Express YOUR opinion at The Inferno's forums (You don't necessarily have to be an Inferno member to answer this question, but we'd sure appreciate it if you were one. But you gotta at least be an FC Dallas fan. If you're not an FC Dallas fan, your opinion is pretty close to being worthless on this issue.)
Good Choices. Very nice of the FO to pony up the dough for a new flag. Who says they hate The Inferno?
Quick thought, If we use a Texas flag are there certain respect rules, we'd have to/should observe? Like I know the American flag isn't suppose to touch the ground and should be folded a certain way. I don't know if Sam's Army follows these rules, but it's a consideration I think. Anyway, my vote would be for a Texas Flag with the FCD logo instead of the star.
Texas Flag Code... BTW our "flag" is would not be an actual Texas State flag but rather a representation of the flag thus not persuant to code; furthermore, the Texas AG has his hand full w/ other matters but since you asked as long as the white is on top, the star on the left (from the sight side) we should be ok Texas Flage Code ->
Just thinking out loud here, but does anyone think people would see it as a bit disrespectful to replace the lone star with something else? I know the lone star is basically the most prominent symbol of the state and the old Republic. Any thoughts? Am I being too sensitive here? I still think its the best option, by the way.
Where are mine? I am guessing - the flag costs $750 give or take? I said it was nice. Its not a mid-field maestro from Argentina. A good pair of cleats will cost you $175. Many of us could but a new flag by oursleves, no big deal. I was more impressed by the gesture than the actual cost.
Probably. Dallas Stars make a Black, white and green texas flag. I have seen US flags with crimson stripes (OU). As long as the flag is right-side up and not on fire, I think we are ok.
yea and at UNT we have a Texas flag with dark green instead of blue and light green instead of red. No one says much but then again Denton is a very liberal town.
someone always brings a red and white flag with the ou symbol where the stars go to the football games
In European international matches, you always see various national flags with either a club or town embroided on it. I always thought that was cool and was thinking that I want to get one done with the Texas flag and FC Dallas on it for World Cup '06. Might make for a nice Inferno banner too.
Here are my thoughts, not that I am in the inferno. I prefer the straight texas flag becasue the FCD logo is a little to compliated to replace the star. If anything a FC Dallas on one of the color sections, with maybe an Inferno would be ok. You might also wait for the terciary logos to come out. There might be something there that will work better.
Buzz, we will always treat you just like one of us, even if you're not "officially" a member. Mind you, that's not a universally good thing, but what can you do?
Would this be in addition to the old FOG, or replacing it? Any idea why we are making a change? (Not saying I am necessarily against it - I'd just like to know why.)
Replacing it. As for why we're replacing it, the big reason is that we're not red and black anymore. Besides, the front office is offering to buy us a new one.
Ah, yes, excellent counterpoint.... The only "why not" to me is that S**tection 8 of Chitcago also seems to use it. El Chapulin Colorado
flag of greatness *pats daniel on head* we're a little out of it tonight... its okay I thought DMB was Dave Matthew Band too @ first.
I didn't realize a decision had been made to change the Inferno colors....? When exactly was this discussed?
I didn't know the Inferno had colors. The red and black FoG was because those were the team's colors, and those aren't the team's colors anymore.
Oh please. This is OUR flag, right? To represent US. Our colors have been similar to the Burn's because we supported that team, but they were our colors. I was under the distinct impression that The Inferno (name, colors, etc.) weren't going to change just because the team changed. Or, at the very least, that the changes would be minimal - and definitely that there would be a discussion about such things. So, I ask again - did I miss a meeting?
I know im still fairly new and there are many more valuable opinions than mine, but i dont think that changing the FOG that we use means were changing anything for FCD, I think that using a Texas flag is a better option than using the one we have now, or since the FO is buying us one, we could use the texas flag at times and the FOG at times for instance when FCD scores we use the FOG and while introductions are going on we use the Texas flag