I don't know if Rap is permitted here but this is relevant> Some lyrics inspired from posts here on BigSoccer.. Follow ups in Links as evidence ++ Who runs the world? Bush, Dick, Pearl, Rummy or Paul Wolfowitz? Answers Predict none push it better than this, Acomb' the realest Spits nobody knows the inner workings of the mind Show me who grows in inner city working classified's? System's structured in a way that keeps the masses disallusioned Neocon's have created a World full of people who laugh at Live Executions Look at the media from more than one point of view Just because its our news doesn't mean that its True Course Aljazeera are "Terrorists" - if you Listen to O'rielly at Fox Same Guy who Approves use of Isreali Bullets against Palestinian Rocks What is it that this "humanity" is striving towards? A Silver Screen epic so Television Audience can Applaude? Fighting for Peace is Like ********ing to be a Virgin So Writing to MP's and demonstrate that its Urgent In this life everybody's here to ensure their survival Granted there's gona conflict But we Create our own rivals Terrorism doesn't exist - Here's a Lesson - its a tool for leaders Stop our Rasict views and Overseas Oppression - would anybody Fear us? Wake up and realise see through the media lies Make up - not terrorise other people, let them live their lives If the Taliban and Al Qaeda are linked, why Bush Let the Taliban in? Meeting him in his own state in 1997, they talking of oil trade and weapons! The Geneva Convention's just a media expression, Bush dont need Coke no more He Gets his Fix in Elections List so long what the ******** is going on? Askin Questions like What the ******** has gone wrong!? Bush Sr. was head of the CIA - changed the rules so he could have his way When president he had alot of ******** to say. now gets CIA Breifings every single day.. Extending the right he Commissioned.. for Ex- Presidents to get Secret Information Pretending he cares, when People aint Listening, off to Arabia to see the Saudi Nation Dick Cheney Dodged military service 5 times before going into Politics Poor Soldiers if you were informed you'd be sure not to be Involved with this!! A warless world can only happen when everyone refuses Military Service Thats Albert Einsteins views and its logic has a Purpose, incase you didnt Notice Imagine they announced a War and nobody came!? Power would finally be back in the Peoples hands again!! Most of you've never Seen me, Like the soviet weapons by "team - B" This aint 20th C history, When I talk about World War it means Three The Yanks aint got Eastenders but they got Pax Americana Read up on this document then we'll see whos really Bringin the Drama!! Shout a Happy Ramadan to Ossama Bin Laden and all his Muslim Brothers Surely thats the least we can do after Killing Countless Muslim Fathers, Sisters and Mothers? Now Let it be Well known that they legally buggin your cell phone Make your Anti-War voice shown, they'll kill you like Senator Wellstone Dancing Isrealis are the least of our troubles when against this Dispite tremondous evidence its dismissed as misfit by Ignorances Bush Supporters' so Stupid they only know 2 Policies out of 8 It aint that we Hate. In his very own words we just "Misunderestimate" "Collateral damage" invading a sovereign nation, creates more enemies than we can kill. The problem isn't that we have X number of enemies. We need to Address these Media Ill's There exist conditions that are fertile ground for the recruitment of radical terrorists. We musnt add to them by destabilizing stable countries, This is why Acombs a real Lyricisist!! "Killing Arabs" only escalates the cycle of violence. And guess what, that cyclical violence is going to hit us. Again and again and again until we address the issues that bring about the rise of terrorist groups. US!! Biggest problem's nobody remembers the Bush Administration before 9-11... what was happening? Rampant unemployment and a plane down in China. 42% of the year on Holiday, Bush had nothing. 9-11 mobilized the country music singing brain dead folks into "kill the towel head" mode GW is riding that momentum into another term. Needs War to Stay in the White Houses Humbel Abode There was no Bush administration before 9-Eleven. Just Keeps Scaring Voters to Death til all Sense has been severed! Halliburton is gonna get to keep $3B in unchecked Reconstruction Money!! Now What a surprise Dick Cheney's Wife is on that Board of that company, Its it funny! I asked a voter if she thought Bush did well removing the Taliban from power in Afghanistan, her response was "he liberated the Iraqi people from Saddam" This is the truth - I don't wana lie, what can you do against Stupidity? Why you think that they dont teach Politics or Ethics in School Communities? See the fact is the Right needs Stupid people to Stay in and Win Its not to the benefit of leaders if the people know the game they're PlayIng Richard Pearl's a modern day Rasputin, except this aint a Gypsie or Myth Without Him, Wolfowitz, Oil, Rummy, Dick, Tony and Bush - The Iraq War wouldn't Exist!!
