Why no video of Turkmenistan-Maldives U-21 friendly was available on tube sites

Discussion in 'TV, Satellite & Radio' started by huhe888, May 16, 2012.

  1. huhe888

    huhe888 Red Card

    Oct 3, 2007
    Turkmenistan allegedly beat Maldives 3-2 in a U-21 friendly in January, but no video of the match ever turned up on any of the "tube" websites.


    Those online betting websites that took "action" on the match were "mushroomed" by a syndicate.


    ...and in an under-21 friendly, Turkmenistan reportedly beat Maldives 3-2 in a "ghost match" -- neither country knew about the contest because it never actually happened, yet bookmakers still took action and fixers still profited...
  2. SYoshonis

    SYoshonis Member+

    Jun 8, 2000
    Lafayette, Louisiana
    Michigan Bucks
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    The sad part is that there are enough people who would place a bet on a Turkmenistan/Maldives U-21 friendly to make faking it worth the effort.
  3. huhe888

    huhe888 Red Card

    Oct 3, 2007
    The "syndicates" were likely the only ones who bet on the "ghost match", for the sole purpose of defrauding online betting websites.

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