Wembley final

Discussion in 'West Ham United' started by Lasse, May 15, 2012.

  1. Lasse

    Lasse Member

    Oct 27, 2004
    Guess I have to be the one to begin this having managed to buy the ticket and making it from here - Finland that is. Sector 544, row 11 - quite far from the ground but what do I care, I´m there!

    Would be about time to win now - last final I attended was 8 years ago at Millennium against Palace with my wife and son. It surely was a long journey back home then...

    Green Man , anyone?
  2. norwaytips

    norwaytips Member

    Oct 4, 2004
    Oslo, Norway
    West Ham United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Got a ticket when I was over for the semi final game. Sharing a box with my brothers and Chris Akabusi. Can't wait. Enjoy the game Lasse. IRONSSSSSSSSS :)
  3. Lasse

    Lasse Member

    Oct 27, 2004
    Great match, great atmosphere! 40 mins after match the Hammers half just sang and celebrated with the team of which Noble, Tonks and Cole were the last ones there after all others had gone - thumbs up.

    Few pints at Green Man up the hill both before and after with peers was just what doctor ordered, perfect! Odd but the first time in the season I was more relaxed and confident more the game continued although at the time Vaz Te scored I had shouted him to be substituted for at least 15 mins, that much I did know...

    Best one from the terraces: during the half time there was a beautiful woman with a man few rows below me and this woman started to text with her phone. The crowd behind her chanted "He don´t know what´s going on, he don´t know what´s going on". The man was slightly annoyed but the lady just turned around and laughed. The crowd: "He´s not gonna getting sex, he´s not gonna getting sex". Fun.
  4. NC Soccer United

    NC Soccer United BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Jan 25, 2011
    Flamengo Rio Janeiro

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