Why Rafa Marquez Needs To Go

Discussion in 'New York Red Bulls' started by MattWoodworth, Jun 16, 2012.

  1. MattWoodworth

    MattWoodworth New Member

    May 20, 2012
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Rafa Marquez or Crapa,as he is known around here,MUST go this summer because:

    1.The front office plan of signing a Mexican player to attract more Mexican/Hispanic fans to RBA is not working because they are still on European teams nuts like no ones business and the Real Madrid game at Yankee stadium will be sold out and full of them

    2.Takes MLS as a joke and makes it look obvious he is not interested in playing

    3.Has gotten suspended 11745309 times and will get suspended another 11745309 times again

    4.Frees up a DP spot
  2. lkgf09

    lkgf09 Member

    Jun 7, 2004
    New York Red Bulls
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    No one will argue with you about Marquez. No one likes what he has done during his time here and I don't think anyone will defend him.
  3. metz

    metz Member

    Jan 17, 2003
    I knows before hands when Barcelona let Marquez go with not condition at all, that they was undoing a big problem that they was have in hands and in effect, Crapita has been acting like that, ...Like Crap....

    But the RBNY problem isn't end at that, Backe and Soler if they have not a excuse to sit Rafa they have to play him, and bringing Caprita Cone to the pitch, Backe have to play McCarty out of position and playing McCarty as a CAM, another injustice is committed, Backe have to play Lindpere as a LW and that make him sit Lade too, so, the roster become a mess and like that we will start loosing games more frequently.....
  4. iced1776

    iced1776 Member+

    Dec 4, 2009
    New York Red Bulls
    I'm not sure you'll find a single RB fan who would want to keep him at this point. He provides a few skills that are a rarity in MLS, but there's just too much that he does poorly to consider him a net positive.
  5. lkgf09

    lkgf09 Member

    Jun 7, 2004
    New York Red Bulls
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Yeah insanely injury prone, really unprofessional, and underachieving. What a clown he has been.
  6. arsenal1217

    arsenal1217 New Member

    Jul 4, 2012
    Arsenal FC
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    I totally agree. When he plays, he looks like he doesn't want to be there. He always has a negative attitude when he's on the pitch. The Red Bulls don't need Rafa for them to win a championship.
  7. lkgf09

    lkgf09 Member

    Jun 7, 2004
    New York Red Bulls
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I don't think we've seen a player be so injury prone. He can't play 2 consecutive games.
  8. metz

    metz Member

    Jan 17, 2003
    Now maybe you can understand why my fight against the signing of old people like Henry and Rafa, they are all time on the DL, both of them hasn't play not 50% of the games playing already....Because they are to old and with more scratches than a 25 years old model Ford....
  9. GMangs

    GMangs Red Card

    Apr 21, 2012
    AC Milan
    Nat'l Team:
  10. GMangs

    GMangs Red Card

    Apr 21, 2012
    AC Milan
    Nat'l Team:
    Just cause you are older doesn't mean you are injury prone.
  11. metz

    metz Member

    Jan 17, 2003
    If you are a 14 season professional soccer player, you are.....
  12. GMangs

    GMangs Red Card

    Apr 21, 2012
    AC Milan
    Nat'l Team:
    How about a 20 year professional hockey player? Surely they should be broken and never play. Age doesn't matter its the person.
  13. metz

    metz Member

    Jan 17, 2003
    Hockey and Body Ball (Calling Football); This people remember me of the prehistoric big Armadillos that live 50 million years ago, the way they are protected; in soccer you are necked comparing to a hockey player....
  14. j1mbr0wn

    j1mbr0wn Member

    Jun 3, 2005
    Newark, NJ
    New York Red Bulls
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    United States
    I think Rafa would do better playing in Mexico. Not sure why he doesn't fold up and head south.

    If we are stuck with him, I'd actually like to see him play in front of Dax with a healthy defense. If he had no defensive responsibilities, his passing accuracy could tear apart defenses and feed Cooper and Henry pretty nicely.

    I will give him credit for his DC game. If he keeps the lucha libre theater to a minimum, focuses on the game and puts in the effort, he'd kill it here. I can't understand why he hasn't figured that out yet...
  15. GMangs

    GMangs Red Card

    Apr 21, 2012
    AC Milan
    Nat'l Team:
    Those pads cause injuries because they are used as weapons. How about Bernard Hopkins? He would surely be dead by your standards.
  16. metz

    metz Member

    Jan 17, 2003
    Playing him at front with McCarty behind could be much better, not the solution but over there he will not interfere with the game and we will have our defense much better served with McCarty as a destroyer..... But really I believe will be something to see.... He is superior skilled than Solli, Lindpere, Ballouchy and any body we have on the team capable to play there as a CAM... Who knows....and beside we don't loose anything and could win a lot trying just that....Because he isn't going any place and to keep him for 18 more month as a Pain in the Ass, will be a reasonable thing to try..... Of course if Conde and Pearce are ready to play and he isn't needed there.... And you know what, maybe that will avoid the need of Henry to come all way down and miss the action at front....
  17. GMangs

    GMangs Red Card

    Apr 21, 2012
    AC Milan
    Nat'l Team:
    Any respectable organization would have got rid of Marquez long ago and wouldn't think about keeping a dead beat like him around for another 18 months.
  18. metz

    metz Member

    Jan 17, 2003
    He have a guarantee contract, he will not resign to a 6.8Millions of Dollars for nothing in this world, so, the only way to get rid of him will be if the RBNY buy him for those 6.8Million and ask him to resign, do you think that the owner of the team will just look and see and congratulate Backe and Soler for they fantastic job?....
  19. GMangs

    GMangs Red Card

    Apr 21, 2012
    AC Milan
    Nat'l Team:
    Sell him, trade and pay part of his contract. You do whatever you need to to get rid of a cancer like him.
  20. lkgf09

    lkgf09 Member

    Jun 7, 2004
    New York Red Bulls
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Easier said than done.
  21. theENFORCER

    theENFORCER Member

    Apr 10, 2010
    New York Red Bulls
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I know injuries are an extremely unfortunate and random to any player but I can't help to think that his lack of effort in training(pure speculation on my part), in the game, taking care of his body and his attitude towards the MLS/NY is a big reason for his injuries. I find it amazing how he gets struck with one injury to another.

    I'm sure if this was the world cup he would be training and preparing his body to the max to get ready. He's collecting his Social Security checks here..
  22. GMangs

    GMangs Red Card

    Apr 21, 2012
    AC Milan
    Nat'l Team:
    Not if you price it right.
  23. metz

    metz Member

    Jan 17, 2003
    Just tell Backe how you will do it, and I'm sure that he will give to you a couple of 100,000 of Dollars for the favor...Because if he hasn't done this yet, is because he don't know how to do it....Be nice and make him a great favor.....
  24. GMangs

    GMangs Red Card

    Apr 21, 2012
    AC Milan
    Nat'l Team:
    I wish I could run the show.
  25. lkgf09

    lkgf09 Member

    Jun 7, 2004
    New York Red Bulls
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Can he please just eff off to Mexico and finish his career there?

    Get this douche off this team.

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