when we lost to Utd., were you upset in real life?

Discussion in 'Arsenal' started by darcgun, Mar 1, 2016.

  1. darcgun

    darcgun Member+

    Jan 11, 2008
    Arsenal FC
    Nat'l Team:
    I was, but i didn't cry lol.. well no, but then I was on my way back from class and had a massive scowl on my face whilst driving. defeats don't usually affect me in real life, but this did, i guess because i really thought we could claw back the gap and progress.
  2. LAgooner05

    LAgooner05 Member

    Feb 22, 2010
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    I got past this point like 4 seasons ago. It's easy to fall into a false sense of expectation that is not shared by the club, shame on us fans.
    darcgun repped this.
  3. thebigman

    thebigman Member+

    May 25, 2006
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    Was angry

    Don't care now just want wenger gone
  4. charlie15

    charlie15 Member+

    Mar 9, 2000
    Bethesda, Md
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    United States
    I was pretty pissed but it did not totally screw up my day. I used to be so worked up a couple of years ago.
    I have reached the acceptance level. ;)
    elessar78 and darcgun repped this.
  5. Quentin

    Quentin Member

    Jul 12, 2008
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    #5 Quentin, Mar 1, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2016
    I went riding on my road bike on a beautiful day and got 3rd overall on Strava on a 2 mile climb I'd never done before. Then I stuffed my face with pizza. My day was fine despite the loss.

    Despite it being a huge missed opportunity, I expect failure in games like this for Arsenal. We don't show up against United or Chelsea.
  6. mebeSajid

    mebeSajid Member+

    Feb 16, 2009
    Atlanta, GA
    Arsenal FC
    I was bummed, but had to get some work done, so did that and helped me get my mind off of it. Arsenal losing usually ruins my day.
    MisplacedSpainard repped this.
  7. voltman

    voltman Member

    Mar 26, 2008
    Disappointed, but not as angry as previous losses to United. More confused than anything else.
  8. DaPrince84

    DaPrince84 Member+

    Aug 22, 2001
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    i watched it after you all did.

    was pissed but then just chilled with my girl and then watched the Oscars and forgot about it.

    Honestly, I was only mad from after their 3rd goal until like the 85th minute when i realized we were not going to win.
  9. MisplacedSpainard

    Apr 5, 2007
    Silver Spring, MD
    Arsenal FC
    Nat'l Team:
    I was upset about it, but then chose to look at the silver lining and the hope that maybe just maybe this will help push Wenger out the door. (I know its false hope but still)
    charlie15 repped this.
  10. Val1

    Val1 Member+

    Mar 12, 2004
    MD's Eastern Shore
    Arsenal FC
    Well, I was lucky. UVa beat UNC in men's hoops the day before, so I had that to go on. Actually, UVa and the Arsenal have not had major wins the same week for the past two months, so I had the premonition from the final whistle of the UVa game that Arsenal were going to lose.

    But in general, I have learned not to get worked up over Arsenal games any more. It's been a five year process for me, which is why I am here less than I used to be, but I think the even keel routine serves me and my family better.
  11. InTheSun

    InTheSun Member+

    Oct 20, 2005
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    Can't say I was pleased, but same as Val I'm learning to take it in stride. A bit of lowered expectation helps. I think it's slightly more upsetting when I think about the lack of ambition/apathy from the people that run the club.
    LAgooner05 repped this.
  12. Furnaccio

    Furnaccio Member+

    Feb 19, 2008
    New York, NY
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    not at all. bigger things in life to get upset about.....

    in 2011, i do remember walking around NYC aimlessly in the snow/rain after we blew a 4-goal lead to Newcastle. I actually had an umbrella that i didn't bother to use. some passerby asked me why i wasn't using my umbrella. i responded "who cares, it doesn't matter"

    After that day, i started to not let arsenal results affect my weekend etc.
    aphex, charlie15 and fari repped this.
  13. BIGHMW

    BIGHMW Member+

    Oct 10, 2010
    Port Townsend, WA
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    #13 BIGHMW, Mar 1, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2016
    As an L.A. Kings hockey fan, back in my old days (I've been a Kings fan since 1975) we've always been some of the most optimistic fans in the NHL thinking that we have a chance to win the Stanley Cup every year but alas we all knew in the backs of our minds that we weren't good enough to even make the playoffs the majority of those seasons, so I'm used to mediocrity as my Kings were (were is the operative word here) mediocre at best, so we just settled for last place in the (old) Smythe Division for most of the 1980s. The ONLY reason that the Miracle On Manchester happened in 1982 was because we finished 4th in our division which back then meant a playoff spot (until 1995, the NHL had a divisional playoff back then with the top 4 teams in each division playing in the division semi-finals and finals back then and then the Conference finals and Stanley Cup Finals), in spite of the fact that we had the second worst record in the NHL (the then-Colorado Rockies had the worst record in not only in the division but also the entire League that year).

    Bottom line, I'm used to half-assed performances, after all, this Arsenal squad sure as hell ain't The Invincibles I read about and saw clips of on YouTube and proudly don their O2-sponsored shirts of that I came to The Gunner Fold because of, and I've somewhat grown accustomed to it, being a fan of one who looks good on promise, but somehow, someway, always seems to fall short, whether it be the Kings (before 2012 when we won our first Stanley Cup) or Arsenal.

    The past three years, The Gunners had always had a knack for somewhat blowing a chance to win the whole thing when they played so damn well to begin (in 2013-14, we were on top of the table until January when we started to slip away, last year, we could've been runner-up but fell to Scums at Shite Hart Lane late on), and this year, it seems like this kind of history someway somehow repeats itself, hopefully this will be our year, it won't be easy (as I am writing this Leicester drew 2-2 at home to West Brom), but I DO think this might be our last shot, if we drop ANY points against Swansea, kiss the title goodbye and then the Derby might not matter much except for bragging rights for whoever wins it.