I don't know if rap is posted up in here but it is wholly relevant. Some of the lyrics were inspired by Posts here at BigSoccer.com Follow ups in Links as evidence ++ Who runs the world? Bush, Dick, Pearl, Rummy or Paul Wolfowitz? Answers Predict none push it better than this, Acomb' the realest Spits nobody knows the inner workings of the mind Show me who grows in inner city working classified's? System's structured in a way that keeps the masses disallusioned Neocon's have created a World full of people who laugh at Live Executions Look at the media from more than one point of view Just because its our news doesn't mean that its True Course Aljazeera are "Terrorists" - if you Listen to O'rielly at Fox Same Guy who Approves use of Isreali Bullets against Palestinian Rocks What is it that this "humanity" is striving towards? A Silver Screen epic so Television Audience can Applaude? Fighting for Peace is Like ********ing to be a Virgin Start Writing to MP's and demonstrate that its Urgent In this life everybody's here to ensure their survival Granted there's gona conflict But we Create our own rivals Terrorism doesn't exist - Here's a Lesson - its a tool for leaders Stop our Rasict views and Overseas Oppression - would anybody Fear us? Wake up and realise see through the media lies Make up - not terrorise other people, let them live their lives If the Taliban and Al Qaeda are linked, why Bush Let the Taliban in? Meeting him in his own state in 1997, they talking of oil trade and weapons! The Geneva Convention's just a media expression, Bush dont need Coke no more He Gets his Fix in Elections List so long what the ******** is going on? Askin Questions like What the ******** has gone wrong!? Bush Sr. was head of the CIA - changed the rules so he could have his way When president he had alot of ******** to say. now gets CIA Breifings every single day.. Extending the right he Commissioned.. for Ex- Presidents to get Secret Information Pretending he cares, when People aint Listening, off to Arabia to see the Saudi Nation Dick Cheney Dodged military service 5 times before going into Politics Poor Soldiers if you were informed you'd be sure not to be Involved with this!! A warless world can only happen when everyone refuses Military Service Thats Albert Einsteins views and its logic has a Purpose, incase you didnt Notice Imagine they announced a War and nobody came!? Power would finally be back in the Peoples hands again!! Most of you've never Seen me, Like the soviet weapons by "team - B" This aint 20th C history, When I talk about World War it means Three The Yanks aint got Eastenders but they got Pax Americana Read up on this document then we'll see whos really Bringin the Drama!! Shout a Happy Ramadan to Ossama Bin Laden and all his Muslim Brothers Surely thats the least we can do after Killing Countless Muslim Fathers, Sisters and Mothers? Now Let it be Well known that they legally buggin your cell phone Make your Anti-War voice shown, they'll kill you like Senator Wellstone Dancing Isrealis are the least of our troubles when against this Dispite tremondous evidence its dismissed as misfit by Ignorances Bush Supporters' so Stupid they only know 2 Policies out of 8 It aint that we Hate. In his very own words we just "Misunderestimate" "Collateral damage" invading a sovereign nation, creates more enemies than we can kill. The problem isn't that we have X number of enemies. We need to Address these Media Ill's There exist conditions that are fertile ground for the recruitment of radical terrorists. We musnt add to them by destabilizing stable countries, This is why Acombs a real Lyricisist!! Killing "Arabs" escalates the cycle of violence. And Guess what, that's going to hit us Again and again til we address the issues that bring about the rise of terrorist groups. US!! Biggest problem's nobody remembers the Bush Administration before 9-11... what was happening? Rampant unemployment and a plane down in China. 42% of the year on Holiday, Bush had nothing. 9-11 mobilized the country music singing brain dead folks into "kill the towel head" mode GW is riding that momentum into another term. Needs War to Stay in the White Houses Humbel Abode There was no Bush administration before 9-Eleven. Just Keeps Scaring Voters to Death til all Sense has been severed! Halliburton is gonna get to keep $3B in unchecked Reconstruction Money!! Wow What a surprise Cheney's Wife is on the Board of that company, Isn't it funny! I asked a voter if she thought Bush did well removing the Taliban from power in Afghanistan, her response was "he liberated the Iraqi people from Saddam" This is the truth - I don't wana lie, what can you do against Stupidity? Why you think that they dont teach Politics or Ethics in School Communities? See the fact is the Right needs Stupid people to Stay in and Win Its not to the benefit of leaders if the people know the game they're PlayIng Richard Pearl's a modern day Rasputin, except this aint a Gypsie or Myth Without Him, Wolfowitz, Oil, Rummy, Dick, Tony and Bush - The Iraq War wouldn't Exist!!
Easy answer: The Stonecutters! Who controls the British crown? Who keeps the metric system down? We do! We do! Who leaves Atlantis off the maps? Who keeps the Martians under wraps? We do! We do! Who holds back the electric car? Who makes Steve Guttenberg a star? We do! We do! Who robs the cave fish of their sight? Who rigs every Oscars night? We do! We do!
I struggled through it. I'm glad to learn "Terrorism doesn't exist" and that Senator Wellstone was assasinated.