And all of the MetroStars high command met today in the team office to discuss why the season was such a failure... Phil Anschultz: BLUNDERERS, FOOLS, We poses financial power greater than any on earth yet our championships are stripped from us on every front. Our most dangerous Enemy is not the rest of MLS but YOUR COLLECTIVE INCOMPETENCE. Nick Sakiewicz: HOGWASH!!!! Phil Anschultz: What did you dare say.... Nick Sakiewicz: The fault, most wealthy Anschultz, lies not with in us BUT WITHIN YOU!! YOUR OWNERSHIP HAS BEEN POMPOUS, GUILT ANONYMOUS AND PATHETIC!!!! Bob Bradley: What did he say?? Clint Mathis: Gasp! He’s gone crazy! Kenny Arena: That’s treason Ernesto Motta: I don’t believe it! Phil Anschultz: Yes.. Leadership is at the heart of this matter. But it is not mine that is inadequate Nick Sakiewicz IT’S YOURS! YOUR EGO DRIVEN STUPIDITY HAS CONVERTED VICTORY INTO CATASTROPHE FOR THE LAST TIME!! Nick Sakiewicz: Go ahead make me the scape goat. My loyal subordinate could testify to my fine stuart ship of metro but you don’t have the courage to let them speak!. Phil Anschultz: Wrong again! Defend him if you can! Nick Sakiewicz: Indeed they shall. You first nobel Ernesto.. Ernesto Motta: Footballisticly speaking it’s only fair to say that Mr. Sakiewicz is a world Class..................................BUFFOON................................ Nick Sakiewicz: What!?! Mo Johnston, Bob Bradley Brave Clint Mathis and Kenny Arena Surely you won’t let Ernesto’s assassination of my character go unchallenged will you?? Bob Bradley: Certainly not. Ernesto also forgot to mention your frequent display of bad marketing... Nick Sakiewicz: UHG! Ernesto Motta: You Botched our U.S.Open campaign Mo Johnston: We Would have won but you countered ordered our 4 4 2!! Ernesto Motta: Your Medaling has brought us defeat again and again!!! Bob Bradley: You are not just a fool, you are Metros curse! Clint Mathis & Kenny Arena: (At the same time) Inept, Insufficient, Inexcusable!!! Nick Sakiewicz: UNSUBSTANTIATED FANTASY! LIES! LIES! LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEESSSSSSSsssssssssssssssssssss....................................
This is beautiful. It should hang in the Met alongside the greatest art of the ages. I hope you don't mind when I steal it. Sachin
Hello Metroscrubs fans I was reading this post and it seems to be that this post (and we all know it some sort of story) seems to be the real life attitude of every one in general towards your Nick S....Is it really that far off the money/reality..... I see that in New Jersey the education system is so bad that you read with out seeing the deeper meaning to what you read.. but then again what do you expect from Jersey Trash!!! I hope Nick S stays GM of your awful team 4 ever!! keeping you down in the waste lands that is the armpit of america New Jersey....
If you 're going to make fun of Jersey, at least do it with cohesive sentences. It's still easier to breath in Newark than it is in LA.
The only serious discussion that took place in the Metros Front Office this week is where to store all the leftover MPF paraphernalia until next season.
Hello Captain Clown, I'm from Jersey and when i first read your name i saw that it had deeper meaning then just being a name. Anyway, i rather be living in the armpit of america then the ass crack of america.