Which is Less Negative for the league....

Discussion in 'MLS: Expansion' started by peledre, Jul 29, 2002.

  1. peledre

    peledre Member

    Mar 25, 2001
    Sioux Falls, SD
    Chicago Fire
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    As I was watching the Metros-Fire game on saturday, played on that ugly ugly safeplay football field, but in front of a very nice, full looking crowd, I got to thinking, what at this point has a more negative impact on the league --

    Playing in giant stadiums (Arrowhead), where on TV the crowds look atrocious, or playing at a place like Naperville where the field looks terrible, but the crowd looks really good (full house).
  2. peledre

    peledre Member

    Mar 25, 2001
    Sioux Falls, SD
    Chicago Fire
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Looks like Empty Arrowhead is way out front at this point...
  3. jmeissen0

    jmeissen0 New Member

    Mar 31, 2001
    page 1078
    aye... my vote made it 7-0.... it's now 10-0
  4. UncleSam527

    UncleSam527 Member

    Jan 14, 2002
    It depends on whether or not Arrowhead has gridiron lines on it or not. I assumed it didn't, therefore I voted for Naperville.
  5. jmeissen0

    jmeissen0 New Member

    Mar 31, 2001
    page 1078

    i've watched gridiron games where there are very noticeable soccer lines (very nice, by the way)... who really cares?

    as for the pitch and pitch size, i'll give you that... but there have been several stupid people that have asked why the fire don't cut their grass shorter, so it's close enough in appearance that the normal viewer could still see that as grass

    fire home matches provide excitement, you hear the fans... that is huge... the best games to watch of any league are the ones where the crowd is into the match...

    kc, there is nothing... it's devoid of life... it's looks like a bunch of guys playing in front of empty seats (even front row)... sure they make money on the place (might be a cash call for the league, but hunt is making money by controlling revenue streams, so he doesn't care), but the place is like a ************ing graveyard

    there is no life, no atmosphere, no excitement... it's horrible, it annoys the hell out of me

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