What's up with X?

Discussion in 'LA Galaxy' started by arsynic, Jan 25, 2008.

  1. arsynic

    arsynic Red Card

    Jan 2, 2007
    Santa Barbara
    Will he be manning our D? Or at least our injured reserve list?
  2. Ismitje

    Ismitje Super Moderator

    Dec 30, 2000
    The Palouse
    Real Salt Lake
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    United States
    Can't imagine this was intended for MLS N&A? Off to the Galaxy forum.
  3. TequilaJoal

    TequilaJoal Red Card

    Mar 3, 2002
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I dont know its pretty crazy... cost like $10 or $15 dollars a hit and makes you all warm and weird inside.

    I think its best if you give to chicks with a little bit of liquor... it makes em crazy all hot and wanting to touch you and be touched, but warning dont let them get all connected to other x'ers than its a waste of hardon.... than it looks like Matrix 2 all slither and no sex.

    oh, did you mean "X" the Galaxy Defender?

    he is currently serving a stint in the portuguese-witness relocation program. he is hiding in the london club scene going by the name coked-out-marblebag.
  4. Namrog The Just

    Namrog The Just Member+

    L.A. Galaxy
    United States
    Jul 2, 2007
    Baltimore County, Maryland
    Los Angeles Galaxy
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    United States
    Good question. I always liked Abel (nobody moves quite like him) and thought that all things considered, he ultimately helped us. Then I started hearing rumblings that he wouldn't play on plastic (imagine that, and here I thought the players all loved playing on old ground up tires and polyethylene) and the F.O. wasn't happy with him. He's also being paid around $150,000.00 and could be another one of those "tough decisions" (see Albright, Chris) Paul Bravo was talking about (and no, I'm not comparing getting rid of Chris to giving X the heave-ho).

    Last thing I heard (back in November on lagalaxy.com) he was back in Portugal rehabbing an injury, and I just assumed this was the Galaxy's way of saying thanks, but no thanks. After all he has played for more than a few teams in his career so a quick exit would hardly be surprising. However, a quick Google news search turned up this on Goal.com (from 12/28/07):

    "Crack physiotherapists Luis Alberto Rosan and Ricardo Sasaki, physiologist Turíbio Leite de Barros, physical trainers Carlinhos Neves and Sérgio Rocha, performance analyst Wellington Valquer, resident MDs José Saches and Marco Aurélio Cunha as well as nutritionist Cristina Soares have all been names swapped between Brazilian stars - even in a Europe that is hardly lacking specialists. A telling symptom is that even European nationals are starting to consider REFFIS , Portugal’s Abel Xavier choosing a spell in South America to help shrug off some niggling physical worries."

    Link: http://goal.com/en/Articolo.aspx?ContenutoId=528089

    And of course there's this direct from The Korea Times:

    "Along with 32-year-old Beckham, Landon Donovan, Cobi Jones and Abel Xavier will make new Dutch boss Ruud Gullit's side for the March 1 match."
    Link: http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/nation/2008/01/136_17953.html

    Normally I would dismiss this as they also have Cobi putting the boots back on, but, . . . the Galaxy (and MLS for that matter) are hardly noted for providing much in the way of useful information on anything, so whose to say that The Korea Times don't have more reliable information than we do?

    I hope he's coming back since we could be a little, uh, thin on the back line even with him, much less without him. Besides, who knows what kind of do' he'll be sporting?
  5. Cyclonis

    Cyclonis Forza Juve

    Jul 12, 2007
    Los Angeles
    Juventus FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Careful there... you usually get what you pay for...
    however, IMO Xavier is a steal and having him and Babayaro in the same backline without paying either DP $$$? Should be illegal! And it'll certainly help solidify our defense. But yeah, he has been MIA as of late

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