Whats your training program look like?

Discussion in 'Soccer Boots' started by Sakino, Aug 3, 2002.

  1. Sakino

    Sakino New Member

    Jul 24, 2002
    Here is my weight training program. I'm looking for suggestions, and ideas over the next 8 weeks.
    Important Note: This page contains active links to websites. Check them before printing this E-mail.

    Endurance, Power, Strength, Stamina Weight Training Routine
    Cycled Light - Moderate - Heavy - Power Routine
    Michael D. Parent
    July 24th, 2002

    The Routine

    Hip Area: Gluteus Maximus, Hip Abductors, Hip Flexors,
    Thighs (Front And Back): Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Hip Adductors
    Chest: Pectoralis Major, Sternal, Clavicular, Pectoralis Minor, Serratus Anterior,
    Bicepts: Biceps Brachii, Brachialis
    Lower back: Spine (Thoracic, Lumbar),
    Calves: General, Gastrocnemius, Soleus,
    Tibialis Anterior,
    Forearms (Including Wrist) Brachioradialis Wrist: Flexors, Extensors.
    Shoulder (Deltoid) Anterior, Lateral, Posterior, Supraspinatus,
    Neck , Sternocleidomastoid, Splenius,
    Waist: (Abdominals) Rectus Abdominis, Obliques, Erector Spinae
    Upper Back: Latissimus Dorsi & Teres Major , Trapezius, Levator Scapulae Rhomboids Infraspinatus & Teres Minor Subscapularis,
    Tricepts: Triceps Brachii
    The Major Muscle groups are:

    Upper Arms
    Triceps Brachii
    Biceps Brachii
    Latissimus Dorsi & Teres Major
    Pectoralis Major
    Pectoralis Minor
    Serratus Anterior
    Gluteus Maximus
    For more information on each muscle group listed here you can find definitions and photos: HERE

    All Major Muscles throughout this entire workout must adhere to the "Light - Moderate, Heavy, Power" structure. For all Major muscles no matter which day you are working out whether it be a heavy day, or a light day - must be done with following the below structure.

    Major Muscle Structure
    Light Days - One to Three sets is acceptable With One to Two Exercises per Major Muscle - Reps are to be kept between 8 - 12 reps
    Moderate Days - Two to Four Sets is acceptable With One to Three Exercises Per Major Muscle- Reps are to be kept Between 8 - 15 Reps
    Heavy Days - Three to Five Sets is Acceptable with One to Three Exercises Per Major Muscle - Reps are to be kept Between 6 - 8 Reps.
    Power Days - Three to Six Sets is Acceptable with One to Two Exercises Per Major Muscle - Reps are to be kept Between 2 - 6 Reps.

    Below are small muscles groups which require little stimuli to grow for most people. On power days do not attempt to do power movements with small muscles - you can do heavier weight, but be very careful how you do each rep, and that your form is perfect. I would not attempt to follow the Major Muscle Structure as far as reps, exercises, or sets. Minor muscles as they progress can gradually be phased into a "similar" workout like the Major muscles, but it would take quite awhile for most people. For both major and minor groups - Stretching must be done, but especially with minor muscles as injury can easily occur with these groups muscles.

    Minor muscle groups are:
    Upper Arms
    Biceps Brachii
    Levator Scapulae
    Infraspinatus & Teres Minor
    Erector Spinae
    Hip Abductors
    Hip Flexors
    Hip Adductors
    Tibialis Anterior
    For more information on each muscle group listed here you can find definitions and photos: HERE

    All Minor Muscles throughout this entire workout must be done carefully. For all minor muscles no matter which day you are working out whether it be a heavy day, or a light day - must be done with only with 1 - 2 sets and with only 1-2 exercises. These are small muscles and require little stimuli to grow. On power days do not attempt to do power movements with small muscles - you can do heavier weight, but be very careful how you do each rep, and that your form is perfect. Stretching must be done, as injury can easily occur with minor muscles.

