Why all the VARguing? [R]

Discussion in 'Liverpool' started by zaqualung, Nov 30, 2020.

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  1. EruditeHobo

    EruditeHobo Member+

    Mar 29, 2007
    San Francisco, CA
    Liverpool FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Sure. I'm sure everyone agrees with that.

    I don't know how you come down harder on PGMOL... but hopefully it's about to start happening.
  2. Samarkand

    Samarkand Member+

    May 28, 2001
  3. SamScouse

    SamScouse Member+

    Jun 1, 2015
    Liverpool FC
    right on bayred.

    hobo, why do you keep taking the "VAR is going fine, just be patient" stance? do you own shares in the video equipment VARs use or something?
  4. SamScouse

    SamScouse Member+

    Jun 1, 2015
    Liverpool FC
    if they refuse to release the audio, they are screwed. that would = a coverup, plain and simple.
    speker and soccershaggy repped this.
  5. SamScouse

    SamScouse Member+

    Jun 1, 2015
    Liverpool FC
    this is so bleeding obvious .... instruct VAR's that:
    a) they have an obligation to stop play when a game-changing call has gone wrong, and put it right.
    b) if they don't do (a) they will be immediately fired. not just put on the naughty fukking step for 5 minutes

    a goal not given, that was completely valid, is as game-changing as it gets.
  6. burning247

    burning247 Member+

    Liverpool FC
    Sep 16, 2000
    Liverpool FC
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    I think making the VAR refs completely separate people from those who ref on field would help the most. Make it a completely separate entity with no ties/buddy system to the on-field refs. I'm also not opposed to maybe having an honest conversation about VAR having authority over the on-field ref (as in VAR gets the final decision). This, of course, would only be for clear and obvious mistakes.

    This whole episode is just going to make the players not trust VAR decisions and they might even delay restarting the matches after a decision. "The VAR confirmed you were offside." "Are you sure? Did he draw the line correctly? Did you two agree on terminology used to signal goal/no goal?"
    SamScouse repped this.
  7. SamScouse

    SamScouse Member+

    Jun 1, 2015
    Liverpool FC
    oh, forgot -- other answers to the "what should be changed" question, that are bleeding obvious:

    c) always show your work for offsides for all to see, which they didn't do on Saturday. AND do that only after both the VAR guys have independently run it back and agree on the decision.

    d) communicate with each other in specific scripted ways that leave no ambiguity. just saying "check complete" is not acceptable.
  8. speker

    speker Member+

    May 16, 2009
    Liverpool FC
    Goldbridge talking a lot of sense here

    Samarkand repped this.
  9. zaqualung

    zaqualung Member+

    Jun 17, 2015
    San Francisco
    Liverpool FC

    People usually do end up sueing each other when they disagree on prior agreements after a horrible mistake by one or other party.....

    If we lose out on anythgn by 1 point the FA and via them, the PGMOL, should be on the legal firing line..... IMO
  10. Red Bird

    Red Bird Member+

    Sep 30, 2003
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    It's just been released and you can't make it up, even if you tried.

  11. Samarkand

    Samarkand Member+

    May 28, 2001
    Jones’ red card appeal denied. 3 games.
  12. B.A.

    B.A. Member+

    Sep 12, 2007
    Liverpool FC
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    United States
    ********ing lame
  13. speker

    speker Member+

    May 16, 2009
    Liverpool FC
    What a clusterf*ck! It's like an Abbott and Costello skit.
  14. EruditeHobo

    EruditeHobo Member+

    Mar 29, 2007
    San Francisco, CA
    Liverpool FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    As I said, unfortunately the clubs have all agreed to the stipulation that no mistakes or VAR errors are responsible for dropped points or bad results. So legally, they probably have no leg to stand on in your hypothetical.
  15. EruditeHobo

    EruditeHobo Member+

    Mar 29, 2007
    San Francisco, CA
    Liverpool FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Pretty sure you can't tell any employee "do this or you will be immediately fired"... this isn't the 18th century, they have modern labor practices. They are making the changes they need to make to try to ensure this never ever happens again.

    This is what they can do, and what they are doing:

    Nope! Just dealing with the world as it actually exists in reality. Kind of my guiding principle in life.
    It often has me on the other side of discussions with sports fans. For obvious reasons.
  16. speker

    speker Member+

    May 16, 2009
    Liverpool FC
    In the meantime Liverpool have been robbed and cheated out of a goal due to the incompetence of the game officials.
  17. Samarkand

    Samarkand Member+

    May 28, 2001
    As per the rules of the game as they exist now, a game can only be stopped and restarted by VAR for mistaken identity or a potential red card offense.
    EruditeHobo repped this.
  18. speker

    speker Member+

    May 16, 2009
    Liverpool FC
    The rules are a problem and should be changed however none of this would matter if VAR had done their job properly.
  19. EruditeHobo

    EruditeHobo Member+

    Mar 29, 2007
    San Francisco, CA
    Liverpool FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    It can't be a surprise that a ruleset might not fully account for unimaginable incompetence. This level of a miscommunication is nigh unthinkable.
    CB-West repped this.
  20. speker

    speker Member+

    May 16, 2009
    Liverpool FC
    Well now they'll know that the rules can be an impediment to fair officiating and need amending.

    But none of that offers a fair resolution for Liverpool who are the innocent party here.
    SamScouse repped this.
  21. SamScouse

    SamScouse Member+

    Jun 1, 2015
    Liverpool FC
    I know, that's so fundamentally wrong it HAS to be fixed (which was my point, very badly made).
  22. EruditeHobo

    EruditeHobo Member+

    Mar 29, 2007
    San Francisco, CA
    Liverpool FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    There is no fair resolution for Liverpool. It's an unfair decision. Think everyone agrees on this.
  23. speker

    speker Member+

    May 16, 2009
    Liverpool FC
    Unfair of course but caused by staggering negligence .This incident is extraordinary. I hope Liverpool pursue this.
  24. EruditeHobo

    EruditeHobo Member+

    Mar 29, 2007
    San Francisco, CA
    Liverpool FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    There's nothing to pursue... unless you mean something like following up on the VAR protocol changes, or pushing further punishment for this ref crew? There's no actual remedy here. Just like there was no remedy in the pre-VAR times when a linesperson somehow didn't notice that the winning goal-scorer started their run 3 yards offside.

    But I agree with the rest of your post -- it is staggering, it is extraordinary, and it is probably by far the worst refereeing error that has occurred in a post-VAR world.
  25. bayred

    bayred Member+

    Liverpool FC
    United States
    May 28, 2018
    Imagine if this happened to Man City or Newcastle. Different outcomes for sure.

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