From Fred Barnes at: Excerpts... ______________________ No, the most scary thing is the sense of entitlement that many Democrats and their allies have about tomorrow's election. It goes like this: Bush stole the presidency four years ago, then proceeded to act as if he had a mandate, so now we're entitled to do whatever it takes to defeat him, to say whatever we want. You see it in the bumper stickers that call for the "re-defeat" of President Bush. You see it in the destruction of Bush yard signs and posters all across the country. You see it in the harassment, at least in blue states, of anyone wearing a Bush pin or button. You see it in the hatred of Bush by his opponents, who think they're only venting righteous indignation. You see it in the religious bigotry against the president, a born-again Christian, and against his conservative Christian supporters. Without any evidence, Bush's opponents accuse him of believing that he has a direct line to God and that God gives him instructions, such as when to invade Iraq, and that any criticism of him is illegitimate. You see the bigotry as well in the belittling of Christians who support Bush as if their political views have no standing or worth because they may have been influenced by their religious faith. You see it in the now exposed plans of Democrats to claim intimidation of minority voters even if no intimidation actually occurs. You see it in the voter registration efforts by Democrats that have made the number of people on the voting rolls in some jurisdictions larger than the voting age population. You see it in the plans of Democratic lawyers to file lawsuits all over the country, challenging the outcome unless Bush is defeated. You see that same sense of entitlement in elements of the national media--especially CBS News--who jettison the normal rules of journalism when Bush is the target. CBS not only rushed out with forged documents to torpedo the Bush campaign in September, the network intended to take another bite at Bush two days before the election by airing a dubious story about stolen explosives in Iraq. Would CBS have dared to do this against any other public figure but Bush? No. And you see it in the victimization that is claimed for John Kerry. The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth? Anything they say about Kerry is automatically a smear and thus doesn't have to be examined or even considered. And Kerry has no obligation to answer questions about his Vietnam experience, though he's played it up in the campaign. Bush's record in the Texas Air National Guard during the Vietnam war, however, is fair game...... _______________________ Say what you will, but if you are objective, the man has a point... But that will not stop anyone here...
Oh, the hypocrisy... 1. Bush lost the popular vote in 2000 2. Sign destruction is truly bi-partisan 3. Bush did claim numerous times that he felt he was "called by God" to lead the US. 4. Voter intimidation was/is rampant in key battleground states. The "pre-emptive" BS is a nice bit of wordplay. 5. Excuse me -- the explosives story is "dubious"? 6. The SBVT organization has been shown for the frauds they are - repeatedly. Wah wah wah...
It's ironic to see Bush supporters whine about the media favoring Kerry when the conventions of journalistic objectivity preclude reporters from suggesting that a politician is lying. That fact alone has helped Bush more than any purported media bias has helped Kerry.
Barnes is right - those claims of voter intimidation are wholly aimed at preventing the exposure of the flagrant voter fraud committed by Democrats Intimidation of people voting several times is a good thing. Of course it's the Democrats who want to protect voter fraud, under the guise of protecting people who are too sensitive to be required to produce an ID
Actually, I do think the media tends to belittle Bush's Christianity and the Christian voting block who supports him, but I think that has a galvanizing effect for that base. Christians believe it's the world against them, "liberal media bias" is just self-affirming, it allows them not to believe anything negative that the press tells them about the President, because they are "liberal" and are attacking him. Fortunately, I don't think all Christians have bought this line (I know I haven't) and are considering the Presidential vote with something more than an "us against them" mentality, but there is a considerable voting block (or bloc?) that supports the President solely because of his stance on abortion and gay marriage. They aren't willing to open their eyes to any other issues, those are at the top of the list. Without that bloc, Bush would be KO'd.
It's funny. Just this morning I was asking myself, "Why do I think I'm entitled to do whatever it takes to win?" I haven't seen this much projection since they closed the Costa Mesa Drive-In. Has the Weekly Standard retracted its Iraq WMD claims yet?
Costa Mesa Drive-In? Where was that? The Warner in HB, now that was a great one. 2 bucks a carload. In answer to your quesion, it's because you are a liberal. That's one of the 12 warning signs of being a liberal.
are you a Christian? Do you know what it feels like to be called by God? When Jesus comes back and Bush is standing in front of God at His throne, He will be very happy. USA needs God. The world need God.
I see the Holy Ghost has been retired from the Trinity. You'd think God would be strong enough to get His chosen one above 50% in the polls, if he was so big and tough. Used to be, when God chose someone, that man or woman ended up being pretty effective. Joshua overran the Levant. Joan of Arc kicked the English out of France. These days, God has to call a guy who can't even finish a gig in the Texas Air National Guard Champagne Unit without stepping out to powder his nose. And just look at what a bang-up job God's chosen one is doing in Iraq these days! The message is clear. God is not up to the job. I don't question God's service - we all agree he's served honorably. But we need proven leadership we can rely on. Zeus in 2004!
Screw you - this is Wotan's year! He's polling very favorably with zombies, goat herders and Nascar dads.
the idea that either of these guys are more than the pole gals for big business bucks is rediculous anyhow - whoever sold their soul hardest will win, plus a lashing of luck and underhandedness
Nothing compared to Swift Boat Olympians For Truth and the horrible lies that they tell about Zeus and his father. In reality, Zeus and Cronus got along very well, and Zeus took over the family business without any arguments. It's that damn Prometheus spreading lies, but everyone knows he's just bitter about having an eagle tear out his liver every day for all eternity. I have no point, except to add that choosing Bush to lead the nation is like choosing Tony Sanneh to take a penalty kick.
That's to appeal to that ever elusive Daily Show watching stoner demographic. Besides, we've got soooo much dirt on Zeus!
And sticking with BushCo. is like placing a perfect volley into the upper 90 of your own net against Portugal.
The media are helping Kerry??? Someone should point USApathological to the thread showing how most of Bush's SUPPORTERS disagree with him on the issues, and don't know that. Ya think if the media were helping Kerry, they could just go 24-7 telling people where George stands on the issues, so that Kerry could rack up 70% of the vote.