    WE MUST WIN!!! So COYF'n'G!!!
  14. LAgooner05

    LAgooner05 Member

    Feb 22, 2010
    Orange County
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    Horrible Sunday, Arsenal get handled by United and Kings get Handled by Corey Perry and the quakers.
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  15. DutchCane

    DutchCane Member+

    Apr 6, 2004
    New York, New York
    Nah just accepted it, again this is not out of the norm so groundhogs day it was
  16. R9Kevinr9

    R9Kevinr9 Member+

    Feb 2, 2007
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    During the matches I still get really upset and curse at my TV but after the match is over I forget about it. After united I went and had a great brunch by myself. I had steak and eggs and a couple pints. After that I went to the bar and met up with some friends. Forgot all about it really. I started to realize there's no point getting worked up about shit you can't control.
  17. NorthBank

    NorthBank Moderator
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    Mar 29, 2006
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    No. I'm too used to it by now to get really angry or let it affect the rest of my life much. But Sunday was one big disappointed SIGH while I watched.

    Flashback to February 2008: an FA Cup match at OT, which I watched at my local. We had a good lead on them in the league that year so there was hope. Even if we had to play a weak side due to injuries and rotation.

    They thrashed us. All over by halftime.

    I remember being quite pissed and it lasted while I drove home. Really? How could I be angry, when our striker was Nik Bendtner and our back 4 included Justin Hoyte & Armand Traore!

    Obviously I've come some way since then in how I manage our defeats to United. And defeats in general I think. :D

    p.s. Nice idea for a thread.
  18. BIGHMW

    BIGHMW Member+

    Oct 10, 2010
    Port Townsend, WA
    Arsenal FC
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    United States
    I watched that game on NBCSN, goddamn Corey Perry had a hat-trick and an assist in that game against us, shit!!!
  19. Dooglas

    Dooglas Member

    Jul 30, 2005
    Las Vegas, NV
    Arsenal FC
    Honestly? I've become indifferent.

    Good for Arsenal for trying to cash in on support and make a new stadium. It's taken away a decade and more of winning anything of significance.

    Now at this point you have the league at a good point in the season. Where statistically, it's yours to lose. And in true Arsenal fashion. They lose it. And to cap it, Spurs are overtaking us.

    So no, I wasn't angry. Been talking about our ritual capitulation all season. Got into some fights over it.

    If wenger gets extended I'm probably done. The guy that loves to talk about his players being naive but doesn't pick up an outfield player in the summer. Irony at its finest.

    I feel bad for fans that were here during wengers glory years. I found Arsenal in 2004. I was lucky that a game was on basic cable and fell in love. I've never seen Arsenal win the league. So this crap organization is all I know.

    I know them well. And they never fail to disappoint.
  20. BIGHMW

    BIGHMW Member+

    Oct 10, 2010
    Port Townsend, WA
    Arsenal FC
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    United States
    I became a Gooner in 2013, and knew about them as early as 2011, it's just that I was supporting VfL Wolfsburg at the time so I was fully committed to them having watched every match (both in the Bundesliga and also the DfB-Pokal) every matchday on a pirate streaming site (FirstRowSports.eu) which mainly fed Sky Deutschland's German feed from 2010-2013, and at the start of the 2013-14 campaign (we were away to Hannover 96) I ended up getting a virus in my PC trying to stream that match and since then, I never looked back. I became a full-time Gooner after that, thanks mostly in part, to NBC Sports Group, which covered the Premier League showing "every team, every match, every week", and I'm damn proud to be a supporter of The Gunners for the past 3 seasons, and I want to win more than just an FA Cup this year, so COYF'n'G!!!

    BTW, Since then I never went back to the Bundesliga, even though they are now on Fox Sports, because they don't have the same wall-to-wall coverage as NBC does, I can't watch Wolfsburg every week, every match, because Fox has its heads up its ass, and decides to pull the same bullshit Bayern/Schalke/Leverkusen song-and-dance as GolTV did when they previously carried the BL.

    Shame, shame. The Bundesliga would've had me back with them, and maybe perhaps I wouldn't have sold my entire collections of VfL Wolfsburg (2010-14) and Seattle Sounders (2009-13) jerseys back then, but at the time, I needed the money, so they wound up being put up on eBay.
  21. ArsenalJake

    ArsenalJake Member+

    Feb 11, 2013
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    Whenever we lose, I give my Stan Kroenke doll a hug and I feel better.
  22. MilesW

    MilesW Member+

    Aug 26, 2010
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    Once United scored their first I could kind of tell how the game was going to go, so nothing that came after was really anything new. I was bummed but mostly indifferent I guess. Luckily there was a pretty good Hawks/Caps game right after.
  23. Gunning4Chelsea

    Gunning4Chelsea Member+

    Aug 2, 2005
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    Did you get an invoice afterwards?
    Kot Matroskin repped this.
  24. DeltaSig

    DeltaSig Member

    Mar 7, 2007
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    Yes I was pissed and stopped watching after the 3rd goal. My two year old son and sick prego wife quickly took my mind off the loss and tend to put things into perspective very quickly.
  25. elessar78

    elessar78 Moderator
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    May 12, 2010
    Arsenal FC
    I was resigned to it. Same Old Arsenal. We've chosen a poor time to not be in form.

    Hopefully Lester is losing their mojo. Lost to us. Took a last minute goal to beat Norwich. Drew against West Brom.

    My prediction at new year's was that the title was going to be decided by our "Rest of League" performance. Well we've shat that bed. Now it's down to finishing and mental toughness, both things we are not known for sadly. It's looking bleak.

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