Let me ask you this, Bob. Was Peter really the soccer genius behind the Fire? Because he kicked your ass this year.
Oh man, Sachin is going to be a happy camper he's all over them.... Very cool pics... Thanks for the LN pics. Dougg.
These two pics kind of sum up DC and the Metros Metrostars- Goofy, awkard, fugly, sometimes dangerous, always impotent in the end. DC United- Clean cut, smooth, proud, well dressed, infinitley skilled, ridiculous potential, pride of USA soccer.
"I stopped one. I actually stopped one." "And you think YOU have a shot at the Nats in 2007?" or "Go ahead and put Kenny in, they are gonna kick your ass anyway." Thanks Andy, -dave
Andy, you're gonna have to start being more specific as to when these pictures were taken. This could have been anytime during the first half.
So it was Guevara who tried to punch the ball out of the net. Shoulda known, the little behatch. Shoulda got a card just for trying...