I love a well executed offside trap.....when all 4 defenders step in unison, exposing the opposing striker for the cheater he is.
De Rosario is a baller. He is the type of guy you hate to have getting the ball on the wing and come at you one on one.
A well struck shot bulging the back of the net...the crisp explosive roar of the crowd...a shower of confetti...
I went with the tic tac toe with a finish by Moreno, It's all about the pass--the beauty and vision of the great pass whether it was launched from the flank by a hard charging winger or it was a lovely outside of the foot touch to an attcking mid inside the box. The beauty of the sport grows from the pass.
Having given DeRo the love he deserves, I'm an advocate of multiple pass possesion in the midfiled/connecting with a tic tac toe finish by Moreno. When that happens the forward will turn back and start pointing to multiple teammates and everybody celebrates. Damn it...I have to wait until the 23rd. Go Quakes!!!
It's all the above. Soccer, when it is done right, just has a beautiful flow to it. It's like a ballet, but all improvised on the spot. And the 2005 Quakes are doing it better than any other MLS team I have ever seen.
Oh crap, I agree with Spejic Seriously, it is all of the above. If my team plays attractive soccer It doesn't hurt so bad if we get the loss, if the butcher it up on the pitch it's a damn long drive home.
Don't need one every game because my heart couldn't take it, but what I like most about the beautiful game is a 5 goal comeback in 60 some-odd minutes.
Most beautiful... It's that moment between the time I can see a goal being scored and the reaction time it takes to exult with 15,000 of my best friends. You know what I'm talking about, it's that 1/4-second where it seems like everyone goes silent and motionless. Then that triumphant expression of joy. YYYYYYEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! And if Brian Ching stands in front of the Galaxy away support section with both hands cupped behind his ears mocking their silence it's: DOUBLE YEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Damn I love our team.
For me, it comes down to not a play on the pitch, but that minute or so after the goal, where you find yourself hugging/high fiving/spilling things on everyone around you, whether or not you have ever spoken a word to them. That is what the game is all about.