At least we'll get to see both Group A spots clinched on the same night. North Korea and the U.S. will take care of business and will advance to the quarterfinals, and it may be safe to bet if not the farm itself, a few acres of it at least. Any pre-match discussion here is welcomed... Paul
if you're a korea fan, or a sweden fan, or even a nigeria fan, or you know any of the above, would you PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT MATTERS IM MY LIFE tell them to come drum with Sam's Army on Thursday during the USA game because we DESPERATELY need percussion!
To all of you going - savor tonight.... It could be the last meaningful women's soccer game of a non-college nature to be played in the Delaware Valley for a good long while, unfortunately. There are signs that the WUSA is going to be revived in some form next year, but unless the mistakes that were made in the marketing of it are not fixed this time around, namely, the narrowcasting to teenage girls and soccer moms instead of to soccer and sports fans as a whole, it will be akin to rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. On a local note, we're Philadelphians, city and suburban. We were pissed (me front and center) when Lorrie and Heather were snubbed. But tonight, we're Americans, and if ever there was a time to circle the wagons behind our NT, this is it. It will probably be the last time you'll ever see the core group which shaped a lot of soccer history in this country in our city. Tonight, let's set the '03 WWC attendance record that nobody will be able to match afterward *coughFoxborocough* WAR USA! Paul
Any guess on what tonight's attendance will be? A little disappointing to see only 25,000 at the first doubleheader last weekend. With a nice day in hand, too many empty seats that first go-around. I expect minimum of 40,000 tonight (at least for the US game) but would love to see 60,000.
I think Adam Z. has posted in places that tix sales for tonight is hovering around the 50,000 range, but I read an article last night (can't find the link now) where it mentioned that they should get 40,000ish.