    Light Days - on light days you do light weight - you do about 60% of your 1 rep Max - you just rest, and go through each exercise easily. The same goes for your cardio. You cut your intensity down to about half, and you do medium to high reps for major muscle groups.
    Moderate Days - On moderate days you may do high rep routines, but only do about 75% of your 1 rep Max. This is a medium routine where you workout, but not extremely. You can get a great workout here while also taking it easy to some degree. These workouts are meant to increase your cardio output - you can do intense cardio if you wish, but keep the workout a medium paced routine
    Heavy Days - Low - Medium reps - 85-90% of your 1 rep Max. These are the days where growth, and strengh go hand in hand. Medium days will also provide growth, but not the type of strength that heavy days will give you. These days you do each rep slowly, and focus on each muscle as it contracts. You develope a feel for muscle contractions. This is the day to also do Negatives and work with a good spotter.
    Power Days - Extreme Low Reps - 90-100% of your 1 rep Max. These days help develop strength, while also developing power and rapid movements. On heavy days you may do the reps very slow with heavy weight while controlling the weight carefully. On this day you are equally careful, but you have a spotter work with you on doing power movements - exploding through "multijoint" exercises like Bench Press, Squats, Dead Lifts. You focus on keeping form, but getting the weight up quickly and precisely. Since your sets are so small and powerful it is possible to do 3,4-5,6 sets doing only 3 reps, or 4 reps etc.

    Before doing any of these workouts - you must get yourself acclimated to doing them "correctly" - make sure your form is precise, and follow what each workout calls for as you are capable. In the beginning do not pack on all the weight you can for heavy days or power days and expect to do them all correctly. You are altering your speed now, as well as changing your focus. The Heavy days and Power days will take time to come - start slowly, and remember to carefully stretch before doing any of these work outs - each muscle should be stretched for no less then 30 seconds each. Warm up, Stretch, perform the routine, stretch during the routine if you wish, and then stretch before you perform your cool down.

    Find Your 1 Rep Maximum:

    You must also learn what your 1 rep maximum is, which is the amount of weight you can currently lift for any given exercise.

    This information below will allow you to calculate your one rep max for this new workout program. It will be based on percentages of how much you can lift. Use the following table to figure it out. Of course, this is only an estimate. Your actual one rep max could be higher or lower! This will give you a very good estimation to begin with

    This first method is based on a formula comes from A Practical Approach to Strength Training by Matt Brzycki. Just do a set to failure on any exercise, then enter in how much weight you did and how many reps you finished (without help) into the form below.

    A Popular Method

    Reps %1RM
    1 100
    2 95
    3 90
    4 88
    5 86
    6 83
    7 80
    8 78
    9 76
    10 75
    11 72
    12 70

    This is how you use the table. Find the number of reps to concentric failure that you can perform with a certain weight. In other words, if you can only do eight reps with a certain weight and could not possibly do another full rep, that is your point of failure. Find the percentage associated with that number of repetitions from the table above.

    Now, divide the weight that you can do by that percentage using decimals (83 percent equals .83) and that will give you an approximation of your one repetition maximum. For example, if you can perform 10 reps with 175 lbs. in the bench press, that means that 175 lbs. is 75% (0.75) of your one repetition maximum. So you would take 175 divided by .75 and that would equal 233 lbs. You should probably use your calculator, we knew a guy who did it in his head and said he could bench 3000 lbs. Good luck!

    Over the period of 8 weeks you arrange this workout in a manor which allows you to cycle. Let me show you.

    Week One

    Sunday: (Light Day) Sunday: Quads, (interior quad and hip flexors to) Glutes, Hamstrings

    Monday: (Heavy) Monday: Chest - Bi's

    Wednesday: (Moderate Day) Wednesday: Lower back - Cavles/Shins - Forearms (front/back)

    Thusday: (Power Day) Thursday: Shoulders (all three heads) - Neck (front/back, Left & Right), Abs (obliques, rectus abdom, all of them.

    Saturday: (Light Day) Lats, Traps/Upperback - Tricepts

    Week Two

    Sunday: (Moderate) Sunday: Quads, (interior quad and hip flexors to) Glutes, Hamstrings

    Monday: (Light Day) Monday: Chest - Bi's

    Wednesday: (Heavy Day) Wednesday: Lower back - Cavles/Shins - Forearms (front/back)

    Thusday: (Light Day) Thursday: Shoulders (all three heads) - Neck (front/back, Left & Right), Abs (obliques, rectus abdom, all of them.

