Remember, remember the 5th of November with gun powder, treason, and plot We see no reason that gun powder treason should ever be forgot. What did those from England living stateside do to celebrate the 5th? My wife, son, and I had a couple of friends over, explained the holiday, and then lit some sparklers. To chicken to light any real fireworks living in a condo.
He went to my little brother's school in York. To this day they refuse to burn and effigy of him atop their fire. Burning an 'old boy' just isn't right I suppose.
Do they burn anyone else instead? Conspiracy theorists still maintain that the whole affair was set up by agents provocateur in order to implicate Fawkes & Co and to allow the government to impose even more draconian restrictions on Catholics. Others say that's a load of bollocks. I do remember visiting the Tower of London as a kid and getting a book as a souvenir that contained - amongst other things - a picture of Fawkes' signature on his confession after he had been tortured. Not surprisingly, he had a bit of trouble holding the pen steady.