Bleacher report states that Falcao is obviously a candidate for the golden boot.
My personal expectations for Colombia...if everyone is in form and there are not injuries I expect us to win it all. We've faced Brasil, Argentina, Nederlands, teams and we've done pretty well. With Falcao up front there is no reason we don't have more than a chance to take it all...And don't forget Falcao is a BEAST in cup finals
Top 4 would be my goal. Even if it was just fourth place, that would make me smile proudly. Speaking of which, James is expected to carry the team.
yo estoy mamao de ver llegar a diferentes selecciones colombia a semifinales y perder el pase a la final... hablo incluso hasta de FIFA Futsal
Well I guess I understand what you are saying but I know we have the capacity for more. I don't want to be the Uruguay V.2...Our team, and country for that matter has been through so fing much. We have suffered, still suffering to some extent. This is coming from someone who was raised in the U.S. Colombia will win the World Cup because pure is our time all the stars are aligned to make a huge impact on the world. FalCAo Best number 9 in the World(Cup finals animal) IMO James is ready to show he is Falcao's level but playmaker style. Juan Cuadrado. Absolute explosive player rips peoples legs to pieces. Juan Fernando Quintero love watching him play for club and country. He was born to shine at the biggest stage. You may argue why isn't he playing at the biggest clubs in the world by now. Because he is from Colombia...Not Argentina...Not Brasil. Years past we never had the exposure that these "powerhouse" nations had. I guarantee one thing my friend that will all change by Sunday, July 13th!
I don't know what to expect from the team.... I dont want to put our expectations so high because I totally can picture them crashing at group stages... (I seen soo many great teams crash at group stages) especially due to our lack of experience At the same time under the right sircumstances I can picture them reaching the final. So I'm just not going to predict anything
Exactly. We are a top seed playing close to home. We need to get to the knock out round and see what happens. Rather stay away from Germany, Italy, Brazil, Chile and Argentina until the final
Hombre, si no se va a buscar el titulo para que?^^ Despues del primero, todos son ultimos. Igual hay que ir partido a partido. Como decia un filosofo colombiano muy querido por nosotros: '' No somos mas que nadie y no somos menos que nadie. ''
The ********- We're not in this??!
desde que esa confianza por si mismos no se traduzca en amenazas de alineacion de un jugador o asesinato de un central en caso de eliminacion esta bien........a mi me parece que una seleccion que se dio cuenta lo dificil que es llegar al mundial, es un poco iluso pensar en ganar el titulo y toca ser proporcional con las expectativas y con las reacciones posteriores..... yo me voy feliz con una eliminacion en cuartos.....obivamente sueño con titulo.....pero eso no es de desearlo y ya
Concuerdo con pepino (pasa demasiado ultimamente). Pasar la fase de grupos es un deber y como cabeza de serie, deberiamos esperar un rival accesible en octavos. De ahi en adelante, cualquier cosa puede pasar y ya los enfrentamientos,seran con los candidatos. Claro, de pronto nos tocan en linea Belgica, Holanda y España y llegamos a la final contra Brasil.
Buenisima entrevista a Bermudez y Quike Wolf me quedo con estas quotes: Es osado, muy osado, porque aunque salieron bien las cosas en el primer partido, uno no sabe lo que pueda pasar. La gente en Colombia es muy dura. Se suben en el triunfo, pero dan palo en la derrotas. J.B.: Esa palabra favoritismo la escuché en el 94 y mira cómo nos fue. Dejó un hombre muerto y a un país destrozado. Yo no quiero que empecemos a hablar en Colombia de que somos favoritos, pero hay que esperar cómo llegan todos. Hay que acordarnos de que se juega en Suramérica, las distancias, los climas, etc. Estoy seguro de que va a ser un lindo Mundial y que va a haber sorpresas. J.B.: Hace 16 años clasificamos a un Mundial, y a las dos semanas no servía ninguno. Y nos demoramos 16 para volver. Nosotros los colombianos tenemos ese sentimiento, de empezar a buscarles problemas a las situaciones. Lo que tenemos que hacer es dejarle al técnico que tome sus decisiones tranquilo, él tiene la suficiente inteligencia para decidir. Realmente él entiende y conoce a sus jugadores, pero no empecemos a buscar problemas donde no los hay. Los futbolistas tienen momentos.
Guys, it's a miracle; a non-colombian on bleacher report FINALLY does his/her research properly on Colombia
is funny, not in the case of colombia that james can be for a lot of people the key player......the article is a little hipster tryng to avoid the maisntream players as key players..... .no vidal or alexis in chile, but medel, asamoah over boateng in ghana, oribe peralta over chicharito in mexico, montero over valencia or caicedo in ecuador, fabregas in spain, when i think that he is not a strater yet...
I personally feel that James is always somehow involved in every goal that we get. He's reached the importance of Valderrama's influence although he's still a long way away from being as consistent.
It would be so fantastic if we could get over the hump like Spain did and shake off that label of being underachievers who choke in big tournaments. I can envision this team making it to the Semis but There's just so many BS things that could happen out of our control (Group draw, bad officiating, injuries, unlucky bounces). So i am trying to keep my high expectations in check a bit. But I do trust in Pekerman and that makes me feel confident in this team.
Until I see the draw I won't be as confident. We can possibly get France and another big team like Italy or Holland in our Group. Not saying we can't beat those teams but it does make things a bit more complicated.
We're still to be within the top 2 to make it out of the group. The chances for us to get a tough team is possible, but more than 1 is impossible. That being said, we would have more of an advantage playing in hot Brazil within south america vs France and Netherlands if we do get them.
More than one difficult team is not impossible if France is in the African pot. That means we can draw Holland/Italy/England in the Euro Pot and ALSO draw France in the African Pot. Let me be be clear that I think we can win against any of those teams... ... and playing in South America can help us, but I just wont be as confident.
That's just it really; Italy conceals TOO MANY goals and are the opposite of defensive discipline like us. So I doubt that we would result in anything less of a draw result. England is ********ing overrated. And the Dutch are the only team out of those 3 that can actually be a threat, but we can hold our own. The African teams can play well in the weather but we're too superior in players and in our team system with a coach like Pekerman. Very unlikely for us to get anything less of a top 2 result.
Until we actually go out there and play/win I have to reserve my judgement. I hope the draw is in our favor. Would help calm my nerves.
My nerves are calm after what we did against Belgium and the Netherlands when you consider the disadvantages we had such as their home advantage, weather advantage, and how we did with the players that were available to us. We're on the right path and we need to continue to stay optimistic.