"what If Realists Were In Charge Of U.s. Foreign Policy?"

Discussion in 'Politics & Current Events' started by That Phat Hat, May 3, 2012.

  1. That Phat Hat

    That Phat Hat Member+

    Nov 14, 2002
    Just Barely Outside the Beltway
    Liverpool FC
    Nat'l Team:
    So you know those Realists who ran foreign policy in Bush I's DoS/NSA like Powell and Scowcroft? What if they ran foreign policy for Clinton, Bush II and Obama?

    I think the first three are obvious - no Iraq, no "War on Terror", no nation building - Realists don't get into projects without predictable outcomes or finite end dates.

    But then, hindsight being 20/20, I think Clinton made the right choice to be involved in the Balkans.

    Anyway, this article is well worth a read.
    QuakeAttack repped this.
  2. tomwilhelm

    tomwilhelm Member+

    Dec 14, 2005
    Boston, MA, USA
    Fulham FC
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    United States
    Which article?
  3. ceezmad

    ceezmad Member+

    Mar 4, 2010
    Chicago Red Stars
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    Didn't Bush 1 fight a war vs Iraq when they attacked Kuwait?
  4. minerva

    minerva Member+

    Apr 20, 2009
    Denver, CO
    Liverpool FC
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    United States
    I don't consider the chicken-hawk neocons to be foreign policy realists. far from it.
  5. That Phat Hat

    That Phat Hat Member+

    Nov 14, 2002
    Just Barely Outside the Beltway
    Liverpool FC
    Nat'l Team:
    A true Realist may have stayed out completely, but the way it was executed was totally Realist - they went in knowing exactly what they wanted to accomplish, and were reasonably certain they could get it done quickly. All they wanted to do was free Kuwait from Iraq, and kept Saddam in place. No invasion, no occupation, no ground troops - it was war as Powell & Co. liked.
    Three men responsible for Bush I's foreign policy, Scowcroft, Eagleburger and Baker, were all realists, not neocons.
  6. minerva

    minerva Member+

    Apr 20, 2009
    Denver, CO
    Liverpool FC
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    United States
    if they were realists, they wouldn't have drafted such a shitty foreign policy. they would have understood balance of power politics and the need for accommodating regional powers' needs and ambitions. they would have understood the need for coalitions, rather than the go it alone, cowboy, my way or the highway style diplomacy. they would not have overextended the country in the pursuit of some kind of democratic middle east. if anything, they are idealists in my book. or maybe just idiots.
  7. That Phat Hat

    That Phat Hat Member+

    Nov 14, 2002
    Just Barely Outside the Beltway
    Liverpool FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Wait, you're not talking about the first Bush administration, are you?
  8. dapip

    dapip Member+

    Sep 5, 2003
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  9. minerva

    minerva Member+

    Apr 20, 2009
    Denver, CO
    Liverpool FC
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    United States
    um, no. I was talking 2nd Bush. :confused:
  10. That Phat Hat

    That Phat Hat Member+

    Nov 14, 2002
    Just Barely Outside the Beltway
    Liverpool FC
    Nat'l Team:
    I was confused because your first post came directly after a reference to Bush I, and then you quoted my post that specifically named members of Bush I's cabinet.

    So yes, everyone agrees, neocons are not realists. I don't think that was ever in question.
  11. minerva

    minerva Member+

    Apr 20, 2009
    Denver, CO
    Liverpool FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    my bad for the confusion.
  12. American Brummie

    Jun 19, 2009
    There Be Dragons Here
    Birmingham City FC
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    United States
    Stephen Walt is to IR realism the way the Pope is to Catholicism, or Octomom is to crazy. He is so gung-ho about its principles that there is no compromise or pragmatism. I like the guy, but he wouldn't have gone into Libya, Kosovo, or Somalia, and there's a very good argument for intervention in all three. He basically believes that as long as we have 10,000 nuclear weapons we're cool, and we should bring the troops home.
  13. Iranian Monitor

    Iranian Monitor Member+

    Aug 18, 2004
    Nat'l Team:
    During the cold war, "realists" referred to those who gave priority to balance of power calculations and who were neither willing to sever US relationship with allies based on their human rights records or lack of democratic credentials, nor were interested in a crusade to "roll back" the Soviet empire. After the cold war, those who were realists still maintained similar attitudes when it came to the neoconservative crusade for a new "American century" (aka as the crusade to make the Middle East safe for Israel and its aggressions), and took a similarly dim view of nation-building and other adventures that required the US military to act as a policemen in conflicts elsewhere in the world.

