And here come Beasley on for Vogel at 21' in 2nd half. Free kick is cleared. Henry on the run. Shoots. and Gomes juuussst gets it. corner.
Nothing on the corner. back to midfield. Now announcer complains that Arsenal have dominated the half. Here comes van Persie for Arsenal (don't know when/whom he replaced). He takes an ambitious shot, which the announcer applauds as confident. Hoyte on for Arsenal.
this is where foquita and beas need to take advantage of now...their speed on that weak gunner backline
PSV really should go for this, and put Beas in. Their final game is not going to be easy (even to tie), and it may easy (hard to believe I'm saying, but) to take 2 more pts. off of Arsenal here (then tie last game)...and Beas can get by a guy, and looks good on contact (going down)...if not a dangerous shot, then PK possibilities with the Beas.....
With bease on the left, Farfan is into the middle. And the Announcer agrees with me on that! The other game has been tied then Panaithadsfjasj has regained the lead, apparently.
Actually, I believe that Bease was coming before Lauren's stupid challenge. Not sure, though. There's a steal by bease near the PSV box.