gocaps, certified techno-geek I had been looking forward to better/more revealing pics of the anthem "singer"
I'll have to admit.. for a moment I wasn't cheering for the red, white and black.. I was actually cheering for the white, black and blue.. Yup, yup.. shame on me I know... - - - - - - -
man, I swear, Boz must have had Botox injections in his face or something... he always has that exact same expression no matter what's going on. He looked exactly like that when he climbed into the Barra after the NE win and started waving the flag.
This picture answers the question, "Identify two ways DC United can get some height in the box for crosses and corner kicks"
Ah ha!!!! Proof that Freddy and Jaime really don't like each other! Freddy's strangling him I tell ya!!!
After the third DCU goal, a Bara member started chanting so hard that he spontaneously burst into flame!
Dude, are you kidding me? You actually got down to looking at the pants? The face sucks, but holy sh!t on a stick those things are as big as me head!
nice.. dc has the best fans.. being in pennsylvania.. my choice is between the crew and dc united.. not that hard of a choice.
I'm just saying, if you are going to hang them out out, why not let it all hang out? ....Or maybe the pants are hinding the support system for those things.
This picture is even more proof that the entire team hates Freddy. Look how they're excluding him from the group hug!