Every thing seem to be line up...We need to dig hard to find a reliable piece for our right side and Sal seems to fit the bill, beside he did a hell of a job with our U 18. The boy have earn his chance fair and square....
Against Brazil (u 18) he was really the spark plug of the team he seem to have the grit and the hustle that is require to be on the National team....
Everyone, it was U-20's but I agree he is a solid prospect, I haven't heard anything of it, but would love to see him in Olympic Qualifiers next month.
From first hand accounts in Germany he couldn't even stand out on H96's 4th division side before he was injured. His touch isn't that great. Robbie Rogers is the guy you should place your hopes on. A lot more skill and vision than Zizzo, and he is also very fast. Stuart Holden, while not a burner also is composed, very savy, has good ball skills an d can cross and strike from distance. More advanced than Zizzo at this point.
I agree with this Rogers really excites me, I do think Zizzo has some potential but I agree Rogers is a better player as is probably Holden and maybe even Gaven and Alvarez.
Like somebody just said....U20 World cup he receive many compliment from the specialized world soccer press on the game against Brazil so every thing else seems to be assumptions for that position...He already prove himself against a formidable adversaries not on paper or brochure ...
ive said this 100 times... and I will say it until Im blue in the face... people go crazy over Freddy and Jozy and Lil Bradley... deservedly so... but Robbie Rogers is on that level... he came back from Heerenveen, but dont expect him to be back in MLS in 2009... Salvadore Zizzo... not so much
Sal got a lot of press for a goood 45 minutes in U-20 World Cup but has done nothing since. However, he has talent and should develop in the right situation.
If Quavas Kirk had not been injured for U20 WC would we even consider Sal Zizzo for a spot. Anyways I would agree that we do need a good RM, and Kirk, Zizzo, Rogers, Holden, Gaven, and Alvarez should all be given a shot sometime down the road. I also think that we need Justin Mapp to start playing at a higher level, and he can become very good player for the Nats. Let's relax, and also see what these draftees of 08 may turn to become.
It have been a long, long time since we have somebody on the right side with the quality that Beasley put on the left side and according to the world soccer press Sal Zizzo could be our man.... Let me explain myself...When I talk about experiments I talk about Beasley on the right, Donovan on the right, Donovan as a forward... those are experiment because the coach is using a player out of it natural position
Our national team need somebody on the right side really bad...So, who is able to fit that position ...I know for a fact that Gaven have been use on the left....
UNPROVEN..???? What do you call u20 world cup against the mighty Brazil....? A walk on the park.....?
No Kirk plays at RM, and Smith is a Striker. And I'm not dissing Zizzo he took the oppurtunity to show his worth. He may not of had it if it were not to injuries to certain players ahead of him.
maybe this is a crazy idea, but I think our senior national team members should be picked on the basis of their performances as professional soccer players.
Ill concede that he is the most exciting prospect and the one with the most upside, but right now Holden and Rogers are ahead of him in the "prospect" standings at right midfield. He has the capacity to be better than both of them. its just a question of if he is closer to a Landon Donovan or a Dave Arvizu. I like the kid i think he'll turn good.....just in time for 2010 though, that 09-10 season is where we learn alot.
Yes, 45 minutes and the world soccer press against teenagers on one of the poorest Brazil teams anyone has seen in memory. One win - 3 loses. Yes, that makes him next in line. Why listen to the people who actually have watched him week in and out in Germany. I guess they didn't get the memo that said some good youth tourney action guarnatees you first team action in the B'liga, or even good reviews in the 4th division. Yeah, proven. He is a prospect and most don't make it. A guy with speed and limited touch usually has to catch on pretty quick, or they never do. Someone needs to "whip" some sense into you. That's for certain. RR's should be on the Nats soon. Holden was in this camp for a look. He will get his shot also. Let's hope Sal can get healthy and show that he shines in D4 in Germany, otherwise he is in trouble. Hasn't done it yet.
Check your facts (USSOCCER.COM) Tie with Korea....WHOOP POLAND....WHOOP BRASIL....Last game fought with another crooked FIFA referee..... There is a uncanny tendency to assume things on this web side My appreciation are not base on assumptions...I saw the boy play on world cup against a NATIONAL TEAMS, he have earn his chance be sure I am not implying that the position belong to him. That could be another assumption from my part and I try to stay away from that kind of statements... About the sense thing get help and come here I been waiting for a long time to weigh my statements against the "loop" perhaps you are right ...Perhaps I am.....
no... Smith was the right sided forward (in the 4-3-3) before he got injured... he was going to start over Zizzo...
I disagree with this completely... Robbie Rogers was much more influential at that u20 tournament than Zizzo was... Im not going to hate on the kid, but he only played great 1 half against Poland... the rest of the time, not so much... he wasnt awful, but he never jumped out as that "Bigger upside than all" player some folks on here are hyping him up to be... Robbie Rogers has as much upside as anyone on that u20 team... and yes, I said as anyone...