You seem to be eager for it to happen, huh? Do you have shares in some weapons corporation or something? News to you, there's no way the Dutch invade Morocco, it's too far away (and it's an strategic ally of the U.S. and France, btw) BTW what have the dutch done to you that you enjoy so much their distress?
Well this again proves that the Washington Post is extremely well informed - not. Anyway what I found interesting is that the two muslim terrorism suspects who were arrested in The Hague the other week after throwing a hand grenade at the Dutch police were two brothers with a double nationality - American and Dutch. I bet the American media didn't report on that.
While I realise that fear is considered a very useful power tool in your country, please don't bother the Dutch with your paranoid ramblings. 6% of the Dutch population is muslim. Out of those 6% an estimated 250 people are radical. That's on a population of 16 million. If you think those 250 can seriously endanger hundreds of years of Dutch civilisation and democracy (a civilisation whose national lottery is older than the country you call USA, btw) you're very, very silly indeed. By the way. You speak of the murder of Pim Fortuyn as if that type of thing happens here all the time. Before Pim Fortuyn you'd have to go back centuries to find another political murder in the Netherlands. I suggest you read a couple of history books mate.
It's remarkable how the same people who complain that Europeans don't show enough compassion for the US being under threat are now ridiculing what's happening in the Netherlands.
Well in the minds of the extreme christian communities in the east and centre of the Netherlands (which together constitute a far higher number of people than that of muslim extremists) the end of the world is near if women don't all wear skirts and are allowed to vote. I'm not worried about them screwing up our society either.
Nah, I don't want anyone to have to suffer terrorism--I am just using the same tone European liberals like Neeskins use against America/Bush. Not fun to be condescended to in this tone, is it? Particularly, since now the Dutch are doing/will have to do what the US has been doing since 9/11 regarding the Ay-rabs. Basically, you guys are going to actually, horrifically admit that Bush and Rummy are not only doing the right thing, they are several years ahead of you in "getting it." Who's "progressive" now?
First, 50% of the Dutch population under 14 years old is Muslim. How have you determined only 250 Muslims are radical out of 1.2 million Muslims in Holland? Did you go around taking a poll? And I suspose they answer honestly when they are asked. Anyway, let's say your "only 250 radicals" number is correct--you did see that one of your nuclear facilities was targeted? You do realize that most of the Muslims in Holland hate you, hate your hedonistic laws, hate your society, and especially hate you because you do not see Allah as the true God. Would a successful attack on one of you nuclear facilities "seriously endanger Dutch civilization?" Actually, your stupidity does maks me hate Holland, and I sincerely hope the terrorists succeed, so there are less condescending people like you in the world.
You really don't see the difference? If it wasn't for our government being a US lapdog I think we'd have a lot less trouble. Actually, I KNOW. Besides, what Bush and Rummy are doing now isn't helping us (or you for that matter) one bit. It already was targeted, the plan failed though. I can't say I worry about it too much. If something like this happened sh!t will really hit the fan and we simply won't have a muslim left around here. Problem solved, many less threatening problems gained though... especially through my leftist eyes. But I think common sense will prevail on both sides. No I don't because what you wrote here is simply not true. Depends on the wind direction I guess. If we get lucky ze germans'll get it. Ahhh now we got the discussion going! Allow me... Your infinite blindness makes me hate you, and I sincerely hope you die of cancer so we won't have to put up with your crappy posts anymore.
From the article: Well, I am relieved you are putting your faith in your Muslim population! Good luck!
Ah yes--it's Bush's fault! Silly me! If Bush wasn't such a warmonger, you and the Muslims would be holding hands singing songs together in peace and harmony.
You sound like 6-year old. Dad, the Evil European Leftits mocked me! This is suposed to be a serious discussion. Where's the thread where the evil Dutch posters mocked you? BTW I'm an European leftist and haven't ever mocked you beforel, until this post.
Yes, of course the washington post is right in the middle of Dutch society which I'm not. It goes back a lot further than Bush, but yes indeed... if the west (read: the US, followed by it's ever faithful lapdogs) would mind it's own business instead of trying to remodel the entire middle east... the cultural contradictions would be a lot less tense.
Can someone please explain how the Washington Post entered this discussion. I'd really like to know because I find it highly amusing. p.s. the WP employs Dutch journalists.
If I'm not mistake that's where the article quote comes from. It doesn't even matter btw, the quote has little to do with 1953424's assumption of 'muslims hating our society, blablabla' because we don't bow down before allah story.
Where do you get those figures from? But let's assume you are correct. So we are supposed to be afraid now of an army of muslim toddler terrorists? The 250 I refer to are those identified by the Dutch secret service as extremists. A pretty reliable figure considering that the murderer of Van Gogh was also on the list. Now if you wish to discuss with me how that service failed in protecting Van Gogh, you're welcome to. Furthermore the outrage of the Dutch muslim community following the Van Gogh murder proves to me that muslims in general do not hate the Dutch. Muslim leaders have spoken out against violence, and in favour of free speech. As for you, I'm pleased that someone of your ilk hates the Netherlands. If people like you start liking us, I'd get worried.
Here's what the Dutch are doing about it: 1. A new law will be introduced allowing only imams who were trained in the Netherlands to practise their faith. 2. People with dual nationality may be forced to give up one. 3. More openness of the Dutch secret service in reporting on muslim extremism to the Dutch parliament. So far there's no plans announced to invade Morocco. Are you disappointed now?