In the past two weeks in the Premier League, there have been five penalties saved. In all five cases, the goalkeeper has come off his line before the kick was taken. Today in the Wigan-Stoke match, a penalty was given in the 89th minute of a 2-2 game. The kick was saved. Heres an snapshot of when the kick was taken. Its not the best image, but it shows the GK off his line by almost two yards. Incredible. It shouldn't have been a penalty anyway since the player who was fouled was offside, but it still should have been retaken.
It seems like people just don't care. If that is the general attitude then I don't fit with it. If an infringment causes an advantage it should be properly dealt with. (ie rekick, etc.) Maybe I'm missing something.
I'd agree with this. I would call the keeper closer to 1 yard (if that) off his line. I'd say this is marginal at best as far as an infringement. The last thing we need to replicate is that referee who called ~5 retakes in a row on a PK some time ago. As for the players entering the PA, again I agree that if a kick is saved and the player in early gets the rebound, then blow the whistle. If it doesn't have any whatever.
People should reread the trifling section of ATROTLG. Did the goalie coming a yard or two off the line have a "significant impact" on the play? Did the fact that 5 people step a foot into the box also have a "significant impact?" This referee felt like it didn't. The advice also states that the level of the play directly effects this, meaning at this level you won't call goalie encroachment because most of the time the players are so skilled that it will either go in, go into touch, or go straight into the goalie anyway. Its the same with a throw in, why people nit pick about throw ins is beyond me.
Tis simple mathematics Or, rather, geometry. Every yard off that line is an advantage to the keeper, cutting down the amount of the goal that the shooter has to shoot at. I have no problem with 5 retakes of kicks from the mark, if the keepers are that slow to catch on. Two steps off the line is a tremendous advantage compared with staying back on the line. No sympathy for the keep in that situation at all - his teamate (or the keeper him/her self) earned the pk, and it is designed to be an almost certain goal for the shooter. Remember, used to be that the keep couldn't even move along the line!
Re: Tis simple mathematics It goes far back as the '94 world cup. Little kid, I remember the Brazillian keeper coming off the line.
Re: Tis simple mathematics I have real problem with it. If he moves once - retake. If he moves twice - have a word. If he moves a third time - caution for persistent infringement If he moves a fourth time - Red Card. A keeper should not get a chance to face 5 retakes if he is the cause of the retakes.
I agree that people need to consider and decide if the infringement has a significant impact on play, i.e. is it trifling. But I also agree with code1390 -- in the case of GK coming off the line on a PK, a couple yards can be a significant advantage.
Note in the side-on that he had the sun in his eyes, perhaps that had a significant impact. I'm inclined to agree that this is happening more and more these days at the elite level as it seems noone cares anymore. Think about how many penalties should have been retaken in the 'miracle of Istanbul' shootout! It's all well and good to look at a snap shot of this, which makes it look like the goalkeeper was standing there for an hour like that, in reality it happened much faster, it probably should have been a retake, but it's consistant with what's been happening lately.
That was my assumption at first, Aussie. Then I assumed that the reason he's standing with the sun in his eyes and not in the shade is that the AR is over there. So one of them should have seen the keeper come off the line.
One thing that I would consider in this particular case: if my memory from the Fox Soccer EPL Review Show is correct in this particular instance (Wigan-Stoke) the kicker did a "stutter-stop" just before kicking to draw the goalie off the line. So this is not a case of goalie coming forward "unprovoked". None of this matters, of course, if you want to be totally literal about the "goalie can only move on the line business".
For the last couple of weeks, the referees in the EPL have walked to each and every player outside the area and said something to them. I guess that's not working either.
In my book it is. Only in that I would give the keeper the benefit of the doubt if his encroachment is on the trifling/non-trifling borderline.
But stutter steps are permitted under the LotG (wrongly IMO) and encroachment is not. Are you suggesting we take the approach of "you can stutter but if you do, the keeper can move on the stutter rather than on the kick"? We should strive for consistency. Kick of the ball is going to be the same across the board. The "trifling/non-trifling borderline" will vary greatly. I don't see how such a guideline is good for the game.
I've called exactly 1 re-take on a PK and that was as the AR on that end! Keeper never started on his line, he was about 3 feet out. CR never checked with me, I was waiting for him to to inform him, he just blew the whistle. At the shot the keeper was now about 8 feet out and made the save. I popped the flag, told CR what happened and we did it again resulting in a goal. Everyone EXCEPT the keeper went ballistic, this was 30 seconds before the half and the coach was still going nuts when we went to the side for halftime, the other AR even said "you can't make that call at this level" U18 Academy. I explained what I saw, the keeper even told his coach it was the right call, but the other AR, a very season G5 said I was wrong. So where did law 14 go, we the refs killed it.
The other AR made a comment to you about the call? How about shut the F### up? He's probably 60 yards away from you and at a different angle. I would have looked the guy right in the eye and told him he was totally wrong, and if they want to black ball me for it, that's fine, there are other matches to do.
Hopefully, the other AR's comments were for the referee team only. If not, I have a serious issue with it. Ass-u-me ing that the comments were a discussion with the referee team, I have no problem with a discussion of such issues. Rufus's comments would be out of line for such a discussion and make it a personal issue instead of a LOTG issue. I totally agree with NHRef, that the CR had made a mistake in not getting the keeper on the goalline prior to the kick, and that it should be re-taken. At some point, the keeper off the line calls for kicks to be retaken. Otherwise, the keeper would charge the penalty spot at the sounding of the whistle. What is trifling remains ITOOR.
While true, if an official says, "you can't make that call at this level", he needs to be called in front of the higher ups.
Sorry I wasn't clear, YES the comment was only for the ref team, even after explaining he stood by his opinion of not calling it at this level, but with much less "bravado"
agree. if we're going to re-write the rules to allow the keeper to come off their line a hair earlier as a response to the re-write of rules allowing the kicker to "feint", well... it would just be a lot simpler to un-re-write the rules and make "feinting" illegal. but i would guess a big part of the reason fifa won't do that is because players like cristiano ronaldo sell a lot of shirts and shoes. more goals = better business.