    Saturday: (Moderate Date) Lats, Traps/Upperback - Tricepts

    Week Three

    Sunday: (Heavy Day) Sunday: Quads, (interior quad and hip flexors to) Glutes, Hamstrings

    Monday: (Moderate) Monday: Chest - Bi's

    Wednesday: (Power Day) Wednesday: Lower back - Cavles/Shins - Forearms (front/back)

    Thusday: (Moderate) Thursday: Shoulders (all three heads) - Neck (front/back, Left & Right), Abs (obliques, rectus abdom, all of them.

    Saturday: (Heavy) Lats, Traps/Upperback - Tricepts

    Week Four

    Sunday: (Power Day) Sunday: Quads, (interior quad and hip flexors to) Glutes, Hamstrings

    Monday: (Heavy Day) Monday: Chest - Bi's

    Wednesday: (Light Day) Wednesday: Lower back - Cavles/Shins - Forearms (front/back)

    Thusday: (Heavy Day) Thursday: Shoulders (all three heads) - Neck (front/back, Left & Right), Abs (obliques, rectus abdom, all of them.

    Saturday: (Power Day) Lats, Traps/Upperback - Tricepts

    Week Four

    Sunday: (Light Day) Sunday: Quads, (interior quad and hip flexors to) Glutes, Hamstrings

    Monday: (Power Day) Monday: Chest - Bi's

    Wednesday: (Heavy Day) Wednesday: Lower back - Cavles/Shins - Forearms (front/back)

    Thusday: (Power Day) Thursday: Shoulders (all three heads) - Neck (front/back, Left & Right), Abs (obliques, rectus abdom, all of them.

    Saturday: (Light Day) Lats, Traps/Upperback - Tricepts

    Week Five

    Sunday: (Moderate Day) Sunday: Quads, (interior quad and hip flexors to) Glutes, Hamstrings

    Monday: (Light Day) Monday: Chest - Bi's

    Wednesday: (Power Day) Wednesday: Lower back - Cavles/Shins - Forearms (front/back)

    Thusday: (Light Day) Thursday: Shoulders (all three heads) - Neck (front/back, Left & Right), Abs (obliques, rectus abdom, all of them.

    Saturday: (Moderate Day) Lats, Traps/Upperback - Tricepts

    Week Six

    Sunday: (Heavy Day) Sunday: Quads, (interior quad and hip flexors to) Glutes, Hamstrings

    Monday: (Moderate Day) Monday: Chest - Bi's

    Wednesday: (Light Day) Wednesday: Lower back - Cavles/Shins - Forearms (front/back)

    Thusday: (Moderate Day) Thursday: Shoulders (all three heads) - Neck (front/back, Left & Right), Abs (obliques, rectus abdom, all of them.

    Saturday: (Heavy Day) Lats, Traps/Upperback - Tricepts

    Week Seven

    Sunday: (Power Day) Sunday: Quads, (interior quad and hip flexors to) Glutes, Hamstrings

    Monday: (Heavy Day) Monday: Chest - Bi's

    Wednesday: (Moderate Day) Wednesday: Lower back - Cavles/Shins - Forearms (front/back)

    Thusday: (Heavy Day) Thursday: Shoulders (all three heads) - Neck (front/back, Left & Right), Abs (obliques, rectus abdom, all of them.

    Saturday: (Power Day) Lats, Traps/Upperback - Tricepts

    Week Eight

    Sunday: (Light Day) Sunday: Quads, (interior quad and hip flexors to) Glutes, Hamstrings

    Monday: (Power Day) Monday: Chest - Bi's

    Wednesday: (Heavy Day) Wednesday: Lower back - Cavles/Shins - Forearms (front/back)

    Thusday: (Power Day) Thursday: Shoulders (all three heads) - Neck (front/back, Left & Right), Abs (obliques, rectus abdom, all of them.