    For me, of course, following a "balance of power" maxim and calculus is by itself neither a virtue nor a vice. If the status quo is satisfactory enough, and if the changes that are required can be accomplished incrementally and overtime, pursuing a realist agenda would entail far less risk and cause less damage than otherwise. In situations, however, that the balance of power that exists is promoting an utterly intolerable and unjust order, one that cannot be remedies incrementally or overtime, if a country has the means and the will to engage in a crusade to make the world better, then obviously to do so is no vice either.

    However, any suggestion that those who have pushed the US to engage in a neoconservative crusade have had such altruism in mind is something I utterly reject. Which is why, ultimately, I always found "realists" more tolerable than their critics. Even those critics that were genuinely motivated by altruism often displayed a naivete and foolishness that made their prescriptions worse than the ailments they wanted cured, while the more serious danger was always from those who wanted to lead the US down crusades that had objectives in mind that had nothing to do with idealism or altruism.
    minerva repped this.
  14. minerva

    minerva Member+

    Apr 20, 2009
    Denver, CO
    Liverpool FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    speaking of crusading, I'm reading Tom Sawyer Abroad, and this seems like it's appropriate here:
    So then he set to work to get up a plan to make him
    celebrated ; and pretty soon he struck it, and ofifered to
    take me and Jim in. Tom Sawyer was always free and
    generous that way. There's a-plenty of boys that's mighty
    good and friendly when you've got a good thing, but when
    a good thing happens to come their way they don't say a
    word to you, and try to hog it all. That warn't ever Tom
    Sawyer's way, I can say that for him. There's plenty of
    boys that will come hankering and grovelling around you
    when you've got an apple, and beg the core off of you ;
    but when they've got one, and you beg for the core and
    remind them how you give them a core one time, they say
    thank you 'most to death, but there ain't a-going to be no
    core. But I notice they always git come up with ; all you
    got to do is to wait

    Well, we went out in the woods on the hill, and Tom
    told us what it was, It was a crusade.

    " What's a crusade ?" I says.

    He looked scornful the way he's always done when he
    was ashamed of a person, and says —

    " Huck Finn, do you mean to tell me you don't know
    what a crusade is ?"

    "No," says I, "I don't. And I don't care to, nuther.
    I've lived till now and done without it, and had my health,
    too. But as soon as you tell me, I'll know, and that's soon
    enough. I don't see any use in finding out things and clog-
    ging up my head with them when I mayn't ever have any
    occasion to use 'em. There was Lance Williams, he learned
    how to talk Choctaw here till one come and dug his grave
    for him. Now, then, what's a crusade? But I can tell
    you one thing before you begin ; if it's a patent-right, there's
    no money in it. Bill Thompson he — "

    " Patent-right !" says he. " I never see such an idiot.
    Why, a crusade is a kind of war."

    I thought he must be losing his mind. But no, he was
    in real earnest, and went right on, perfectly ca'm :

    " A crusade is a war to recover the Holy Land from the

    " Which Holy Land ?"

    " Why, the Holy Land— there ain't but one."

    " What do 7ve want of it .'*"

    "Why, can't you understand.? It's in the hands of
    the paynim, and it's our duty to take it away from

    " How did we come to let them git hold of it ?"

    " We didn't come to let them git hold of it. They al-
    ways had it."

    " Why, Tom, then it must belong to them, don't it ?"

    "Why of course it does. Who said it didn't?"

    I studied over it, but couldn't seem to git at the right
    of it, no wa}^ I says :

    " It's too many for me, Tom Sawyer. If I had a farm
    and it was mine, and another person wanted it, would it be
    right for him to — "

    " Oh, shucks ! you don't know enough to come in when it
    rains, Huck Finn. It ain't a farm, it's entirely different.
    You see, it's like this. They own the land, just the mere
    hand, and that's all they do own ; but it was our folks, our
    Jews and Christians, that made it holy, and so they haven't
    any business to be there defiling it. It's a shame, and we
    ought not to stand it a minute. We ought to march against
    them and take it away from them."

