Once again, not to act as too much of a sock here, but Marcus has asked me to create a thread for specific issues, comments, questions for Charlie and the gang at the Rapids. I guess Marcus had a meeting with Charlie and he wants to get some sort of focus groups (a la Burn) going in the new year. This year is too busy with the upcoming league meetings, expansion draft, etc. Maybe there will be a new GM/Coach by then too. We can all hope. In the mean time Marcus wants to be able to talk with Charlie about some issues. So post them here. Marcus also wants his direct phone number posted here but refuses to do so himself. So here you go Marcus: (303) 405-6123. I'll get us started. 1. How many more years will Hanki and Counce get to screw up the team? They don't focus on player development and they can't assemble a team that wins something. I've applied for a job with Charlie before and would take anything available. 2. Why doesn't KSE televise away games?
Are we keeping the cheerleaders? If so, can we move them to the north end (or behind the benches)? Putting them in front of the hardcore fans is a bit redundant. And annoying. I'm glad to see that a deal was finally reached with Comcast, and I'm looking forward to seeing ALL away games next year. Have you narrowed down a list of candidates for the head coaching position?
what's being done to keep the fans more informed. Will all of next year's AWAY games be on Altitude. If women are to be used as sexual objects that are important for making public appearances ... can they do something else be sides being cheerleaders ... like serving beer?
What types of things are going to be done to improve the marketing of the Rapids? What types of promotional nights will be kept or added?
Have an exclusive ticket window for the supporters section. We're special, we don't want to wait in line to buy tickets for sections 128/127. The faster we can get in, the more support we can give the Rapids.
Recognize the incredible market area you 'own' and reach out. I am about 5 hours away and an equal distance from KC. I like going to Denver better than to KC and John Spencer has been/was also a draw. Please realize you are not limited to just metro-Denver or even just Colorado fans and market accordingly. And find a replacement for Spencer that is an International Star w/o injury problems and with Spencer's passion (should be simple eh). Salt Lake puts a little dent in your western market but to the east you still have a tremendous geographical area with no competition -- not even A-League or PDL.
I would like to tell Charlie thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.
So Tim is gone what more did we want??? I just hope that they keep Counce around so that he can build the quality team that I know he can. He was such a great player when he played I am sure that he would even be a great choice for coach!!!! So I think we need to tell Charlie to give back our team and give back control to someone who knows something about soccer! I know we all saw him at the last playoff game here...he kinda reminds me of Agutus Gloot from Willy Wanka and the Chocolate Factory! Evil I know but what do we really know about his abilities to lead????
Woa, woa, woa. What makes you think Counce would be a good coach? Winning the Herman trophy makes him a great college player 30+ years ago. Those days are long gone. Remember, he was the GM and continues to be the head of player development or something similar. Look who he signs. I think Counce needs to go! Let's get a truly frech start.
Well heck, with all of the good news lately, I'm not sure I want to even press my luck with questions/comments, however I will anyway so this could get long. #1 As everyone has said...TELEVISION COVERAGE. We have got to be able to follow our team when they aren't here. I'm not a small guy so stowing away in someone's luggage is just out of the question to get to all the away games. I want whatever sports shows they have on Altitude to actually cover the Rapids. I'm sick of seeing 27 minutes of Football/Basketball/Hockey (when we have it) and 2 minutes of Rapids coverage. I *think* I saw a show on one of the Fox Sports channels I don't get about Metro Stars Soccer, a full 30 minute gig! We need this for our beloved Rapids. Profile the players, explain who they are and how they help to community. #2 A quality Stadium/Home for the Rapids: KSE is doing a great thing by getting us a stadium, but they need to take care of it. I'm a little concerned w/ the location...maybe it's because I haven't been in that area for years, but EVERYONE needs to really be on top of things to make sure the hooligans don't wreck the atmosphere and the out lying fields (if they go the "Soccer Complex" route). I would hate for people to be scared to go to a game at night because they are "afraid of the area". KSE plays a HUGE part in this too. They need to help the city really pimp themselves out as a good place to be. Commerce City needs to get away from the image that even I unfortunately still have in my head from when I was driving a truck in the area. It really needs to be sold to all of Colorado as THE home for the Rapids. Rifraf must know that their antics will not be tolerated and are no longer welcome in the city. The Stadium must also be billed as a home for the Rapids and Soccer in Colorado, not as some "multipupose venue" even though it may be used as such. The Rapids