    Saturday: (LightDay) Lats, Traps/Upperback - Tricepts

    Last Note: Now during this 8 weeks you "can" change some of the days as you see fit. If you need rest on a "heavy" day, then feel free to change it to a light day. However - you "MAY NOT" change a light day to a heavy day. The point of these designated days is for optimal growth and rest.

    Example Routine:

    Sunday: Quads, (interior quad and hip flexors to) Glutes, Hamstrings

    Light Day:

    Squats - (Compound Movement)
    Quads - Leg Extension
    Glutes Weighted Hip Extensions
    Hams - Lying Leg Curls
    Hip flexors - Lever Hip flexor
    Hip Abductor Cable Hip Abduction

    Moderate Day:

    Squats - (Compound Movement)
    Deadlifts - (Compound Movement)
    Quads - Leg Extension
    Glutes Weighted Hip Extensions
    Hams - Lying Leg Curls
    Hip flexors - Lever Hip flexor
    Hip Abductor Cable Hip Abduction

    Heavy Day:

    Squats - (Compound Movement)
    Deadlifts - (Compound Movement)
    Quads - Leg Extension
    Glutes Weighted Hip Extensions
    Hams - Lying Leg Curls
    Hip flexors - Lever Hip flexor
    Hip Abductor Cable Hip Abduction

    Power Day:

    Squats - (Compound Movement)
    Quads - Leg Extension
    Glutes Weighted Hip Extensions
    Hams - Lying Leg Curls

    Monday: Chest - Bi's - Abs

    Light Day:

    Flat Barbell Bench Press - (Compound Movement)
    Chest - Dumbbell/pec dec flys
    Bis Dumbbell Curls
    Rope Crunches

    Moderate Day:

    Flat Barbell Bench Press - (Compound Movement)
    Chest - Dumbbell/pec dec flys
    Bis - Dumbbell curls
    Bis - Hammer Curls
    Compound - Forward Dips
    Rope Crunches

    Heavy Day:

    Flat Barbell Bench Press - (Compound Movement)
    Chest - Dumbbell/pec dec flys
    Bis - Dumbbell curls
    Bis - Hammer Curls
    Compound - Forward Dips
    Rope Crunches

    Power Day:

    Flat Barbell Bench Press - (Compound Movement)

    Chest - Incline Dumbells
    Bis Dumbbell Curls
    BIs- Barbell Curls
    Rope Crunches

    Wednesday: Lower back - Cavles/Shins - Forearms (front/back). Cardio

    Light Day:

    Dead Lift - (Compound Movement)
    Lower Back Weighted Back Extensions
    Calf (Gast) Standing Calf Raises (lever) or Seated Calf Raises
    Calf (tribal ant) Reverse Standing Calf Raises (lever)
    Forearms Dumbbell Wrist Curls
    Forearms Dumbbell Reverse Wrist Curls

    Moderate Day:

    Dead Lift - (Compound Movement)
    Lower Back Lever Back Extensions
    Lower Back Weighted Back Extensions
    Calf (soleus)Seated Calf Raises (lever or dumbbell?)
    Calf (tribal ant) Reverse Standing Calf Raises (lever)
    Forearms Dumbbell Wrist Curls
    Forearms Dumbbell Reverse Wrist Curls

    Heavy Day:

    Dead Lift - (Compound Movement)
    Lower Back Lever Back Extensions
    Lower Back Weighted Back Extensions
    Calf (soleus)Seated Calf Raises (lever or dumbbell?)
    Calf (tribal ant) Reverse Standing Calf Raises (lever)
    Forearms Dumbbell Wrist Curls
    Forearms Dumbbell Reverse Wrist Curls

    Power Day:

    Dead Lift - (Compound Movement)
    Lower Back Weighted Back Extensions
    Calf (Gast) Standing Calf Raises (lever) / or Seated Calf Raises
    Calf (tribal ant) Reverse Standing Calf Raises (lever)

    Thursday: Shoulders (all three heads) - Neck (front/back, Left & Right), Abs (obliques, rectus abdom, all of them. Cardio

    Light Day (Movements performed at individuals normal speed in controlled fashion)

    Arnold Press - (Compound Movement)

