TEAM PUTS THEM OUT. GO BURN. FORKING SCORCHED EARTH POLICY. If Burn win, my first post is going to be in the rapids forum. I promise.
Once again, it seems MatchTracker™ is on the fritz, as it shows the boys up 4-1 in the second half.... Hmm.
FT Dallas 4 Colorado 3 Scoring: COL - John Spencer 13 (Chris Henderson 5) 18 DAL - Bobby Rhine 2 (Chris Gbandi 2) 19 DAL - own goal (Nat Borchers) 22 DAL - Toni Nhleko 2 (unassisted) 31 DAL - Chad Deering 1 (unassisted) 39 COL - John Spencer 14 (Chris Henderson 6, Mark Chung 6) 52 COL - Matt Crawford 1 (Chris Carrieri 8) 85 So we scored 4 goals in a 20 minutes span of time in the 1st half. Hmmmm.... At least we finished this bad season on a good note. Onwards towards 2004.
Some how the Burn actually kept the lead and won a game. Amazing. Yes it was a good way to end the season and it was nice to have Andy Swift standing with us. This season really did suck, but at least it ended on a good note.
yes it was a good game. Burn took it to the Rapids, 2002 style. First goal was against the run of play for the cRapids. Rhine scored a great header and should get credited for the second goal. Nhelko, good finishing on the 3rd, and Chad with the cheecky back heal for the 4th. Spenny got another at the beginning of the half to get us worried, then their 3rd was more defensive blunder (how'd he score that?). Nhelko scored a 5th a second before the final whistle, but the crackhead ref called a hand ball (what?). Ref was awful. Nice way to end the season of hell. I walked into Draggon stadium, took a look around and shook my head. It looked like a playground at an Elementary school. One more year. ps-The players don't like to talk while giving autographs, they're just kinda like "here's your sig. now get the fvck outta here". Except ROB and my man Bobby Rhine.
That match report is *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#. Salyer definately had at least one assist tonight. And in all fairness to the players burning247, I'm pretty sure the last thing anyone wants to do after playing a match is sign hundreds of autographs.