Okay, question is - What football management game will you be buying for your PC in these coming months leading up to Christmas? Main Nominees are: Championship Manager 5 – Eidos Now before we get into the technical side of things, let me put this straight. SI games and Eidos Interactive have now split and parted their different ways. Eidos have held the rights to the name championship Manager. Although you would expect the name, don’t expect the quality. The Collyer Brothers and their army of quality researchers are now plying their trade on a new game. From what I’ve heard this effort by Eidos is not worthy to be called under the prestige name of Championship Manager. They have in some respects dumbed it down and isn’t the same as the previous titles of the same name due to the acrimonious split. Also the game has hit problems and won’t be out until December 16th in the UK! Ouch a week before Christmas = no chance. Football Manger 2005- Sega Hooray – Okay it has a different name but it is in essence the same quality that SI has brought us in the past. Loads of leagues, players and staff. What is great is that the game will be released soon (November 6th), which gives you loads of time to start playing it when the winter months draw nearer. Sega has took over the realms and have given it a polished look already added to the adictiveness of the game. Also, and what is crucial – is the speed. It has thankfully been chopped and shaped and squeezed, so that a person with a average computer can get it running at a good level. Last year CM4 ran way too slow for me, and I had to use Small database – which is crap. No such problems now. For me – the one I’m buying for Crimbo. Total Club Manager 2005 – EA Sports Mourinho on the box cover – whether that’s a good thing, I don’t know. By EA sports – Haven’t played previous titles, so I can’t judge it. The match engine is far better. But not as expansive or addictive as the above….. Premier Manager 2004-2005 – Zoo Digital Never liked their other titles – just far too easy to do well. Anyone know anything about this? LMA Professional Manager 2005 – Codemasters Ditto. Again, I know many people who like this, but it doesn’t have the depth of SI games efforts. Sorry to say. Other: Any other ones, anyone would like to suggest?
Hmm... I'll be buying CM5 or getting it for Christmas... if it is true to what you say, it shall be traded in for a different game.
I'll definitely be getting Football Manager 2005 (or whatever it'll be called here in the U.S.) when it comes out, both because it's the true successor to the Championship Manager series and because it'll include MLS. I may try out the others if they include MLS. If they don't, then I won't even bother with them. -G
FM 2005 defnitley gonna get this one cant wait for it to come out so i can play it while i wait for pes 4 to get released on pc
Point taken regarding Football Manager being true successor to CM. However your point about MLS is a dubious one. There are many leagues superior to MLS so whether or not a good management sim contains it is moot.
MLS is the only soccer league I really care about (I enjoy watching games from the other leagues, but I don't really care who wins there), so why would I play any soccer game that doesn't include MLS? -G
Yes but instead of being real time and fictional, you have control of the pace of the game and the players are real. You can get roster updates, etc. its really addictive, I enjoy hattrick and Football Manager as a nice mix. It's hard to beat hattrick for playing against real people aspect, but Football Manager is cooler and deeper in my opinion
Sorry FM fans, I put 'other'. I like Sick as a Parrot, it's basically an independent soccer management game done by a guy who's programmed SMGs for 20 years (yes! 1984). There aren't any 'spreadsheets' like in FM/CM/TCM, you have to talk to coaches & do weekly training to see how your team is pulling along. It's a steep learning curve if you've been playing CM but it's worth it in the end, I still haven't found a 'run the table' strategy.
I put FM but the demo has me worried that we are looking at another CM4 in terms of bugs and the need for numerous patches and game restarts. I wish they had real competition for serious football managment games so that they were forced to actually follow through on their claims about massive improvements over CM.
I just made a post about this, before seeing this. Sorry Moderators. My question is, which one SHOULD I buy and what are the best places? (I want it shipped to Canada, or even just bought in Canada)
Well if you have the capacity download the demos of the games. Football Manager: http://www.sigames.com/ Total Club Manager: http://www.totalclubmanager.com/ Sick as a Parrot: http://www.machoward.com/ The other ones I don't know offhand and probably aren't even worth posting for anyways.