    Rear Delts Dumbbell Rear Late Raises
    Neck Neck Extension
    Neck Neck Flexion
    Roman Chair: 2 sets (10 reps)
    Flat Crunches: 2 sets (20 reps)
    Side Crunches: 2 sets (10 reps each side)

    Moderate Day (Movement performed 25% faster then individuals normal speed in controlled fashion)

    Barbell Military Press - (Compound Movement)
    Dumbbell Row - (Compound Movement)
    Rear Delts Dumbbell Rear Late Raises
    Rear Delts Rear Delt Flyes
    Neck Neck Extension
    Neck Neck Flexion
    Roman Chair: 3 sets (12 reps)
    Swiss Crunches: 3 sets (30 reps)
    Swiss Crunches: 3 sets (20 reps each side)

    Heavy Day (Movement performed 25% slower then individuals normal speed in controlled fashion)

    Barbell Military Press - (Compound Movement)
    Arnold Press - (Compound Movement)
    Dumbbell Row - (Compound Movement)
    Rear Delts Low Weight - Rear Delt Flyes
    Neck Neck Extension
    Neck Neck Flexion
    Weighted Roman Chair 3-5 sets (6-8 reps)
    Weighted Swiss Ball: 3-5 sets (16-20 reps)
    Dumbbell Side Bend: 3-5 sets (8-10 reps each side)

    Power days (Movement performed 50% faster then individuals normal speed in controlled fashion)

    Barbell Military Press - (Compound Movement)
    Rear Delts Dumbbell Rear Late Raises or Rear Delt Flyes
    Compound Arnold Press
    Crunch Machine: 3-6 sets, (4-6 reps)
    Weighted Rope Machine: 3-6 sets, (4-6 reps)
    Dumbbell Side Bend: 3-6 sets, (4-6 reps)

    Saturday: Lats, Traps/Upperback Triceps, Cardio

    Light Day:

    Underhand Chin up - (Compound Movement)
    Wide Grip Pull-ups - (Compound Movement)
    Triceps Cable Push Downs
    Triceps Lying Triceps extension (Skull Crushers)

    Moderate Day:

    Underhand Chin up - (Compound Movement)
    Wide Grip Pull-ups - (Compound Movement)
    Bent-over Row - (Compound Movement)
    Traps Dumbbell Shrugs
    Triceps Dips (Just Normal Bodyweight)
    Triceps Lying Triceps extension (Skull Crushers)
    Triceps Cable Bent-Over Triceps Extension

    Heavy Day:

    Underhand Chin up - (Compound Movement)
    Bent-over Row - (Compound Movement)
    Traps Dumbbell Shrugs
    Wide Grip Pull-ups - (Compound Movement)
    Triceps Dips (With Weight Added)
    Triceps Lying Triceps extension (Skull Crushers)
    Triceps Cable Bent-Over Triceps Extension

    Power Day:

    Underhand Chin up - (Compound Movement)
    Wide Grip Pull-ups - (Compound Movement)
    Triceps Dips (With Weight Added)
    Triceps Close Grip Bench Press

    Final Tip: If you have additional questions about training or nutrition I would like you to go to WebMD.com to shape a fundamental fitness, and nutritional program. This site is great for general fitness and health. On the other hand Bodybuilding.Com is also excellent for additional information on nutrition, supplements and Exercise information. They also explain thoroughly how each muscle works. If you have questions about routines or excises I have included simply use their search feature to expand on it. Both sites provide a significant amount of helpful information which is accurate, and supported by professionals. Carefully research and ask questions - then determine exactly what you are trying to accomplish with your body, and your health. Eventually everyone must specialize a routine which is personalized to them individually. Some train for mass, some for strength, some for specific sports, and some for general health. If after doing research you still have questions you may ask me. I do not hand hold - so do the research first before coming to me with difficult questions. Enjoy the routine.
  2. timmy409

    timmy409 Red Card

    Apr 3, 2002
    i dont think to many people are going to read that
  3. Sakino

    Sakino New Member

    Jul 24, 2002
    Haha I know, I just posted mine. If someone was intersted in looking at it they can. Its a great program. As you can see it is very complex, but it gets the point across. I was just wondering what everyone elses look like.

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