You know what? On September 11, we are all brothers. I could give a *@#*@#*@#*@#ing RAT'S ASS if you are a Republican, a Democrat, a Greener, even a *@#*@#*@#*@#ing Communist party of America member. On 9/11, for all future 9/11's, as long as you agree in principle with the need to wipe Islamofasciist terrosrism from the face from the Planet--even if you don't agree with the Bushies' ways of doing so!!--you are an American. And on this date (and on every date, but especially on this date) you are my brother, whatever your political belefs may be (assuming they are not pro-Bin Laden). Hell, you don't even have to be American--you could be British, or Australian, or Colombian (the FARC only has a 1% approval rating among the COlombian people, you know), or New Zealander, or Canadian, or Filipno, or Japanese, or Iraqi (most of you love us, we know), *@#*@#*@#*@#, even a moderate Palestinian so long as you don't support the use of violence to achieve political goals against us (AND THE ISRAELIES!). The point is, we are currently involved in a struggle between good and evil. The totalitarian regimes of the Earth are evil--whether they are the remaining Islamofascists (from those desperately tryng to re-install Islamofascist rule in Afghanistan and Iraq, to those trying to preserve it in Syria and Iran, to non-Islamic but Communist totalitarians allied with Islamofascists in China, North Korea, and Cuba). The democratic regimes of the Earth (everone from America and Britan and Australia and Poland and Spain and Bulgaria and Romania and the Czech Republic and Italy...even to France and Germany andthose folks) are GOOD. DEMOCRACY IS BETTER THAN TOTALITARIANISM! I'm sorry if this isn't politically correct, but it is the TRUTH. Even Dan Loney has agreed with me here (I belive his words were along the lines of "saying democracy is better than totalitarianism should be about as controversial as saying 'child molestating is bad'", and I will back these words up if Dan disputes them) Anyway, we're all Americans, and at least for 2 days each year (September 11 and July 4) I could give a *@#*@#*@#*@# whho you voted for in the last election, who you plan for in the next election, and indeed what you think of George W. Bush (who it should be remembered, in my posts on this forum, is ultimately my boss). You are AMERICAN. I am AMERICAN. We are brothers...I could not care less if you are the most left-wing Green Party member htere is. My job will be to give my life for you, personally. And I will do so without regreat. Thank you, and God bless America, my HOME SWEET HOME!!! (If tomorrow all the things were gone I'd worked for all my life And I had to start again With just my children and my wife I'd thank my lucky stars To be living here today Where the flag still stands for freedom AND THEY CAN't TAKE THAT AWAY! AND I'M PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN WHERE AT LEAST I KNOW I'm FREE AND I WONT FORGET THE MEN WHO DIED WHO GAVE THAT RIGHT TO ME AND I'D GLADLY STAND UP NEXT TO YOU AND DEFEND HER SITLL TODAY CAUSE THERE AIN'T NO DOUB TI LOVE THIS LAND... (love this land) GOD BLESS THE USA!
I think Alex just had his first sexual experience. Is it illegal in the US to use the Stars and Stripes as a jizz rag? It probably is, isn't it ...