Frankly I can't even watch that ugly commercial! What's up with that line: Estadios lleno de corrupcion?? What are they trying to say? Granted while I'm sure that their is corruption in Argentine soccer, I also don't believe that everyone is corrupt! Besides what are they trying to do? Make people not watch the games? Insult Argentines in general? I'm getting tired of this. Unfortunately there is no alternative at the moment. Does anyone else feel this way as well?
Felt this way for the past 2-3 weeks. Their "creative" peeps should be serving burritos instead of putting together promos. This one is offensive, most of their promo's are unprofessional. They do sense that their audience is clueless, and that they can decorate 2 or 3 adjectives to make them appealing. This is football you clowns! They really need to re-think their strategy of promotion ... or hire someone that is not doing it in his free time from the kitchen! And that Samuel Jacobo is a thief. Has been stealing for 10 years now. .
No kidding. Those Mexican announcers are the worst. They have NO CLUE about futbol and never will. I'll never forget how during this past Copa America, Raul Orvallaños was looking at Bilardo during a show that Bilardo was hosting in COMPLETE AMAZEMENT. He probably was thinking "if I only knew what this man has forgotten about soccer I would probably be god in MEXICO".
Thank you for this heads up folks I will initiate protest measures and also when anyone types in mexico or soccer or football into google pages links to pages descibing how they much they suck. Help me with this folks......somos pocos pero somos muy fooking locos.
hay que mandar la queja a ese programa del uruguayo y river fan: jortge ramos en vivo lunes y viernes sale un 800 number and the email that thery respond on the air the more email the best chances to get a response!
Si, la verdad, no tienen ni la menor idea de que se trata ir a la cancha hacerle el aguante a tus colores. Si alguna ves vieron las boludeces que cantan las porras como suelen llamarse te das cuenta que son amargos como ellos mismo. no pegan ni con poxipol. Aguante LA CORRUPCION EN LAS CANCHAS, como le llaman esos topus de la promo. chau vieja,,,
Me parece que los Mexicanos no quisieron dar fuerte con esa M I E R D A. Es una manera de desprestijiar a la liga y a la poblacion Argentina.
******** Fox Sports. We need to find a way to get TyC on cable, so the fans don't have to fork out for the dish. I'd just watch el clasico del domingo on Fox and I'd shine Fox the rest of the time. Just watch TyC if I want to watch football. Well, I'd probably watch some of the Euro matches on Fox, but that's it.
son cantos de PIÑATAS! como el cachun cachun ra la ralala ra.....pumas o algo asi....mas creativos son los pibes de la elemental.
Those Fox clowns are not the only ones, there seems to be far too much negative commentary against Argentines and Argentine soccer in other networks as well. I mean as soon as thre is a dive they refer to Argies doing it, a handball, play acting , well you get the drift. Fact is for the last 15 years I think we have been one of the better behaved national teams and if they want corruption or hooliganism they need to look at the Polish league or former Yugoslavia, this is not to say we are angels but I think it has stepped over the bounds of decensy and unless we do make our voices heard by E-Mailing these broadcasters and providing examples they will keep pushing the envelope
Good thing our FOX Sports is different, not the best thing but different, or else 90 minutos would've been infested with hate mails, funny how they balance it having an innate bias toward argentine sides in cup matches.
To be honest I find them rather unbiased. And very balanced when it comes to commentary. But you also have to take into account that it is an Argentine produced show.
ese comercial solo lo vemos en el cono NORTE 90 en vivo solo para el cono sur y nosotros aca arriva lo vemos en diferido por eso no hay protesta en el sur!
That's what i meant, anyway is there a link for that commercial? I wanna check it out. LET'S SPREAD THE VOICE!
I have browsed through the world rivalries thing and let me tell you these mexicans really want to kill us. What the hell we do to them than just humiliate them in futebol? Its creepy. I mean we argies do not hate brazilians on a personal, cultural level, even en el futbolistico. But its a very livid expierience for mexicans. I hear it how they say we cheat, ect. They cheat, they got a transvestite sprinter running in the womens event. I think its because they are bitter by nature its their national mood and character. Its funny because we call each other amargo and claim our local club rivals don't exist. But they really are amargo, and their futbol does not exist. Wow. Its shockingly funny. We got to custom make more cantos for them. We have funny ones for our clubs but the national level we have very few.
mejor dicho la verdad no se si algunos de estos comentaristas mexicanos han ido a una cancha a apoyar algun color. Muchos de eyos paresen sacados de otros departamentos de television (por ejemplo noticias) y en verdad uno no sabe si en verdad son hombres de futbol o no. En latino america uno sabe que los que salen en la tele saben y an vivido el futbol todas sus vidas, pero tu miras la television de mexico y sus comentaristas dan pinta que no mas son unos graduados de universidad de periodismo y si les das una pelota se resbalan ellos mismos esto no es nada en contra del futbol Mexicano que veo todas las semanas, no mas una opinion sobre sus comentaristas.
I live in the United States and I encounter Mexicans on a daily basis here in NYC. What I've noticed is that they carry around a chip on their shoulder when it comes to futbol. It seems as if they feel that the futbol world should surrender at their feet. This mentality has twisted their logic. Let's look at this in more detail. Mexico has faired well against Brazil as of late. Their wins mostly come either during first rounds, where ANYONE can beat Brazil, or in friendlys. You aren't going to beat Brazil when Brazil doesnt want to get beat. The only team on the planet that can do that is Argentina and to a lesser extent Uruguay. In the Mexican mentality, they feel since they have had decent success against Brazil then beating Argentina should be easily had. Clearly they are wrong as evidenced in Copa America 2007, when we romped them 3-0 with a beautiful gol by Messi. But this mentality isn't just the fans, its pervasive amongst the journalists and the media as well. They basically lie to their public and make them believe things that are not true. Another reason for the Argentine backlash in Mexico, has to go with the amount of Argentines within their league to the fact that they had an Argentine in charge of their national team. LaVolpe is a very forthright individual and deals it like it is. This clearly clashed many times with the Mexican mentality. In the end it's probably a clash of cultures. With the Mexicans being highly vindictive. We can only wait and see what the next chapter will bring.
That would be nice since I have no other way to watch it. As for the Mexicans, if they hate us for all those reasons, we should probably burn them to the stake just for having Gael Garcia Bernal impersonate the Che.