Do you think this would be bigger than it is. Yes or no? Face it, you know that the Press would be demanding investigations into the club, especially because we won the Championshits.
The bigger the club the bigger the issue.....of course it would be even BIGGER if the CHAMPIONS were caught......ANY team that wins the championship and has players caught for doping would be investigated....but what's with the whole victim're crying over something that didn't happen to your team........someone else could argue that America has substantially more power to cover something like that up.....and America's directiva would have a bit more tact than Romano who made up the dumbest excuse for his players and further fueled could go either way
thats still the key idea...chivistas were assuming they would win with all their players..but i already said that like u said.."well it DIDN'T with it. The world doesn't revolve around your team."
Well, we as America fans do revolve around our team. If all the other teams (and tv azteca) complain because the ref. didn't call a foul against us, just imagine what would happen if two of our players were caught using steroids. And after all, if you don't like this topic, you can just get out of the thread.
Threads aren't made so everyone can say "yea you're's a pat on the back" America is the most hated team in's a stop whining
First off....I was teasing with the "the world doesn't revolve around your team" time I'll include the mandatory smiley face so you won't get's one thing to speculate on something that your team has to deal with (chivas in libertadores) as opposed to (Americanistas) hijacking someone else's situation (Cruz Azul) and then complaining about how they would be treated...
Not liking a thread and disagreeing with someone's statements are 2 different things....that has to be the worst comeback ever