Kubah where are you? You fell off the map dude! I hope all is well and you return we can continue with this mission of having a team in NYC.
He accepted my request on facebook last night,so thankfully he is ok. And he has a message on his pg that says "Finally back online!"I wrote him a message so I'll see when he responds.So im expecting the triumphant return of Kubah quite soon,he is a big part of the group.
Unfortunately it seems as if he is MIA for good.I have contacted him and he hasn't answered.I see that he is active on Myspace and Facebook but I guess he isnt in with NYC2 anymore.Shame b/c he had alot of good ideas and his blog/online petition were great.Oh well we just have to pick up the slack.We really have to push the BB blog and update it often.
i flat out suck at blogging!!! Its sad - he was a bright guy and a good guy - i hope he is OK - the Boys will always welcome him back!
Yea myself,you and Nick have to step up on that one. If any of the other boys wanna step in and help that would be great to.
it can't be because of our organization right? It has to be health or family issues... i just don't want to believe he gave up on our cause because he didn't believe in it
He was really gung ho about things so I dont think it was the NY cause.It might be a personal thing but hopefully nothing bad.
Has somebody news about Kubah ? He has been very important for our project to bring a soccer team in NYC ( he created the blog of NYCFC for example ) and I don't realize where is in this moment.