    "Why, it does seem to me it's the most mixed-up thing
    I ever see ! Now if I had a farm and another person — "

    " Don't I tell you it hasn't got anything to do with farm-
    ing ? Farming is business, just common low-down busi-
    ness ; that's all it is, it's all you can say for it ; but this is
    higher, this is religious, and totally different."

    " Religious to go and take the land away from people
    that owns it ?"

    " Certainly ; it's always been considered so."

    Jim he shook his head, and says :

    *' Mars Tom, I reckon dey's a mistake about it somers —
    dey mos' sholy is. I's religious myself, en I knows plenty
    religious people, but I hain't run across none dat acts like

    It made Tom hot, and he says :

    " Well, it's enough to make a body sick, such mullet-
    headed ignorance ! If either of you'd read anything about
    history, you'd know that Richard Cur de Loon, and the
    Pope, and Godfrey de Bulleyn, and lots more of the most
    noble-hearted and pious people in the world, hacked and
    hammered at the paynims for more than two hundred years

    trying to take their land away from them, and swam neck-
    deep in blood the whole time — and yet here's a couple of
    sap-headed country yahoos out in the backwoods of Mis-
    souri, setting themselves up to know more about the rights
    and wrongs of it than they did ! Talk about cheek !"

    Well, of course, that put a more different light on it, and
    me and Jim felt pretty cheap and ignorant, and wished we
    hadn't been quite so chipper. I couldn't say nothing, and
    Jim he couldn't for a while ; then he says :

    "Well, den, I reckon it's all right; beca'se ef dey didn't
    know, dey ain't no use for po' ignorant folks like us to be
    trying to know ; en so, ef it's our duty, we got to go en
    tackle it en do de bes' we can. Same time, I feel as sorry
    for dem paynims as Mars Tom, De hard part gvvine to be
    to kill folks dat a body hain't been 'quainted wid and dat
    hain't done him no harm. Dat's it, yousee. Efwewuztogo
    'm.ongst 'em, jist we three, en say we's hungry, en ast 'em
    for a bite to eat, why, maybe dey's jist like yuther people.
    Don't you reckon dey is ? Why, defd give it, I know dey
    would, en den — "

    "Then what?"

    " Well, Mars Tom, my idea is like dis. It ain't no use,
    we caiit kill dem po' strangers dat ain't doin' us no harm,
    till we've had practice — I knows it perfectly well. Mars
    Tom — 'deed I knows it perfectly well. But ef we takes a'
    ax or two, jist you en me en Huck, en slips acrost de
    river to-night arter de moon's gone down, en kills dat sick
    fam'ly dat's over on the Sny, en burns dey house down,

    "Oh, you make me tired!" says Tom. "I don't want
    to argue any more with people like you and Huck Finn,
    that's always wandering from the subject, and ain't got any
    more sense than to try to reason out a thing that's pure
    theology by the laws that protect real estate 1"

    Now that's just where Tom Sawyer warn't fair. Jim
    didn't mean no harm, and I didn't mean no harm. We
    knowed well enough that he was right and we was wrong,
    and all we was after was to get at the hoiu of it, and that
    was all ; and the only reason he couldn't explain it so we
    could understand it was because we was ignorant — yes,
    and pretty dull, too, I ain't denying that ; but, land ! that
    ain't no crime, I should think.

    But he wouldn't hear no more about it — just said if we
    had tackled the thing in the proper spirit, he would 'a'
    raised a couple of thousand knights and put them in steel
    armor from head to heel, and made me a lieutenant and
    Jim a sutler, and took the command himself and brushed
    the whole paynim outfit into the sea like flies and come
    back across the world in a glory like sunset. But he said
    we didn't know enough to take the chance when we had it,
    and he wouldn't ever offer it again. And he didn't. When
    he once got set, you couldn't budge him.

    But I didn't care much. I am peaceable, and don't get
    up rows with people that ain't doing nothing to me. I
    allowed if the paynim was satisfied I was, and we would let
    it stand at that.

    Now Tom he got all that notion out of Walter Scott's
    book, which he was always reading. And it was a wild
    notion, because in my opinion he never could 've raised the
    men, and if he did, as like as not he would 've got licked.
    I took the book and read all about it, and as near as I
    could make it out, most of the folks that shook farming to
    go crusading had a mighty rocky time of it.


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