need a place to call THEIRS so they have some sort of emotional attachement and want to defend it from all those "other teams". And last but not least, what's in a name? I'll tell you what's in a name, Pride, Honor, Excitement, and many other emotions that we need on the field. Don't let the naming rights go to some cheesy corporation or someplace that has no interest in the games to be played there. I don't want some crappy name like Invesco Field at Mile High. That's silly. Lets get something that encompasses Colorado as a whole, not some monolithic, giant corporation that may or may not know the difference between a Soccer Ball and a set of Lawn Darts. Don't ask me what to name it because I've never been good at that, just ask my son's Pete and Pete (I loved that stupid show). Sorry this was so long, but I get pretty emotional about this junk. -Jason
My 04/05 offseason wish list, in order: 1. Fire Hankinson 2. Fire Counce 3. Locate a forward who can finish consistently 4. Locate a midfielder who can attack, especially shooting from 25 yards out 5. Guarantee complete coverage of away games in 2005 6. "Town Meeting" or similar forum with fans 7. Improve merchandise availability And a few minor things that would be great but in truth aren't priorities like the above (and things I'm not holding my breath on): - nix the cheerleaders - offer a NO CHILDREN section at INVESCO - accurate/updated information on team website - more original content on the team website - monthly/quarterly letters from the Guvnah ("state of the team" stuff)
Hopefully Counce will be gone sooner rather than later. I'd almost take #3 above #2 thinking Pedro can finish and some better service and others attacking would help him out a lot.
1. Fire Counce 2. Find players that contribute-to/emphasize a fast attacking style of football. 3. Guarantee complete coverage of away games in 2005 4. "Town Meeting" or similar forum with fans 5. Pink slip the official cheerleaders (they like pink) 6. offer a NO CHILDREN section at INVESCO 7. Improve web presence 8. DO NOT "sell" team viewing parties to sports pubs! Determine a criteria to meet for viewings and insist they are met (audio and video on more that 3 large TVs in an area not consumed by fans for another sport/team/party). 9. Provide a special ticket window for supporters section. 10. Provide a special gate where drums (etc.) can enter. 11. Black-out all supporters section seats from Ticketbastard!
3rd Degree, the Dallas fan site, has a summary of their recent town hall meeting here. I'd first like to point out the list of people in attendance: Lamar Hunt, Mayor of Frisco, Jordon Jago, some big wigs from Classic League, and big wigs from NTSAA. The owner of the team is interested enough to show at this. That sets a certain tone. Follow the link and read what they learn at their town hall meetings. I want this Charlie.
What makes you think Charlie does know what he is doing?? He has never played a day in his life and if counce goes who do you thin the GM is going to be???
Balboa. Someone who has actually played in this league. Charlie has attained a high position in a smart sports entertainment company. I trust him more than a GM installed by a company that owned 5 MLS teams and needed a guy after the other markets had better guys. In addition CW is actually an owner of an indoor soccer team himself.
Just because Balboa played in the league doesn't mean he knows a thing about being a GM....Rumor has it that most (not all) but most players do not favor Balboa. As for CW...he probably obtained his HIGH Postion (as you call it) by knowing someone..hmmm perhaps Stan?????
I can't say how the players feel about Balboa as I don't know and haven't heard your rummors. You can check CW's resume and decide for yourself if he is qualified to run a business. He may not be the best for player decisions, but that is why Counce still has a job. Counce has proven he's not the best for player decisions as well. So that is why I call for a new GM.
Just because Wright has Business sense does not mean he knows soccer...Stan Bought the team and knows NOTHING about soccer so just because Wright is part owner of an INDOOR team does not mean he knows sports!
Once again I will ask for a little more information on this. I'm not asking to name names, but you've always had a very negative opinion of Balboa's involvement and when you throw out statements like this, some amount of qualification is necessary for credibility. From what I and many other fans and media members have heard when speaking directly to players, there has been much greater frustration with Hankinson and Counce. Only once in the past 2 years did I hear from a player that they did not like Balboa, and they are since long gone. If that's a result of the players not feeling comfortable saying something negative about Balboa, even in private conversations, then fine. But how about adding something a little more to the mix, something that would help qualify your statement? But let's be honest here: I could just as easily throw out a rumor that most (not all) players do not favor playing in Colorado.
There is also no guarantee that someone who knows sports or soccer is any good at business. My impression is that a lot of people involved in soccer and sports in this country have strong opinions that they won't give on. Being able to listen and handle a dialogue is what sets Wilt and Paine apart.