This is typical NYC soccer. Players can come from any where in the world. Except most clubs don't charge 3000 a season. There was a time soccer was an inexpensive game here in NYC. People started clubs for the love of the game and did not expect to make money off it. In fact they lost money doing it. Coaches were all former players and did not take money for coaching. Some of those who were paid dumbed their money back into the team. Coaches worked and own businesses. Clubs I coached on charged players about 60 dollars for a fall spring season. We asked them once we asked for that amount of money because the players were poor, and we did not want it too look like charity. If the players did not pay we thought they didn't have the money. We never asked them for it again. We found players every where in the five boroughs. We knew they could not get to our home field in Brooklyn. So we picked them up and took them to practices, gamesnand back to their homes after games. To me at least coaching was more fun back them.