Mad props to Dave and Vicky for dragging the turkey frier to the tailgate. Those two birds were delicious! And the rest of the Barra cooks were up to their usual shenanigans. Scruggsie was missed. GM
Hay man, I'm just glad to give back a little to my MANY brothers and sisters that have given myself and Vicky so very much over the years. Thanks to all of you!! Glad you enjoyed it!!
Thanks Dave and Vickie, that was the b-e-s-t turkey I've ever tasted. And Grillmaster was the master carver, dexterous enough to carve up the meat while avoiding all the hands grabbing at the carcas. Let's put a DMZ around him so he can do his thing and not have to worry about serving sliced Barra.
Straight up, thanks Dave & Vicky and everybody that's contributed this year. I think it's safe to say that we raised our tailgates to a whole new level this year. Great food, good booze,contests, pyro, etc.... But what really makes it special are the people. You guys rock........
Sounds like it was a great one! Damn I must start putting the dollars away to visit again sooner rather than later!!
The last go around when Dave and Vick brought the fried turkeys was awesome! I hope we'll have a couple of more birds show up for this saturdays game. Should be a incredible tailgate. I can't wait!!!! Los
Oscar and I are looking into bringing a large grill along with extra meat for Saturday's NE game. More details as they come stay tuned.
Deep frying a bird ain't cheep. If we have some contributers, I can guarantee a couple deep fried birds!!! Sorry, besides tickets, I'm gonna be hurtin on beer money. Oh, and F U Pennsylvania!!!! Sorry had to get that in.
Best of luck to your canidate Mike. BTW.......I was BORN in Broward County. Just wish I could vote there.
This is great news Dave, LMK if you need me to bring anything else to contibute. I will never eat turkey any other way again. Los
I am a fried Turkey virgin...this is gonna be an awesome tailgate! Vamos La Barra Brava Vamos United Muerte O Gloria
If there's a benevolent God in this universe, he/she/it will make you pay for putting that visual in my head.
Finally home from work and the grocery store. Traffic out of DC sucks!! Only took us an hour and twenty minutes to drive 8 miles... Anyway, we have two turkeys, 5 gallons of oil, 10 lbs of fries and a couple of small jars of Jalapeno's...(Shoppers didn't have any fresh ones.