Who was the ref for the WC'02 Italy-S. Korea game??? and is he still in busness??????? Lets hope FIFA doesn't send idiots in the next WC!!
http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/funny_old_game/2253473.stm At least you weren't at the game....it was horrible.
FIFA was just as much to blame as Moreno. Why would FIFA schedule a 3rd rate referee who was in the process of leaving the game for politics. Now you tell me ....if you were Moreno and staying at a high end hotel in Korea, and given free meals and free women and God knows what else. How would you referee the game ? FIFA wanted an asian team to go far and that was the bottom line for WC02. Watch for an African team to go far at WC06.
I'm an Azzurri fan and also a Korean... With that said, I would have thought that 3 years later that the crying would have ceased. Blame Vieri for blowing all those header chances he had. Or the leaky defense at the end of the match on the equalizer as well as the winner. It didn't make you feel better when the clown in charge of Perguia sacked Anh after his golden goal against Italy? Italy's problem wasn't just the ref. They went to Cattenaccio a bit too early. If you watched the 2nd half of the match, Italy was too happy to sit on a 1-goal lead against a squad that had more stamina and work rate than any in that tourney. Tactically, Italy got schooled and lost, bad call or not.
What has South Korea done or what big teams have they beaten since WC2002. What Korean stars have joined elite clubs ? How will they perform without playing at home without a biased referee ?? I pray that Italy and South Korea are in the same group at WC2006 !!!!
Ji-Sung Park just moved to Man U. He dominated AC Milan in CL play. I don't want to talk trash about the Azzurri, because they are my 2nd favorite national team behind Korea. I will say that it's not like the Azzurri have done much themselves since WC 2002.
Well if you are happy with your 3 WCs, then why are people still b!tching about this? I'd think that Azzurri fans would have bigger fish to fry. Oh wait, they flamed out in WC and Euro therefore the wounds are still open. Look, I like the Italian team, my only problem is that every time they lose in a major tournament, excuses are made. Those 3 WCs look really weak when you combine it with whining from the last 10 years.