Bush did virtually as well (or poorly) with gays as he did in 2000. Can you believe it? The gay bashing cost him virtually nothing! Bush got 23% of the gay vote, compared with 25% in 2000. Other interesting findings. The gender gap still lives. Bush won by 9 points with males and lost by 5 points with women. If the early exit polls sampled more women (as some have claimed), that pretty much explains everything. The most disturbing (from the Democratic perspective) figure is that the Republicans are doing much better with Hispanics. If this continues, the Republicans are set. Bush got 42% of the Hispanic vote, up 7 points. He stayed even at 41% with Asians. He got 24% of the Jewish vote, up 5 points. Some of these numbers look a bit off (Bush did a little better across the board), but it seems reasonably accurate. http://www.cnn.com/ELECTION/2004/pages/results/states/US/P/00/epolls.0.html
Pathogen, Actually, my gay friends are actually much more diverse politically than people would expect. They are free thinkers who make up their own minds. One voted for Bush because he's pro-life. Some are actually against gay marriage (gasp!, how could this be?). Terrorism affects their decision as well. "Gee, dawgpound2, you mean gays actually have their own minds and actually look at the overall issue picture?"
Gringo, you are waaaay too smart to not recognize my post based on Pathogen's question, right? I believe you are.
Your other points are valid, but this one is a thorn in my craw. I believe that this is true--I'm sure there are gay people who oppose and even vote against gay marriage. I just think they're idiots. Being a gay person and voting to outlaw gay marriage is like getting a tattoo on your face: you're taking an action that is likely to limit the choices you can make in the future.
Really?! I had no idea they could think for themselves. Gee, what part of them being openely gay gave me the idea that they wouldn't? I bet you I could find a healthy contingent of women that believe they shouldn't have a right to vote and wish to serve a subsersive role to their husbands.
There are obviously gays out there who realize equality in society doesn't mean you take on the trappings of the straight world. Marriage is a straight institution. They are not straight. In addition, I must say this again, gays have fought their entire lives to oust religion and government from their lives. Some of them are sensible enough to realize "marriage" involves a legal committment involving religion or government. Why seek the stamp of approval for your lifestyle from institutions you have always fought against? Why give them legal power over your relationships? It makes no sense. Stay free of those shackles. I might add that the attempt by the radical gay leadership to shove down society's throat the whole gay marriage thing was a massive backfire. They only energized the opposition. Hey gays--take back your communities from the lefties leading you to disaster. I wonder how the Log Cabiners feel this morning. They could have talked sense and taken some credit for the last night's wonderful victory, instead of caving in to the radical gays and refusing to back the president. Losers. I hope they're frozen out. Serve them right.
How could Americans in 11 out of 11 states vote to ban gay marriage? I always figured that the majority of Americans felt like they didn't want to see it around them but to each his own. Instead they have decided that they want to codified that people born a certain way do not deserve equal rights. It's disgusting and unfortunately telling of today's America.
Americans don't want f*gs marrying or people getting abortions cuz it's an abomination in the eyes of God, but what's the Bible say about divorce again?
that's the awesome thing about the bible. it says so many contradictory things. depending on which way the wind is blowing, you can be against or for just about anything!