Hold on let me get on the Batphone and find out for you. Seriously wht when ANY game looks low in attendance some dickweed immediatly has to start a thread asking WTF is up with attendence.
I assume it's because it's the playoffs, and playoff attendances always suck. Well, unless you have a 15 year old traveling Circus on your team.
I'm not a dickweed. I know that CCS holds about 23k fans. And the place looks far less than half full. If attendance is announced at more than 10k, that would be a lie. Where are the fans? Seriously. Dickweed.
No you are a dickweed. You came here to start a thread about and lay some attendance smack in another clubs forum.
I'm not trying to lay smack. I am wondering why the place looks so empty. I'm pretty pissed that we only had 16k or so at RFK yesterday, I wanted more. But I'm trying to figure out why CCS looks so empty tonight. They can't all be in the beer line. My question has nothing to do with smack. Dickweed.
id say thats more than 10k. remember, the rails man, the rails... also, its a sunday afternoon/night game, not the best for attendances in columbus. the fact that its a sunday probably prevents people like, oh, myself, from travelling to attend.
MLS playoffs attendance are down EVERYWHERE. 5k in Boston 11k in NY 15k in DC 10k in KC 10k in SJ 8k in Denver 20k in LA Not a single good number here.
Yecch. That is pathetic. What the hell is wrong with the league? Why can't they get people out to the playoffs?
And, I would tend to think that some families might be staying away since they're out trick-or-treating?????
The numbers are no longer being padded by the AYSO/group sales as October and November come due to the short notice of playoff games.
The Crew then should have offered those families an opportunity to trick-or-treat at the game. Have a costume contest for the tykes. Have them dress up as their favorite Crew player or V-Army member....
Negative. Columbus has this thing where they've moved Halloween to a Thursday (10/28 this year) and call it Beggar's Night.
They did. Before the game, kids were invited to walk around and get candy/prizes from various points around the stadium.
Mike, playoff attendance has long been a problem. That's one reason I favor an NFL-style knockout. 4 fewer suck attendances, and better, more certain scheduling. Plus, the 4 games you drop are gonna be the home games for the 4 worst teams. In general, a #1 seed is gonna draw better than a #4 seed.
I'd say I was disappointed in the Boston number but it probably wouldn't have been higher than 8-10K anyway. But competing directly with game 1 of the World Series, yeah, 5K was actually surprising.
I have to say, it felt a lot more full than it looked when I watched the video. It was loud, too, and that didn't come across on TV either. We even got a couple songs started in 106, which doesn't usually happen. Intensity-wise it was one of the best crowds I've been part of at CCS. Until we were all just gutted.