Just wondering if I'm the only one who finds it unnecessary, now that the election is over. Can we recombine the forums? Can we set a date for doing so? I'm getting sick of checking both, and I think the distinctions between the two are getting less and less clear.
Could we just make the last two months go away? Then again, I think I rather have Bush than deal with all the damn political ads. Not sure, but it's close.
We can be merciful and ask the mods to kill it with one stroke, or we can quit posting on it and watch it die die a slow death. I think it deserves the slow death.
Wait until Donna Frey is confirmed as Mayor of San Diego. That'll be the last race actually decided from the November 2nd election. Or just kill it now -- whatever...
This sub-forum should've been named "Election 2008" to begin with. There was never any doubt about 2004. In fact, 2004 should be considered the first stage of election 2008. Don't believe me? Just ask Arnold and Hillary.
with faulty machines and lack of paper trails, i don't think counting the votes would precisely do anyone any favors... but i'm with you in spirit
It's called the Recyle Bin, and it is source of great entertainment for those of us with bolded names.
We can't kill this sub-forum until I introduce my "Eating Crow" thread. You know, the one where I flashback to comments made by BS members within the past 6 months about how Kerry was going to wipe up the floor with Bush. At last inventory, I have 33 comments by obie, 47 by superdave, 26 by Mel Brennan, and many more by others to reveal. So, I figure I've got 4 years of material left for this sub-forum.
A form of discrimination I'm sure! Do you get your own bathrooms for Bolded Name's Only? Do the Bolded Name folks sit in the front of the bus? Geez...man I want parity.... the man is holding us down... I want equality for the Plain Text posters! No more bigotry shown by the Bolded Name folks! Equality Now! Rally behind me Plain Text boys....let's put these white-hooded Bolded Name folks in their rightful place! IntheNet